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Save the Date    2010  1  2 3  5 The Season-PB 
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Black Tie International:
Rita Cosby Book Signing:  The Quiet Hero
The Polish Consulate

Rita Cosby, Quiet Hero


Rita Cosby’s “Quiet Hero” Reveals and heals
Unseen Wounds of War. A Psychological Triumph!

Consulate General of Poland in New York
has the pleasure to invite you to
A Warsaw Uprising book presentation by
 New York Times Bestselling Author
 A meeting with her father (Ryszard Kossobudzki)
 and other Warsaw Uprising Fighters.  
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 at 7:30 PM
De Lamar Mansion - the residence of the
Consulate General of Poland in New York
233 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
"Rita's story is one that will touch every family... A loving, poignant tribute to her POW father and freedom."
- Senator John McCain
"This is an incredible story of survival and sheer courage."
- General Tommy Franks, U.S. Army (Ret.)
"One of Poland's great treasures has now been found. Richard Cosby and his Resistance comrades are true heroes in our historic fight for freedom. Without their courage, Solidarity would never have won its final battle."
- Lech Walesa, Former President of Poland
"QUIET HERO is an intensely captivating and inspiring story of a daughter uncovering her father's past ... a wonderful and riveting story of a daughter finally getting to know her father. Reading it reminds me of my first visit to Poland in 1964 with my parents. We were overwhelmed with the enthusiastic response of the Polish people. Rita's book captures the passion of her Polish heritage with verve and love."
- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy
"A beautiful tribute to the strength of the human spirit."
- Dr. Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State
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Lorraine Cancro,
MSW interview with Rita Cosby
 featured in the June Issue of
 EP Magazine


“Quiet Hero: Secrets from my Father’s Past” is the product of Rita Cosby’s heroic effort to unearth her father’s traumatic experiences as a resistance fighter in his home country of Poland during World War II. Rita “gets” the most important interview of her career when her father reveals his acts of heroism and experiences of great trauma. Ryszard Kossobudski, aka Richard Cosby, was only 18 during the Warsaw uprising and endured unimaginable horrors. After being a prisoner of war, he was finally rescued by Allied forces weighing only 90 lbs at 6 feet tall! He feels that the world owes America a debt of gratitude. The world would simply be a completely different place if it hadn’t been for America’s efforts to fight the forces of evil during World War II. This book instills a sense of pride for all warriors as well as the American credo of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I was honored to be the first to interview Rita Cosby about her book, “Quiet Hero: Secrets from my Father’s Past”, which will be featured in the June Issue of EP magazine.
I was very moved by
book. Having launched a series on traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress in EP’s military section two years ago the subject of her father’s heroism and subsequent struggles with PTSD (not a known disorder at that time) is a subject I’m very passionate about. I was further moved to find out that Rita is generously partnering with the USO on a great and important program to raise funds and support for wounded soldiers. With Memorial Day and Father’s Day, right around the corner, this book is especially poignant.

Ryszard’s revealing traumatic moments from his past to his daughter bring the father and daughter much closer together. After he revisited the pain of his past he felt able to return to his homeland to make peace with his history. It was a very emotional experience for Ryszard and Rita that they will never forget. Rita helped her father reconnect with some survivors of the Warsaw uprising that he never thought he’d see again and her father was honored by the late President Kaczynski of Poland. The experience of sharing his story not only with his daughter and now the world has renewed his soul and spirit. There is no greater father’s day gift that a daughter could bestow than helping him reveal and heal much of his past. Rita is as much his hero as he is hers.

This book is a must read for all that cherish freedom and the American way of life. Click on link below at Amazon
Quiet Hero: Secrets from My Father's Past.

Written by Lorraine Cancro, MSW


Clink Link  Below to View or Print Lorraine's Interview with Rita
 “Quiet Hero: Secrets from my Father’s Past” PDF

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