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Save the Date April 5, 2025
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Black Tie International Magazine:

American Foundation Of Savoy Order Notte di Savoia Los Angeles
American Foundation Of Savoy Order
American Foundation Of Savoy Order
Notte di Savoia Los Angeles
Benefiting Fire Victims and First Responders
Saturday April 5 2025
The Downtown Jonathan Club
Los Angeles, CA

Please direct questions regarding the event
 to the Notte di Savoia Event Chairman,

​Daniel J. McClory, Tel: +1 949-233-7869,


Event Chairmen Dame Grand Cross Florentina McClory and Knight Grand Cross Dr. Daniel J. McClory with H.R.H. Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy

Event Chairmen Dame Grand Cross Florentina McClory
and Knight Grand Cross Dr. Daniel J. McClory
with H.R.H. Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy


American Foundation Of Savoy Order


The Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Savoy.  

are among the oldest orders of Knighthood and Merit in the world. 
The Savoy Orders are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and have 36 Delegations worldwide that support the Orders’ ongoing charitable works. Their origins and their principles, traditions and humanitarian goals date back a thousand years. HRH Prince Emmanuele Filiberto di Savoia is Head of the House of Savoy and Grand Master of the Savoy Orders. He is the Duke of Savoy, Prince of Venice, and Prince of Piedmont. Among his hereditary titles is Crown Prince of Italy. 

In 1946, when the Kingdom of Italy came to an end, the House of Savoy was the Europe’s oldest reigning dynasty. The heads of the House of Savoy had ruled, first as counts, then as dukes and finally as kings, for almost a thousand years. Descended in the direct male line from a tenth-century vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor, the Savoys ruled the Alpine state of Aosta, as well as Savoy, where they established themselves at Chambery. Their dominion was eventually extended to include Piedmont and other territories in what are now Italy, France and Switzerland. By the eighteenth century, the Savoys were kings of Sicily and then Sardinia, and it was under their aegis that the Italian states were united by 1871.


The Royal Family’s heritage can be seen in castles and palaces, and in the beauty of the northwestern Italian city of Turin, the Savoys' magnificent capital in the heart of Piedmont in the 16th into the 19th centuries. The dynastic chivalric traditions of the House of Savoy continue. The Order of the Annunciation and the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, two of the world's oldest knightly institutions, are still alive today, epitomizing the dynasty's medieval spirit while supporting very modern charitable works in Italy, Switzerland, France, Japan, Canada, the United States and elsewhere. Chivalry lives. Today, the House of Savoy remains one of the oldest royal dynasties.



Headquartered in New York City, the American Delegation of Savoy Orders, which includes the United States of America, is among the 36 delegations of the Savoy Orders located throughout Europe, the Americas and Japan.


The American Foundation of Savoy Orders, Incorporated, a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, supports local, national, and international charities focusing on medical, educational, and humanitarian fields, including philanthropy for hospitals and relief agencies for children, the poor, sick and elderly. The Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization in Roster Consultative Statues with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


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