On April 25th Pastors Joel & Victoria Osteen
conducted a
"Historic Night of Hope" in New York City at The
New Yankee Stadium …the very first non-baseball
event at this, legendary ballpark.
The evening began with Angelic singing and music
followed by Joel's blessing of the Stadium, the
people in the audience, those around the world
watching the live coverage of the event and
a prayer for the Yankees.
It was not only a historic night , it was a
magical night as well. Joel's message was
simple and from the heart "Every day is a
blessing. No matter what is happening in
your life, no matter what difficulties you may
be experiencing, one thing is for certain, this
to shall pass". He stressed how important
it is to maintain an
'attitude of gratitude'. "Be thankful every day.
Always look for the good that is occurring in
your life and more good will manifest. Be
the change that you would like to see happen in
your life. If you would like to
experience love, be loving if you would like to
have an increase in your finances be more giving
to others, if you are seeking peace of mind and
compassion be more compassionate and
understanding of others... Don't wait to
be blessed, be a blessing . Have faith and
know that there is no such thing as an ordinary
human being. Each and every person is a
"Fully loaded, high powered, custom made
original, with a specific purpose in life".
Joel ended the evening with a prayer
and some humor,
"Our prayer for you is that
we see God do amazing things in your life."
Adding "We love you all, and
would love to invite each and every one of you
out to dinner now, although that would probably
leave us bankrupt!"...
"We do hope that if you visit the Houston
area you stop by and see us, we promise that we
will make you feel right at home".
The Osteens are the founders of Houston’s famed
Lakewood Church, the largest in America. The
Church is celebrated for its global humanitarian
The Osteen’s ministries, in cooperation with
Feed The Children, deliver food, clothing and
medical supplies to local families in need.
For more information please visit: