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Black Tie International:
The Most Inspiring Individuals in
NYC Awards
Stephen Marinaro - Founder of TheSalonGuy, and
Davina Reichman - Fashion Entrepreneur
Susan Korwin - Life Coach, and Robert Korwin - Dentist
Panico - Owner of Panico Salons, and Maria Panico
Lawrence Blake Harvey - Founder of Lawrence Blake Group, and
Sydney Cohan - runway model
Jones - Social Media Marketing Officer, Domingo Javier and
Johnny Athas
The Most Inspiring Individuals in NYC Awards
Photos by Black Tie
International Magazine
30 June, The Most Inspiring Individuals in NYC Awards was
held at the Juliet SupperClub. The awards night celebrated
individuals who are, through their careers, positively
impacting the city of New York.
Guest' donations go to support the Art.Sound Movement, a
fund dedicated to providing arts education programs to
public schools.
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