In recognition of its 10-year
anniversary, Volunteers for the
Homebound and Family Caregivers
(VHFC) will be holding a "Celebration
of a Decade" to honor
the men and women who have
contributed to the local
non-profit organization's
growth. The event will be held
at Carmen's Restaurant in the
Boca Raton Bridge Hotel,
Thursday, November 6, at 11:30
Among those being honored at the
“Celebration of a Decade”
luncheon, are Gary Siskowski,
Leslee Drogowitz and Bob
Drogowitz .
In addition to long-time
financial support to VHFC, Gary
provides constant encouragement
to his wife, VHFC Founder and
President, Dr. Connie Siskowski.
He is committed to the goals of
Boca Respite to help homebound
men, women and children and
their family caregivers, and
most especially to the
Caregiving Youth Project and the
further development of the
American Association of
Caregiving Youth.
Leslee & Bob Drogowitz have
generously donated their time
and talents to chair VHFC events
for succesive years. VHFC
uses the funds raised to further
a difference for people who are
homebound and family caregivers, and
for the Caregiving Youth Project
to extend its reach to
help student-caregivers who
assist ill or disabled parents,
grandparents and
siblings throughout Palm Beach
Tickets for the event are $40
($25 for VHFC volunteers and
clients who have directly
provided or received services
from the organization).
Reservations are required and
can be made by calling
Volunteers for the Homebound and
Family Caregivers at 561
Dr. Connie Siskowski, VHFC
561 391-7401