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International Day Of Education

H.E. Mrs. Geraldine Byrne Hason, Permanent Representative of Ireland to
the United Nations
H. E. Prof. Tijjani
Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the
United Nations
"Education: A Key Driver for Inclusion and Empowerment"
Nations Headquarters, New York |
Photos & Article: Black Tie Magazine
Rose Billings,
Caoimhe Mc Keon, Thomas Nelson, Errol Rapaport, Ophelie,
Denise Williams
Click here to view the Conference on UN TV |
Success, to be measured through the adoption of global
education policy standard, budget allocation towards
implementation, Globally, and the removal of
inaccessibility to the fundamentals of education
construct, no matter the distance. Believe it or not, there
are still parts of the world where there is no
access to education.
2030 observance of Jan 24th will be used to measure
how close we are to reaching
SDG development goals
for education. See resolution:
The inaugural celebration and adoption of the global
international day of education
Jan 24th, 2019 during the World Economic Summit;
Jan 24th, 2019 also commemorate the 1st
resolution introduced by The Permanent Mission of
receiving the motion to adopt the A/RES/73/26 resolution
with no objections from any other countries
during the General Assembly on 3rd of December, 2018
at the United Nations.
To Launch the 'International Day of Education',
the hosting Committee: the United Nations, The
Permanent Mission of Nigeria, UNESCO, Collegiate
Congress, and SV-NED Inc. ask the world to use the
hashtag created by
to create a movement behind a silent revolutionary
shift towards
progress in education standards for All.
Funds raised to support this event will support a
committee to set best practice standards
bridges of access to education for everyone.
The leadership committee will adopt the United
Nations budgetary management doctrines
to invest and
develop in infrastructure
to access training and education services globally.
H.E. Mrs. Geraldine Byrne Nason, Permanent Representative of Ireland to
the United Nations |
H.E. Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and current
Chair of Elders Forum
Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO |
Jens Frolich Holte, Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway
H.E. Prof. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to
the United Nations
H.E. Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of
Qatar to the United Nations
Ms. Jophie Tang, Deputy Permanent Representative of Singapore to the
United Nations
H.E. Archbishop Bernadito C. Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to
the United Nations
Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for
Education, UNESCO
Mr. Omar Abdi, Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF |
“Unpacking the potential of education to advance the
achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
in promotion of inclusivity and human empowerment”
Panel 1: The Academic Sector
Professor Fernando M. Reimers, Director, Global Education
and the International Education Policy Program, Harvard University
Professor Dilson Rassier, Dean of the Faculty of Education, McGill
University, Canada
Ms. Yasmine Sherif, Director, Education Cannot Wait
Ms. Evelyn DeJesus, Vice President, American Federation of Teachers
Dr. Allan E. Goodman, President, Institute of International Education
Mr. Brandon P. Fleming, Executive Director, Harvard Diversity Project |
Ms. Alice Albright, CEO, Global Partnership for Education
Ms. Kadiatou, Youth activist for the rights of the young girl |
Panel 2: Government, Corporate Organizations and Civil
Society Organizations
Ms. Jamie Williams, Assembly Member, New York State Assembly
Ms. Pamela Haas, Corporate Citizenship Manager, IBM
Mr. Alex Palacios, Chief of Staff, Global Partnership for Education
Ms. Kate Lapham, Deputy Director, Education Support Program, Open Society
Mr. Christo Thomas, Founder and Chairman, Collegiate Congress
Ms. Denise Williams, President/Co-Founder, Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic
Development Inc |
Jamie Gilroy
Mr. Jordan Naidoo, Director for Education 2030 Support and
Coordination, UNESCO |
High Level Opening
Mr. Omar Abdl, Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF
H.E. Alaroud Al-Temin, Permanent Mission of Qatar to the
United Nations
Ms. Jophie Tang, Deputy Permanent Representative of
Singapore to the United Nations
H.E. Jens Frolich Holte, Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway
H.E. Mrs. Geraldine Byrne Hason, Permanent Representative of Ireland to
the United Nations
H. E. Prof. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative
of Nigeria to the United Nations
H.E. Archbishop Barnadito C. Auza, Permanent Observer of the
Holy See to the United Nations
Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director - General for
Education, UNESCO
H.E. Mrs. Geraldine Byrne Hason, Permanent Representative of Ireland to
the United Nations |
