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  Black Tie International Magazine  Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu
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Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu The Majesty of Mountains


原创 马小秋 太平洋财经 731



译者:杰拉德·多诺万 Gerald Donavan



 “我感到,陌生人,在你的存在里我被延长。西班牙女作家阿芳斯娜·斯托尔尼的十四字《致陌生人》,便是我们与张福有老师想要去传承长白山文化共同的期待。历史的记忆,文化的传承,只有传承给一代又一代的陌生人,那么这种文化才能以鲜活的状态永远存在。  山有绝顶,路无尽头。70岁的张福有老师依然忘掉他的病痛,风餐露宿,几度遇险,痴心不改地奔走在山野间,在造访远古文化的路上。而我们——也在路上。


. To Strangers Mountains are born violently, whether through tectonic collision or volcanos, and yet they create so much of the beauty in our lives. They are awe-inspiring, fragile, and spiritual in their dimensions. A large percentage of the Earth’s fresh water originates there. They harbor a rare biodiversity of plants and animals, a rich archeological record, and precious isolation for hermits. Mountain villagers experience fresh, unpolluted air and space to roam. 
The haunting Changbai Mountains, in Northeastern China, was the subject of a traditional cultural exchange event in August of2018 called, “Worshiping the Heaven and the Mountain.” We were fortunate to have as our guest Mr. Zhang Fuyou, the “living fossil” of the Mountains. He is in his 70s and sprightly in his demeanor. He speaks in a powerful voice about the culture of the Mountains. Having studied the region for twenty years, he displays great knowledge and possesses an astonishing memory, which is reflected in the many books he has authored on the subject Zhang Fuyou has been acknowledged, with justification, as the cultural pride of Changbai.
He has climbed the mountains over two hundred times on archeology investigations. He is the person who discovered the stone bell and hand-axes that pushed estimated human activity in the mountains back by fifty thousand years. 

It would be difficult to overstate this achievement. 
In 1948, a Harvard archeologist called Hallam Movius drew an arbitrary line across the world map. This line proposed to divide ancient users of hand-axes (in Europe, Africa, and Western Asia) from tool users in East Asia. The absence of the hand-axe in East Asia was a determining factor. In doing so, he drew inevitable conclusions about a lack of technological skill on the part of East Asians. In discovering hand-axes, Zhang Fuyoudestroyed the scientific basis for the ‘Movius Line.’ He mediated a diplomatic incident concerning historical territorial claims between China and Korea, and has shared his knowledge with the well-known cultural and literary figure, Yu Qiuyu.

He was the first to confirm that Li Ji, the Lord of Yang’an on abronze sword from the Zhao Kingdom, unearthed in Ji’an, Jilin, was Prime Minister during the reign of Emperor Huiwen, and the son of Li Dui, the 36th-generation ancestor of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and the fifth-generation descendant of Li Er—namely Lao Tseu.
Zhang Fuyou has shared his knowledge with the well-known cultural and literary figure, Yu Qiuyu.

His hands bear the wounds and scars from unearthing cultural relics buried in the earth. These hands have captured the history and beauty of the region. They have written his poems. He has quite a few mysterious stories to tell of his mountain investigations. He has been in the right place at the right time to witness celestial phenomena that can be a particularly beautiful sight in a mountain region.  On Baiyun Peak, the main peak of the Mountains, he saw a halo around the sun—rather like a circular rainbow. Ice crystals were suspended in the clouds and refracted the sunlight to create an astonishing halo, referred to in astronomy as a Sundog. They can be large and overpowering in effect.

As the ceremony “Worshiping the Heaven and the Mountain” came to an end, the circular rainbow appeared again. He was overjoyed at the timing: “Why does it appear now in front of these people?” He wrote a poem to celebrate the sight.The development and protection of the Culture of the ChangbaiMountains is a precious process, and even if we were witnessing an astronomical event, Heaven may have felt our sincere intention. There are intangible energies in the Mountains, where material energies and cultural energies integrate. That is the energy that has attracted generations to set foot in these mysterious heights.  Zhang Fuyou has said, “We finally have a chance to face our mysterious past, as if entering the realm of dreams, a place of living fossils that need us to discover, interpret, praise and protect them.” 

Changbaishan History & Culture Park is a project to which the group attaches great importance. We hope to do our bit in rescuing and protecting the intangible cultural heritage of the Changbai Mountains, and make them a cultural locale, and in doing so, pass on a wealth of new historical knowledge aboutthose who lived their lives here, long ago.  “I do feel, my dear stranger, that I have been extended in your existence.” 
This 14-word poem by Alfonsina Storni is the best expression of our intention to protect the culture of Changbai. A culture canonly survive its heritage is handed down to generation aftergeneration of strangers.  Mountains have peaks at which you may arrive and depart, but aroad knows no end. In his 70s, Zhang Fuyou ignores illness and pain. He continues his journey in these mountains towards the ancient culture that came before us. We, too, are on the way. 


ma xiaoqiu




ma xiaoqiu


 张福有被公认为长白山的文化骄傲。他探寻长白山文化已有20多年,登陆长白山多达200次,深入东北田野考古调查。他是长白山石磬、长白山手斧的发现者,一举将长白山的历史文化向前推进了5万年,彻底否定了美国哈佛大学莫维斯线” Movius Line假说。这一成就如何强调也不过分。 1948年,哈佛考古学家哈拉姆·莫维斯(Hallam Movius)在世界地图上画了一条任意线。这条线建议将古老的手斧使用者(在欧洲,非洲和西亚)与东亚的工具使用者区分开。东亚没有手斧是一个决定性因素。在此过程中,他不可避免地得出了东亚人缺乏技术技能的结论。通过发现长白山手斧,张福有提供了否定莫维斯线的科学依据。 张老解决了因为中韩两国因历史领土表述问题而一触即发的外交矛盾;他首个确认了吉林集安出土的赵国青铜短剑上的阳安君李跻,是赵惠文王时期的宰相,是李兑的儿子,是唐太宗的36辈祖,是老子李耳的五世孙;他曾与余秋雨同台对讲文化长白,被盛赞为长白山的文化骄子;他为讷殷古城的复建提供决策依据……在他探访长白山文化旅途中,发生了很多神奇的故事。他在合适的时间地点见证了神奇的天象,在山区发生的特别美丽的自然景观。2009916号,张福有老师又一次登上长白山主峰白云峰,看到围绕太阳出现环形光环,呈彩色圆虹状。在山脉的主峰白云峰上,张老看到了太阳周围的光晕-就像是圆形的彩虹。冰晶悬浮在云层中,使阳光折射,形成惊人的光晕,在天文学中被称为太阳狗Sundog”,看起来十分壮观。 在我们举办的敬天朝山文化活动落下帷幕之时,圆虹时隔11年又出现,张福有老师和我们一起再一次见到圆虹。他欣喜无比,又有了之前的疑问,为什么在这时候出现?为什么又被这些人遇见?为此他特意赋诗一首,《2018长白山历史文化园敬天朝山大典惊现圆虹感赋》。诗曰: “致祭白山呈碧空,敬天盛典现圆虹。文园雅颂歌清野,绮韵华章秀大东。遥想铁崖佳话在,原知苦旅契机逢。诗家携手畅吟处,见证惊奇孰与同。” 


ma xiaoqiu


ma xiaoqiu
ma xiaoqiu

Gerard Mc Keon and Joyce Brooks.  Photo by:  Rose Billings/

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