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Black Tie International:
JeanShafiroff / Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation


Sean Deneny, Jean Shafiroff, Clifton Knight, Beau Hulse, Martin Shafiroff, John Bradham ©Rob Rich/Society Allure


Philanthropist Jean Shafiroff

Hosted a Fundraiser for the

Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation


Philanthropist Jean Shafiroff hosted a special fundraiser for the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF) at NAIA Restaurant at the Capri Hotel in Southampton, NY. The intimate affair was held to celebrate the community’s animal shelter and all their hard work for homeless animals. The funds raised from the event along with SASF’s Match Your Gift program, was a much need boost for the foundation as their annual Unconditional Love Gala was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event raised $40,150 which will be matched by the shelter’s Match Your Gift program to total $80,300.


Notable attendees included: host Jean Shafiroff; Junior Chairs: Katie McEntee, and Nathania Nisonson; committee members Antonella Bertello, Kingsley Crawford, Missy Hargraves, and Randi Schatz,; board members Beau Hulse, Clifton and Raya Knight, Martin Shafiroff, John Bradham, and Sean Deneny; guests Ingrid Arneberg, Pamela Dove, Jesse Smith, Mar and William Morosse, Adela Nino, Lieba Nesis, Nicole Salami, Cheri Kaufman, Chris Arlotta, Deanna Pasarelli, Ruth Miller, Maria Fishel, Greg D'Elia; and NYS Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright and her husband Jay Hershenson.


The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation would like to thank Jean Shafiroff for underwriting the event; Micheal Pitsinos owner of NAIA restaurant, the Capri Hotel, and auctioneer Bill McCuddy who donated his services to be auctioneer to raise funds.


Despite the cancellation of the 11th Annual Unconditional Love Gala due the COVID-19 pandemic, the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF) is still raising funds and awareness for homeless animals. The SASF relies heavily on the funds generated by the Gala to care for their shelter animals. While they remain committed to saving the lives of pets in need, this reduction in funding will impact the scope of the SASF mission. They not only take in community pets but also partner with other rescues, located on Long Island and areas in the South including Puerto Rico, to save animals that are in dire situations. Oftentimes, the SASF shelter is their last resort.


This past year, the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation found homes for over 800 animals and provided the community with necessary resources like their Wellness Clinic, Advo-Cats Program, low-cost spay/neuter mobile clinic, as well as other community outreach programs. These services help pet owners who fall on hard times keep their animals with them and out of the shelters.


During these times of great uncertainty, they will keep providing the community with these vital resources to ensure the health and safety of animals in our township and beyond; and continue their mission to provide care for every animal.


With SASF’s Introducing Match Your Gift program, all donations up to $150,000 will be matched! The SASF is asking their friends and family to give what you can to help us help them. This season, SASF is excited to announce that a few generous donors have graciously offered to match donations up to $150,000. If you give $500, their shelter pets get $1000. This will accelerate their goal to reach $500,000. While this goal is ambitious, SASF knows that they can continue to count on the community as they always have. Together they can make a difference and save the lives of animals that rely on us each and every day.


About SASF:

The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of their donors and volunteers to care to for the homeless animals in its community, and to place them in loving “forever homes.” The number of animals in need of help is growing every day. The overpopulation of pets on Long Island is a major issue. Whether caring for strays found wandering the streets, rescuing neglected and abandoned animals, or saving dogs from the horrors of the puppy mill industry, the shelter is a safe haven for all animals and for some, a last resort. Without SASF, these animals would not be able to survive. The shelter provides a stepping stone for animals to find a loving home. It offers them housing, food, medical treatment, training, and rehabilitation when necessary.


For more information, please visit

Facebook: southamptonanimalshelter | Twitter: shelterhampton | Instagram: southamptonanimalshelteradopt


Southampton Animal Shelter

102 Old Riverhead Rd West,

Hampton Bays, NY 11946



Joyce Brooks and Gerard Mc Keon.  Photo by:  Rose Billings /

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