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Black Tie International Art
Gerard Del Colle
What Is Special About A
Gerard Del Colle Painting?
A Gerard
Del Colle painting does more than look beautiful;
it encapsulates the successes and failures of the human
experience in
pursuit of consciousness using not only visual stimulus but
also temporal
and spiritual properties to create a new paradigm.
His work condenses the plight of humanity through the lens
of emotion vs emotional intelligence; physical vs
metaphysical; past vs present or any other dichotomy that
creates the illusion of separation. |
Gerard's work has organically evolved into
powerful prophetic campaign based on a variety of subject
matter and application techniques.

Dating back to early childhood, Gerard intuited his innate
talents and artistic gifts. Drawing his
earliest inspirations from the faces of the TV guides,
superhero comic books, and Walt Disney characters, Gerard spent
countless hours recreating elements of these
fictional worlds, unaware of the breadth of his natural
talent, nor the greater purpose this talent would serve. |
Having little interest in academics, Gerard preferred using
his pencil and paper to create pictorial passageways
transforming his ordinary existence into an extraordinary
purpose. In High school Gerard, redirected his energy into
playing sports and practicing martial arts starting at age
16. This marked the beginning of his unusual artistic and
spiritual journey. |
Spirituality is gained through the practice of the martial
arts. Gerard achieved the rank of grand master in the
martial arts. He was also inducted into the Martial Arts
Hall of Fame at the age of 50, an incredible achievement but
just one step in a journey that continues through his
paintings. Upon completing his journey as a grand master,
Gerard returned to his original vocation: but this time
heeding the calling to pick up paintbrushes instead of
pencils. His first painting infused the canvas with a
narrative that exuded an ethereal quality. Gerard recalls
his first piece: a black and white painting of two women in
a field. He described feeling divine inspiration holding
several brushes between his fingers of his left hand while
painting with his right. From that moment, Gerard knew that
his purpose was clearly defined. |
Drawing upon his tireless work in the martial arts Gerard
acquired acute sensory functions that allowed him to
perceive the energy flows within any given environment. As
such, Gerard understands and works in accordance with
universal laws to bring light energy to each painting he
creates. A Gerard Del Colle painting does more than look
beautiful; it encapsulates the successes and failures of the
human experience in pursuit of consciousness using not only
visual stimulus but also temporal and spiritual properties
to create new paradigms. His work condenses the plight of
humanity through the lens of emotion vs emotional
intelligence; physical vs metaphysical; past vs present; or
any other dichotomy that creates the illusion of separation.
Each painting speaks differently to those who are fortunate
enough to come in contact with them. |
Gerard's work has organically evolved into powerful
prophetic campaigns based on a variety of subject matter and
application techniques. |
200 paintings are hanging in corporations, private
collections , private galleries, universities, hospitals,
and celebrity homes. Gerard has received countless letters
expressing sincere gratitude, acknowledging how the artwork
has brought joy, healing, and peace to their owners.
Listed below are just a few of the places that own a Gerard
Del Colle original:
Loew (direct descendant of the Loew's Theaters founders)
United States Postal Service
New York Children's School for The Blind
Fred and Irene Einstein
Dan and Trudy Regan (Trudy Regan was the art curator of the
Whitney Museum
for 25 years)
Newman Center at Princeton University
Library at NJIT
Jerrys Art Supplies
3 months showing at The Paterson Museum
Historic Home of Carl Baccaro
Lena Digangi Galley
Mona Lisa Gallery
Hunterdon Foundation
De Frank Horse farm
Our Lady OF the Lake
Partner at Kings Street hedge fund Mr. Jay Ryan and Debbie Ryan
Director of Bronx Zoo
Sonnys Restraunt
Dr M Chumer
Dr J Suri
Professor A Rumando
American Red Cross
911 donation
Sal Lasipo metal works
John Farwell wall street partner
Speed and Fitness Gym
Cancer Fund Rasier
Dipao Bakery
Jane Goodall foundation
Kaslander and sons
Gerard's work has been well received and is anxiously
anticipated. Now that he has fully committed himself to the
creation of healing works, he aspires to have his one of a
kind pieces housed all over the world in both public and
private settings. He wants the masses to benefit from his
message and its healing vibration in everyday life in a
manner that can appeal to all persons universally. |
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