The COVID-19 Pandemic has not only shown a piercing light on
the inequities of today’s society but has caused the
inequalities of today to worsen exponentially, highlighting
the need for innovative and inclusive solutions to protect &
empower women and other disadvantaged populations to create
a more sustainable economy.
Wednesday, September 30,
a high-level virtual forum
Innovative Partnerships for Social Inclusion
(11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., EDT).
With the honorable UN President of ECOSOC,
His Excellency Ambassador Munir Akram, this forum
- supported by Walmart, Citi, Sia Partners, Viasat and 3M - will be
attended by business leaders, philanthropists, senior
and civil society.
In partnership with the
Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU ),
this virtual event represents UN Women for Peace’s
commitment to facilitating innovative partnerships on issues
related to women’s safety & empowerment and achievement of
UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
Please register here!