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Black Tie International:
Freedom Flame Award
Dinner |
Barbara Winston and Frank
Gaffney at the 2009 Freedom
Flame Award Dinner.
Photo by: David Gordon
Flame Award Dinner
22, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010, join the Center for Security
Policy and Keep America Safe for the annual Freedom
Flame Award Dinner at the historic Metropolitan
Club. Enjoy a cocktail reception, elegant dinner,
inspirational award ceremony and musical entertainment
Alex Donner.
All proceeds go to the Center for Security Policy, a
not for profit organization whose mission is Secure
Freedom. CSP
believes that America’s national power plays a role in
international peace and stability, represented by their
philosophy Peace through Strength.
The annual award dinner is hosted by the Center’s
Regents and attended by individuals dedicated to
liberty, security and democracy. Recipients of this
years award include: Amanda Bowman, Tim Brown, Debra
Burlington, Aaron Harrison, Andrew McCarthy, Beth
Gilinsky Spero, Timothy Sumner and Joe Donner.
When: Tuesday,
June 22, 2010
Where: The
Metropolitan Club
One East 60th Street, NYC
Time: 6:30
PM Cocktail Reception
7:30 PM Dinner
more information or to purchase tickets and tables
Kate Edmonds
New York
Center for
Security Policy
f: 646-390-7547
To list an upcoming event please contact
joyce@blacktiemagazine.com |
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