Grand Fun Night out at the [Horse] Races!
Palm Beach Kennel Club
Friday, September 24 at 6 pm.
Kiwanis Counts!

Kiwanis is a
Global Organization of Volunteers
Dedicated to
Changing the World
One Child
and One Community at a Time.
Thank You, Kiwanis!
Palm Beach Kiwanis Members join hands and
open hearts. You are invited to join the
fun and camaraderie at the races. You’ve
already earned a “triple win” just by
participating because you win, children win
and we all win together in something vital
to our community. Each kindness to children
affects their future and ours. Please call
today and leave a legacy for tomorrow.
Kindly RSVP: Barbara Brizel at 655-5077 or
655-5977 or