H. E. Prof. Tijjani
Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the
United Nations |
Mr. Christo Thomas, Founder and Chairman, Collegiate Congress
Ms. Kate Lapham, Deputy Director, Education Support Program, Open Society
Ms. Pamela Haas, Corporate Citizenship Manager, IBM
Mr. Alex Palacios, Chief of Staff, Global Partnership for Education |
Moderator: Brian Flynn,
Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations |
Ms. Denise Williams,
President/Co-founder, Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic
Development, inc |
Mr. Brandon P. Fleming, Executive Director, Harvard
Diversity Project |
Brian Flynn,
Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations
Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director - General for
Education, UNESCO |
H.E. Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of
Qatar to the United Nations
Dr Judy Kuriansky, of the
International Association of Applied Psychology
and the World
Council for Psychotherapy |
Charles M. Scholl, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Patrol
Borough Brooklyn South
H.E. Archbishop Bernadito C. Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to
the United Nations
H.E. Jens Frolich Holte, Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway |
Mr. Omar Abdi, Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF |
Dr Judy Kuriansky, of the
International Association of Applied Psychology
and the World
Council for Psychotherapy
Ms. Jophie Tang, Deputy Permanent Representative of Singapore to the
United Nations
H.E. Mrs. Geraldine Byrne Hason, Permanent Representative of Ireland to
the United Nations
Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director - General for
Education, UNESCO
Chief Temitope Ajayi, FIIM SV-Ned Inc Chairman/CEO
Gerard Mc Keon,
Publisher, Black Tie International Magazine.
Thomas Nelson, Caoimhe Mc Keon,
Adjasse, President/CEO, Allied African Nations
Chamber of Commerce |
Ms. Denise Williams,
President/Co-founder, Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic
Development, inc
H.E. Jens Frolich Holte, Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway |
Chief Temitope Ajayi, FIIM SV-Ned Inc Chairman/CEO
H. E. Mari Skåre, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Norway to
the United Nations
Ms. Denise Williams,
President/Co-founder, Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic
Development, inc
Errol Rapaport, West
Coast Editor, Black Tie International Magazine |
Janice Fang, Fashion
Gerard Mc
Keon, Publisher, Black Tie International Magazine
Carina Jiang, Model, USA Miss Asia First Runner up, Judge |
Chanqqing Wu, Mark
J. Johnson |
Rain Flynn,
Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations
Donghong Yang, VP of GCTV |
John Peters, Batoto
Larry Matthews, Art
Director, New York State Society of CPA's, |
Dr. Queen Blessing Itua, Executive President, Global
Empowerment Movement
Goodman: President and CEO of Institute of International
Onicha, chairman of Mastermind international
Ophelie, Black Tie China,
Akianremi Bolaji, Minister Plenipotentiary, Mission's
Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations
Heading to his New Post in Singapore, We wish him the best
of Luck.
Gerard Mc
Keon, Publisher, Black Tie International Magazine |
Ms. Denise Williams,
President/Co-founder, Silicon Valley Nigeria Economic
Development, inc
H. E. Prof. Tijjani
Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the
United Nations
Alejandra Ruiz-Dana,
Black Tie, South America, Ophelie, Black Tie China
Ms. Denise Williams, President/Co-founder, Silicon Valley
Nigeria Economic Development, inc |
Excellent Conference, Looking forward to Next Year!
H. E. Prof. Tijjani
Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the
United Nations
Gerard Mc Keon, Publisher, Black Tie International
Magazine |
Please Support International
Education Day:
#EducationDay |
2018 Adoption of the Resolution |
The Permanent
Mission of Nigeria leads the adoption of January 24 as
the International Day of Education
at the United Nations, NYC |
International day of education
Explored how to improve access to Educaction,
Success, to be measured through the adoption of global
education policy standard, budget allocation towards
implementation, Globally, and the removal of
inaccessibility to the fundamentals of education
construct, no matter the distance. Believe it or not, there
are still parts of the world where there is no
access to education.
2030 observance of Jan 24th will be used to measure
how close we are to reaching
SDG development goals
for education. See resolution:
The inaugural celebration and adoption of the global
international day of education
Jan 24th, 2019 during the World Economic Summit;
Jan 24th, 2019 will also commemorate the 1st
resolution introduced by The Permanent Mission of
Nigeria receiving the motion to adopt the A/RES/73/26 resolution
with no objections from any other countries
during the General Assembly on 3rd of December, 2018
at the United Nations.
