The Norwegian Society's (Det Norske Selskab)
Memorial-Party (Frigjoringsdagen), 2007 in Oslo. From left:
Inge Steensland
(War Veteran), Ove Hoegh (Leif Hoegh's Stiftelse),
Abel Abrahamsen (War Veteran) and Gunnar Sondesby (Freedom
Fighter). Photo courtesy of Abel Abrahamsen |
Gunnar Sonsteby - Norway's most decorated civilian and
probably the one with the most aliases was in focus when a
statue in his honor was unveiled in Oslo, on Solli square by
King Harald V.
"Actually I should have come here today on my bicycle, but
unfortunately one of the tires was punctured," 89 year old
Gunnar humored guests and spectators, during his short speech
at the unveiling of Per Ung's characteristic statue of the
Norwegian war hero. The statue pictures a young Gunnar, cloth
cap on his head, one in his pocket and the other supporting
his trusty diamond bicycle. Bicycles were the most practical
form of transportation during the war times, the brave men
could easily toss the bikes and run away from the Germans.
Sonsteby is the only Norwegian awarded the war Cross with
Three Swords, the highest award given by Norway during the
war. Sonsteby was also awarded a number of medals by other
Allied nations. In 2001 he was also awarded the
American-Scandinavian Foundation' s prestigious culture award.
For more information about Gunnar Sonsteby please visit: |