Kenneth Miller CIPS RRP RICS
Global Marketing Group, Ltd.
119 West 57th Street, Suite 1412
New York, NY 10019
Tel. 212 247 6060, Fax. 212 586 5446
30 + Acres $600,000, New York
Columbia County, NY.
GREAT OPPORTUNITY - 30 +/- private
acres of beautiful open vacant land
and gentle sloping rolling hills with perfect house site
high on the hill so you can overlook all your domain!
Views are spectacular in all directions of Berkshire
Easily developed for horse, sheep
or alpaca farm with open fields and some hedgerows. Ideal location for
country home
or primary residence,
2.5 hrs NYC & Boston; close to all Berkshire activities, Albany,
Pittsfield, Hancock, Darrow School,
and Shaker Village complex. Additional 10 acres with significant road
also available.
Additional access to 30 acres with potential Right of Way off Cemetery
could be granted by owner -
Don't miss this opportunity!
Contact owner for details:
or 518-794-8050