To Launch the 'International Day of Education',
the hosting Committee: the United Nations, The
Permanent Mission of Nigeria, UNESCO, Collegiate
Congress, and SV-NED Inc. ask the world to use the
hashtag created by
to create a movement behind a silent revolutionary
shift towards
progress in education standards for All.
Funds raised to support this event will support a
committee to set best practice standards building
bridges of access to education for everyone.
The leadership committee will adopt the United
Nations budgetary management doctrines to invest and
develop in infrastructure
to access training and education services globally.
United Nations A/RES/73/25
General Assembly Distr.: General
6 December 2018
Seventy-third session
Agenda item 14
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 3 December 2018
[without reference to a Main
Committee (A/73/L.39 and A/73/L.39/Add.1)]
73/25. International
Day of Education
General Assembly,
Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015,
entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted
a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of
universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals
and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the
full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition
that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions,
including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge
and an indispensable requirement for sustainable
development, its commitment to achieving sustainable
development in its three dimensions – economic, social and
environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner, and to
building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development
Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
Acknowledging the importance of education for achieving
sustainable development, including in the context of the
achievements of the Millennium
Development Goals, Agenda 21,(1) , the Plan of
Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable
Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation) (2), the
Education for All goals, the Global Action Programme on
Education for Sustainable Development, (3) and the Incheon
Declaration and Framework for Action for the implementation
of Sustainable Development Goal 4,
Recalling its resolution 72/222 of 20 December 2017 on
education for sustainable development in the framework of
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, as well as its resolution 70/209 of 22 December
2015 and other previous resolutions on the United Nations
Decade of Education for Sustainable Development,
Reaffirming its resolutions 53/199 of 15 December 1998
and 61/185 of 20 December 2006 on the proclamation of
international years and Economic and Social Council
resolution 1980/67 of 25 July 1980 on international years
and anniversaries, particularly paragraphs 1 to 10 of the
annex thereto on the agreed criteria for the proclamation of
international years, as well as paragraphs 13 and 14, in
which it is stated that an international year should not be
proclaimed before the basic arrangements for its
organization and financing have been made,
Recognizing that education plays a key role in building
sustainable and resilient societies and contributes to the
achievement of all of the other Sustainable Development
Goals; it increases the productivity of individuals and
strengthens the potential for economic growth, develops the
skills needed for decent work, develops the professional
skills needed for sustainable development, including in the
fields of water and sanitation, green energy and the
conservation of natural resources, helps to eradicate
poverty and hunger, contributes to improved health, promotes
gender equality and can reduce inequality, and promotes
peace, the rule of law and respect for human rights,
Acknowledging the importance of working to ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education at all levels –
early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary and distance
education, including technical and vocational training – so
that all people may have access to lifelong learning
opportunities that help them to acquire the knowledge and
skills needed to access opportunities to participate fully
in society and contribute to sustainable development,
1. Decides to
proclaim 24 January the International Day of Education;
2. Invites all
Member States, organizations of the United Nations
system, other international and regional organizations and
civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations,
faith-based organizations, academic institutions,
the private sector, individuals and other relevant
stakeholders to observe the International Day of Education
in an appropriate manner and to continue to give
consideration to enhancing international cooperation in
support of the efforts of all Member States towards the
realization of Sustainable Development Goal 4;(4)
3. Invites the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization, as the specialized United Nations
agency for education, to facilitate the observance of 24
January of every year as the International Day of Education,
mindful of the provisions contained in the annex to Economic
and Social Council resolution 1980/67;
4. Stresses that
the cost of all activities that may arise from
the implementation of the present resolution should be met
from voluntary contributions;
5. Requests the
Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to
the attention of all Member States, the organizations of the
United Nations system and civil society organizations for
appropriate observance.
44th plenary meeting
3 December 2018
1 Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, Rio de Janeiro,
3-14 June 1992, vol. I, Resolutions Adopted by the
Conference (United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigendum), resolution 1, annex II.
2 Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development,
Johannesburg, South Africa,
26 August–4 September 2002 (United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.03.II.A.1 and |
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