The Palm
Beach Photographic Centre is offering
parents a very unique way to spend a
Saturday with their kids 8 to 17 years
old. Let your children participate in a FOTO
Scavenger Hunt on Saturday September
11. The Scavenger Hunt starts at 10
a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. The FOTO
Scavenger Hunt is a celebration of the
photographic arts in conjunction with
Downtown West Palm Beach’s historic
heritage and young people ages 8 to 17
are invited to capture downtown West
Palm Beach with
a camera. Those participating with have
the rare opportunity to learn “10 tips
to a better photograph” from one of the
Centre’s exceptional professional
photographers. Not only will they learn
how to take better photos, but they will
have their images individually
critiqued. Each participant will receive
a list of “historically significant
clues and a map. The clues will focus
on patriotic symbols in our Downtown
West Palm Beach area. The best pictures
will be displayed. The registration fee
is $25 per child, accompanying adults
are free. An additional $10 fee will
charged if you want to use one of the
Centre’s cameras. Every child MUST be
accompanied by an adult. Space is
limited, register today!