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Laurie Schaffran, Dr. Samuel Waxman, Marion Waxman, Marcia Lavipour

 Laurie Schaffran, Dr. Samuel Waxman, Marion Waxman, Marcia Lavipour
Photo by: Courtesy of Samuel Waxman Foundation






450 Supporters Attend Benefit for the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research
Foundation's "Institute Without Walls"

The Fifth Annual Hamptons Happening at the
home of Marcia and David Lavipour in East Hampton was a huge success on Saturday evening, July 19th raising a record amount of more than a quarter of a million dollars for cancer research.

Events co-chairs Laurie Schaffran and Marion Waxman and committee members Meg Axelrod; Vira Capeci; Dean and Kris Denninger; Helen Taylor Ginns; Robyn
and Kenneth Joseph; Marcia Lavipour; Gale Meisenberg; Thomas Mikolasko; Lora Reichman; David Rozenholc; Diane Spilker; Debra Tanger; Janet Tekworth and
Dena K. Weiner and junior chair Joanna Steinberg all helped make the evening
a huge success as well.

The gourmet tasting soiree, organized by event planner Harriette Rose Katz and her company Gourmet Advisory Services, featured restaurants from the
Hamptons and the city serving their signature dishes, ranging from sushi to BBQ, gazpacho to madeleines. Entertainment at the benefit included a live
auction and a casino with a Chinese raffle and more than 450 guests helped raise $275,000 for the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation.

The Foundation's Institute Without Walls approach unifies the most talented scientists from the finest medical centers in the world in a collaborative effort focused on developing new drugs based on their ever-increasing understanding of how cancer cells function at the molecular level. The Foundation has supported and trained more than 160 scientists by awarding over $70 million in strategically focused grants. 87% of every dollar donated goes directly to our outstanding researchers.

More than 50 generous individuals and companies donated items for the auction and raffle, including Bill Blass, Café Luxembourg, Celine, Gucci, Lusardi's, Paul Labrecque Salon, Sundance Channel, Vera Wang and Vincente
Wolf Associates.

The goal of SWCRF is to cure cancer or make it a manageable chronic disease
in which patients can carry on their regular lives. They are developing effective cancer treatments with minimal side effects on the patient.

The Foundation funds cutting-edge work in one of the most promising fields in cancer research ­ how genes determine the behavior of cancer cells. The
knowledge gained is used to develop precisely targeted drugs to reprogram chaotically growing cancer cells to make them function normally.

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