and Tenna Wiles of Palm Beach County Medical
Amy Dean is the Vice President of
Strategic Programming & Policy at Palm Healthcare
Foundation, where she is responsible for oversight
and facilitation of the foundation’s grant making
and nursing workforce initiatives. Ms. Dean serves
on the board of the Palm Beach County Workforce
Alliance and the steering committee of the National
Nurse Funders Collaborative. Ms. Dean holds a
Master of Business Administration from the
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
and a bachelor of Health Services from Florida
Atlantic University. “I’m pleased to be
co-chairing this premier conference that brings
Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders to the
forefront and addresses the concerns of an
ever-growing population,” commented Amy Dean.
Event Co-Chair, Tenna Wiles has been the Executive
Director for Palm Beach County Medical Society since
1998. Ms. Wiles is the current president of Palm
Beach County Community Health Alliance and past
president of the Florida Conference of Medical
Society Executives. “Between the ground-breaking
Alzheimer’s research being performed daily and the
ongoing health care issues that affect us all, there
is a relevance and importance to this conference as
never before,” stated Ms. Wiles. “The Alzheimer’s
Educational Conference is an opportunity to educate
and address the needs of a diverse group comprised
of family caregivers, health care professionals,
legislators—virtually anyone who is concerned with
Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.”
This nationally recognized conference,
presented by Alzheimer’s Community Care, will be
held on May 5th and 6th at the
Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm
Beach and is expected to attract over 1,200
attendees. The conference will feature keynote
speaker, Gail Sheehy, the New York Times
best-selling author of “Passages” and “Passages in
Caregiving.” This year’s conference will focus on
the caregiver’s journey after the diagnosis has been
made and will explore many topics of interest for
both the caregiver and the healthcare professional.
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are
currently available, as well as, applications for
presentations. Visit or call (561) 683-2700 for more
information or to register to attend the 2011
Alzheimer’s Educational Conference.