Hearts and Hope, Inc. has
announced October 25, 2008 as
the date of the upcoming
Stars Shining for Hearts and
Hope Celebrity Art Show.
The “by invitation only”
event will be held at the
exclusive Bears Club development
in a custom built $15 million
home donated for the evening by
Onshore Construction.
Stars Shining art show
will include a cocktail party
and reception with all of the
artwork submitted by celebrity
“artists” displayed throughout
the house.
Celebrities from all fields of
entertainment, including music,
TV, film and sports have been
asked to submit a painting to be
auctioned the night of the
event. All of the proceeds from
the event will benefit
the mission of Hearts and Hope
in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Hearts and Hope, Inc. is a
not-for-profit organization
devoted to providing children,
ages three to seventeen, and
their families who have
experienced the death of a loved
one, a safe place in which to
share and experience loving
support while moving through the
grieving and healing process.
Founder and CEO of Hearts and
Hope Patrice Austin said, “We
are looking forward to a
spectacular event and raising
much-needed funds to help us
help the children and their
families with grieving hearts.
We are truly grateful to all of
the celebrities who have
submitted paintings and to
Onshore Construction for
allowing us to hold the event in
their fabulous luxury home.”
Reedy, president of Onshore
Construction who has donated the
home said “It is truly our honor
to be affiliated with and
support the work of Hearts and
Hope. It is hard to imagine a
child losing a parent or
sibling, yet it is heart-warming
to know there’s a place where
they can receive the guidance
and counseling needed to learn
to cope during this difficult
time in their lives.”
Stars Shining
is being produced for Hearts and
Hope, Inc. by Par Excellence, a
marketing, public relations and
special event management company
located in Palm Beach, Florida.
For more information please call
event director
Michelle Jaminet at 561 346 0444
or the Hearts and Hope office at
561 832 1913.