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Save the Date    2010  1  2 3  5 The Season-PB 
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Black Tie International:
Help Rebuild Chile After 8.8 Earthquake Benefit Concert

Help Rebuil Chile, Veronica Villarroel, Vlademir Chernov, celebrity, philanthropy


Please join us for the world-renowned Chilean soprano
Veronica Villarroel and Russian baritone Vladimir Chernov at a Concert to Benefit  the reconstruction of Parish Maria Reina de la Paz in the Cerro Navia area of Santiago on Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm at St. Patrick's Cathedral.


Veronica Villarroel is an internationally famous Chilean soprano, who will be joined by Vladimir Chernov, in an internationally known Russian baritone. They will be accompanied by pianist, Anthony Manoli. This is a historical event as this is the very first time that a benefit concert will be held at St. Patrick's Cathedral

This benefit concert was organized as an initiative of Ms. Villarroel, who will delight us with a program of popular songs and arias from well known operas; and we are grateful for the participation of Mr. Chernov in this concert. All proceeds will be used in the entirety towards the reconstruction of Parroquia Maria Reina de la Paz in Cerro Navia, Santiago, one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. The Parish not only offers religious services but it serves as a Community Center to the residents of the area who encounter most difficult circumstances and the Parish offers a place of hope, peace and prayer to adults and children. To view a short video of the damaged suffered by the Parish, please click  here

For details about the event please see documents attached. The suggested tax-deductible donation is $25 per person. To guarantee your entrance, you have three ways of making your donation:


1. Online : Until June 4 at midnight,  you may donate  online via PayPal on our website and your voucher will be emailed to you. Please visit:


2. By check: You may mail your check or money order payable to the Gabriela Mistral Foundation to our address below. In the memo line, kindly indicate that this donation is for Veronica Villarroel's Benefit Concert and the number of guests attending.  

Gabriela Mistral Foundation
100 Park Ave. Suite 1600
New York, NY 10017


3. At the door:  You will be able to make your donation at the door on the day of the concert.


Please contact us if you have any questions at all call me at 908 337 1158

As per our conversation, I will be sending you a check in the amount of $150.00 (one hundred and fifty dollars 00/00) to cover the expenses for your assistant to send out the 30,000 emails.  You should receive this check in a couple of days, and she will kindly send this out most likely tomorrow May 26. May I ask that she sends me a blind copy of the message she sends out?


We are most grateful for your help and look forward to welcoming hopefully many Russian friends on June 6.  If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me at 908 337 1158 or by email and to learn more about the work of our foundation, I invite you to visit our website:



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