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Save the Date    2010  1  2 3  5 The Season-PB 
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Black Tie International:
The 3rd Annual Benefit for The Green-Wood Historic Fund

(2009 event) - Green-Wood president Richard J. Moylan with New York City preservationists Otis and Nancy Pearsall who were honored with the DeWitt Clinton Award for their life-long commitment to preserving of the unique architectural and cultural character of New York City.
Photo by: Aaron Brashear

president of the Foundation for Landscape Studies,
an educator, historian, author, and landscape preservationist of world renown
Proceeds will Support Historic Preservation Projects,
Community Outreach Events
& Educational Programs at Brooklyn's Historic Green-Wood,
 A National Historic Landmark
On Thursday, September 16, 2010, - "The Third Annual Benefit for the Green-Wood Historic Fund" will take place at Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery to support the impressive array of preservation projects, community outreach events and educational programs that take place at Green-Wood.  The annual benefit will feature cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, live music, and trolley rides, in addition to the presentation ceremony.
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers will be honored with the Green-Wood Historic Fund's DeWitt Clinton Award for Excellence.  Rogers is the president of the Foundation for Landscape Studies, an educator, historian, author, and landscape preservationist of world renown.  She is also founding president of the Central Park Conservancy, the public-private partnership she created in 1980 and led for 15 years.  In her landmark tome, Landscape Design, A Cultural and Architectural History, Rogers writes extensively on the rural cemetery movement in the early 19th century, including Green-Wood's role as the direct predecessor to Central and Prospect Parks. 
The Green-Wood Historic Fund, a 501(c)(3) membership organization, was established in 1999 to maintain Green-Wood's monuments and buildings of historical, cultural, and architectural significance; to advance public knowledge and appreciation of this significance; and to preserve the natural habitat of one of New York City's first green spaces.  Additionally, the Historic Fund presents many public events including themed walking tours, lectures and other special exhibits. 
The $150 ticket admits one person to the Gala Cocktail Reception at the Historic Chapel at Green-Wood.  The $250 V.I.P. ticket admits one person to the Gala Cocktail Reception at the Historic Chapel at Green-Wood and includes one year's Historic Fund membership at the Pierrepont Fellow $250 level).
For more information, to purchase tickets, make a donation to the Green-Wood Historic Fund, or to inquire about sponsorship or Host Committee opportunities, please contact Lisa Alpert at 718-210-3011 or or visit  . 

Guests should RSVP by September 7, 2010.  Attire is business casual and guests should enter at Green-Wood's main gate at 25th Street and 5th Avenue in Brooklyn.
WHAT:             "The Third Annual Benefit for the Green-Wood Historic Fund" will take place at Brooklyn's Green-Wood
                        Cemetery to support the impressive array of preservation projects, community outreach events and educational
                        programs that take place at Green-Wood.  The event will honor Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, president of the Foundation
                        for Landscape Studies, an educator, historian, author, and landscape preservationist of world renown and will feature
                        cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, live music, trolley rides, and a presentation ceremony.
WHERE:           Green-Wood Cemetery - Enter at the main gate
 (25th Street at 5th Avenue, Brooklyn)
WHEN:             Thursday, September 16, 2010; 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
TICKETS:         Contact Lisa Alpert at 718-210-3011 or  or visit .
                        $150 ticket admits one person to the Gala Cocktail Reception at the Historic Chapel at Green-Wood.
                        $250 V.I.P. ticket admits one person to the Gala Cocktail Reception at the Historic Chapel at Green-Wood and
                             includes one year's Historic Fund membership at the Pierrepont Fellow $250 level)



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