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Dr.Guo Kaiyuan- United Nations
Multicultural Day
Philanthropist Dr. Guo Kaiyuan
was invited to be a guest at the United Nations Multicultural Harmony
Summit Forum
And received the award from the United Nations Environment
Program NGO World Harmony Foundation
May 21, 2024 is the United Nations Multicultural Day. With
the support of UNESCO, it is hosted by the Delegation of the
Republic of Sena to the United Nations, hosted by the United
Nations Helping Hands Foundation, and organized by the New
York Institute of Arts and Fashion and the United Nations
World Harmony Foundation. (WHF), with the joint support of
China-US Alliance SAPA, WHF Harmonious Planet Action
Committee, and WHF Inner Mongolia Secretariat, the "United
Nations Multicultural Harmony Summit Forum and Award
Ceremony" was successfully held in Conference Room 12 of the
United Nations Headquarters in New York. . |
2024年5月21日是联合国多元文化日,在联合国教科文组织支持下、由赛纳利仰共和国驻联合国代表团主办、联合国援助之手基金会承办、纽约艺术时尚学院与联合国世界和谐基金会(WHF)协办下,在中美联盟SAPA、WHF和谐星球行动委员会、WHF内蒙秘书处的共同支持下,在纽约联合国总部大厦第12会议室成功举办了联合国多元文化和谐高峰论坛暨颁奖仪式。 |
The first item of this summit was delivered by the guest
speaker. His Excellency Mr. Michael Imran Kamu, Head of the
Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations,
delivered an opening speech, followed by a speech by the
Director of the UNESCO Office at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York. The participating delegations and
guests introduced the origin, connotation and significance
of this evening party, as well as the relevant United
Nations Charter; then, Her Excellency Mrs. Nabila Farida
Tunisia, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs of the
Republic of Sierra Leone, introduced to the audience The
delegation and guests introduced the importance of
multicultural harmony. |
In the second event of this conference, keynote speakers
including award-winning guests will give speeches on the
theme of this conference, including Ms. Grimanesa Amoros, a
world-renowned Peruvian-American multimedia artist from the
New York Institute of Fashion and Art, and a professor at
Columbia University School of the Arts. , and a record of
winning awards for focusing on people from different
cultural backgrounds
Among them, Dr. Guo Kaiyuan, a philanthropist from the Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, also participated as an
award-winning guest on behalf of the UN Environmental
Protection Agency NGO-World Harmony Foundation, Inner
Mongolia Angel Foundation and Mongolian culture. The theme
of "Peace" started a wonderful dialogue with the host. First
of all, Mr. Guo Kaiyuan expressed his deepest respect and
greetings to the leaders of the Republic, guests and
colleagues who attended this award night. Then, he discussed
the history and theory of cultural diversity, symbiosis and
the harmonious coexistence of original cultures. The
foundation tells the dream of promoting world peace and
environmental protection through harmonious exchanges of
multiculturalism. |
其中,来自中国内蒙古自治区的慈善家郭开源医生,也代表联合国环保署NGO-世界和谐基金会、内蒙天使基金会与蒙族文化作为获奖嘉宾参加,就多元文化的和谐共存与以文化和谐促进世界和平的主题与主持人展开了精彩的对话。首先,郭开元先生向参加本次颁奖晚会的共和国各位领导,各位来宾以及各位同仁表达了最深沉的敬意与问候,接着,他从文化的多元性,共生性以及原文化和谐共存的历史与理论基础,讲述了以多元文化和谐交流来推动世界和平与环保的梦想。 |
He said that "the different cultural systems in today's
world, all cultures that embody orthodox religion and true
knowledge, all contain the spirit of discovering the
goodness of human beings in harmony with the goodness of
heaven. They all contain the harmony between nature and man,
man and others, and man and nature." The spirit of harmony.
Respecting the rationality and necessity of multicultural
coexistence is in compliance with the laws of nature and
society! I am a doctor, and I am determined to contribute
not only to human health, but also to the health and
sustainable development of the earth's environment! Peace,
social harmony, harmony between nature and man! |
Then, Mr. Guo Kaiyuan participated in the third group
discussion session of this conference, where he discussed
with celebrities from all walks of life including education,
art, clothing, medicine, etc. how to start from related
fields and respect culture. There was a wonderful discussion
on diversity to promote social justice and world harmony,
including Dr. Richard Yohum, professor of art and education
at Columbia University, Ms. Anetta Genovese, associate
teaching professor at Parsons School of Design, and Fashion
Institute of Arts in New York. Founder Mr. Jimmy Wu, founder
of 3D artist Flexion Productions Ms. He Yiting/Edith, and
Dr. Wei Qiming, director of project research at Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine.
In the fourth event of the conference, Dr. Guo Kaiyuan was
awarded the "2024 Outstanding Harmony Person Award" by the
United Nations Environment Program NGO-World Harmony
Foundation (WHF) Representative Council. Liu Athena,
Executive Chairman of the US-China Friendship Alliance (SAPA)
and Vice Chairman of WHF On behalf of the famous Congressman
Zhao Meixin, I presented the "Excellent Volunteer Award" to
Dr. Guo Kaiyuan to thank him for his contributions to
charity, human health, multiculturalism and environmental
protection over the years! These two excellence awards fully
affirm Dr. Guo Kaiyuan's noble sentiments of kindness,
compassion, and silent dedication throughout his life. His
style also represents the characteristics of the ethnic
minority culture in Inner Mongolia, giving this diverse
Culture Day adds a new dimension to the scenery
文化日增添了一道风景线 |
Finally, the host of the conference made a wonderful summary
of the conference and declared the conference a complete
success! |
最后,由大会主持人对本次会议作出了精彩的总结,宣布本次大会圆满成功! |
After the meeting, the United States-China Friendship
Alliance (SAPA) and the World Harmony Foundation (WHF)
launched the launch ceremony of the Harmonious Planet
Project in the lobby of the United Nations Headquarters and
will hold the second Spring Festival Gala and Traditional
Chinese Medicine Forum after the internationalization of the
2025 United Nations Lunar New Year. The launch ceremony
hopes to promote social harmony and world peace through
cultural exchanges by strengthening mutual understanding and
communication among multiple cultures! Dr. Guo Kaiyuan also
actively participated in the launch of WHF Planet Action as
a representative of philanthropists from mainland China. |
会后,由美中友好联盟(SAPA)与世界和谐基金会(WHF)在联合国总部大厅启动了和谐星球计划的启动仪式及将举办2025年联合国农历春节国际化后的第二届春晚暨中医药论坛的发起仪式,希望能够通过加强多元文化的相互了解与沟通,以文化交流来促进社会和谐世界和平!郭开源医生也作为代表来自大陆的慈善人士积极参加了WHF星球行动的发起! |
Mr. Guo Kaiyuan's participation in the conference not only
brings blessings from China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region to the United Nations, but also reflects the deeper
and broader harmonious exchanges of multiculturalism around
the world. He hopes that in the future, people can reduce
the number of people through harmonious exchanges of
multiculturalism in the future. |
郭开源先生的参会,除了向联合国带来来自中国内蒙古自治区的祝福,还是全世界多元文化更深入、更广泛进行和谐交流的一种体现,希望未来,人们可以通过多元文化的和谐交流,减少有文化冲突带来的社会与民族问题,促进社会和谐与世界和平! |
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