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Black Tie International:
The Global Change Foundation Presents The Green Salon

The Global Change Foundation

The Green Salon

Home of Eco-Art

Sages, Musicians, Earth Lovers

To please, educate and enlighten…


Peter Fusaro

Peter Fusaro



Wednesday November 10,  6:00 o’clock PM

Bechstein Piano Center

207 West 58th Street (west of 58th and 7th)

RSVP Carmen 212-222-3775 or  $20 tax deductible


Welcome and Introduction of Artist…Carmen Cook


            Soprano…Claire Coolen Arias


            Introduction of Speaker… Peter Fusaro


            Speaker…Max Joel

Here Comes the Sun:  Solar Initiatives in New York City


            Interactive Conversation ….The Salon


Closing Remarks…Carmen and Peter



The Mission of the Global Change Foundation  is to Accelerate and Transform Human Behavior on Global Environmental Issues Through Education

Your tax-deductible donation may be made at Global Change .


Claire Coolen, soprano from Halifax, Nova Scotia is completing her Masters Degree at the Manhattan School of Music in New York. She is the recipient of the Margaret Hoswell van der Marck Scholarship in Opera from the Manhattan School of Music since 2007-2011. Claire has specialized in Italian Opera, performing in Italy for the past four summers. This past summer Claire performed the role of The Governess in Turn of the Screw at the Banff Arts Center in Alberta. Other performances, Gilda in Rigoletto ,Rose in Street Scene, Adina in L’elisir d’amore, Musetta in La Bohème, Adele in Die Fledermaus, and Mireille in Mireille. Claire will be performing the role of Mrs. Winemiller in Summer and Smoke this fall at the Manhattan school of Music and in the Sping will perform the role of Nannetta in Falstaff .


Max Joel is the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) Energy Energy $mart Communities Coordinator for Solar 1, the City’s first solar-powered “Green Energy, Arts, and Education Center,” which inspires New Yorkers to become environmentally responsible city dwellers. Prior to working for Solar 1, Max was the Capital Projects Coordinator for the Queens Botanical Garden during a period that saw the construction of a green Visitor Center, new native plant gardens, and other facilities and exhibits. He holds a BA in Urban Studies from Columbia University and a master’s degree in Environmental Management from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.  Max grew up in and around Chicago, but recently celebrated his tenth anniversary as a New Yorker.

Peter FusaroFounder and Chairman of Global Change Associates, author of 16 books on energy, environment and green finance and a sought-after keynote speaker, created the Green Salon with Carmen Cook to bring the arts and environment into closer, accessible harmony and dialogue. Peter founded Global Change Associates in 1991 to focus on the interplay and convergence of energy and environmental financial markets. Global Change Associates are the websites with detailed green finance information. In September he spoke on sustainable energy at the High-Level Conference on Energy at the United Nations. He recently spoke on Environmental Stewardship at All Souls Unitarian, for Green Souls and also at The Riverside Church for its Social Justice Commission.   On March 29 and 30, 2011 he convenes the Tenth Annual Wall Street Green Summit at the Center for Architecture in New York City.


Carmen CookVP Marketing, for Global Change Associates, graduated from Juilliard with a degree in Voice.  She was a Regional Finalist in the Met Auditions and sang for many years.   A cultural entrepreneur, Carmen has a diverse background in the arts, marketing and business and facilitates The Green Salon. Speak to her about offering your financial support to the Green Salon and keep this unique program flourishing.


Your minimum  $20 donation to The Green Salon at the door or online provides an honorarium for the artist(s) and preparation of the performance space.  Through the beauty of music, expert awareness from our speakers and conversation, we seek to serve the environmentally aware community.  Your support is vital to the continuation of our Green Salon.  Since 2008 we have held 15 salons, at Klavierhaus, Bechstein Piano and at The Riverside Church.



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