On Broadway,
Relatively Speaking are three one act
plays by Ethan Coen, Elaine May and
Woody Allen. They are relatively
minor efforts by three talented playwrights.
The opening night party was held at Bryant
Park Grill with guests like Angela
Lansbury. Griffin Dunne, Gina Gershon
and Arianna Huffington among others.
Off Broadway,
We Live Here, by Zoe Kazan,
is another family drama about parents
who do not relate to or understand their
children. They reunite for the wedding
of the older sister. The six member cast
is fine, but the play meanders. Sons
of the Prophet, by Stephen Karam,
is about a young man of Lebanese descent
living with chronic pain in
Pennsylvania. He has a brother and an
uncle, who are both irritating
characters. The play does not reflect
well on small town life. The Agony
and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs,
created and performed by Mike Daisey,
is an intelligent and perceptive one man
show about the influence of Steve Jobs,
and we celebrated the opening at The
Avenue Q
celebrated their 2nd Anniversary with a
cake at New World Stages.
Judith Jamison
and Dr. Joyce F. Brown received
the Friends of the Arts awards at the
Princeton Club at the 90th Anniversary
Gala of Town Hall. The gala included the
wonderful Broadway Orginals!
program at Town Hall that Scott
Siegel has produced for over a
decade. Among the performers were
Tammy Grimes, Yvonne Constant, Marianne
Tatum, Sarah Uriarte Berry and many
others too numerous to mention.
Ciaran O'Reilly
and Charlotte Moore received the
Irish American Writers & Artists 2011
Eugene O'Neill Lifetime Achievement
Award at a reception at Rosie O'Grady's.
Malachy McCourt was the host and
Gabriel Byrne presented the
Award. It was splendid occasion.
We celebrated the
launch of Ivana Living Legend Wine
Collection at her home, where two of her
wines were served. They are exquisite.
Andrew Caldwell "The History
Chef" spoke to the guests about how his
partnership with Ivana began. It was a
wonderful evening with fine wine,
delicious hors d'oeuvres and good
company. Ivana's children, Sirio
Maccioni, Nikki Haskell and
Denise Rich were among the guests.
Emma Roberts, Kaylee DeFer
"Gossip Girl" and Constantine
Maroulis were among the
guests attending the opening of
Denim Habit boutique, a splendid
addition to the Big Apple. We
celebrated the opening with
vodka and milkshakes, and
munched on hamburgers, french
fries and cupcakes. It was a fun
memorial for Price Berkley,
founder of Theatrical Index, was
held at Sardi's. Price was my
neighbor and it was a lovely
event, where many of his friends
and colleagues told funny
anecdotes about a gentleman who
devoted his life to theatre and
will be missed. Steve Bebout
was the host.
restaurant E & E Grill is a new
addition to the theatre district
on West 49th St. We dined there,
and ate succulent fish,
delicious appetizers and superb
desserts. I recommend it highly.

10-21-11 Playwrights Ethan Coen. Elaine May. Woody Allen
at the opening night party for "Relatively Speaking" at
Bryant Park Grill. 25 West 40th St. Thursday night
10-20-11 |