1950, MDA has been waging the war against ALS and
has committed more than $270 million to ALS (aka Lou
Gehrig?s Disease) research and services. MDA-funded
research led to the development of Rilutek, the only
known FDA-approved drug for ALS. An estimated 15
people are diagnosed with ALS each day while about
30,000 Americans are currently living with ALS. The
cause is generally unknown - although genetic
factors may play a role, only 10 percent of cases
are clearly inherited, showing a family history (aka
Familial ALS). MDA is the world leader in ALS
research and services and surpasses the combined
efforts of all other nongovernmental health agencies
dedicated to ALS. As of the first half of 2010,
MDA?s ALS research portfolio includes 64 active
grants, the total sum of which equals $40 million.
MDA?s mission is to find treatments and cures. This
means not only funding excellent basic research, but
also capitalizing on this pipeline with programs
targeted to each phase of research required to move
promising projects out of the labs and
into the clinic