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Black Tie International:
The Annual
Russian Nobility Ball |
The Annual Russian Nobility
The Pierre Hotel, NYC
May 14, 2010
Russian Nobility Association
Spring Ball
Under The Gracious Patronage
T.H. Prince and Princess Nicholas Romanoff
T.H. Prince and Princess Dimitri Romanoff
T.H. Prince and Princess Andrew Romanoff
H.H. Princess Nikita Romanoff
H.H. Princess Alexander Romanoff
H.R.H. Prince Michael of Yugoslavia
Honorary Chairs
Princess Tatiana V. Galitzine
Mrs. Veronica Atkins - Mercentes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruddy
Prince Ivan Obolensky
Executive Committee
Mrs. Olga Miklashewsky
Mrs. Ludmila Vogeler
Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky-San Filippo
Mr. Warren C. Hutchins
International Committee
Honorary Chairs
T. H. Duke and Duchess Huno Von Oldenburg
H.R.H. Prince Jean d’Orléans, Duc de Vendôme
H.H. Princess Alexandra of Greece Mmr.
Andrei Baev
Princess Michel Cantacuzène, Countess
Prince and Princess David Chavchavadze
T.S.H. The Prince and Princess of Cröy
General Gianfranco d’Abbia
Prince and Princess André P. Gagarin
Mrs. Marina Wolkonsky Galesi
Princess Katya Galitzine
Rev. Dr. and mrs. Kenneth Gunn-Walberg
Baroness Maya de Haynau
Countess monica ignatiew
Countess Marina Von Kamarovsky
Mr and Mrs Nicholas Kotschoubey
Count Gerome Colloredo Mansfeld
Count and Countess Andrei Tolstoy-Miloslavsky
Mr. and Mrs. Andrei Rodzianko
Prince Carl Schwartzenberg
Count and Countess André Stenbock-Fermor
H.S.H. Princess Stephanie de Windisch-Graetz
Benefit Committee
Mr. Michael Jordan
Count Pierre Apraxine
Miss Helena Ashton
Mr. André Benzemann
Mrs. Barbara Brookes
Princess Maria Chavchavadze
Count and Countess Nikita Cheremeteff
Mr. and Mrs. Rajaa Chouairi
Dr. and Mrs. Pavel Efremkin
Mrs. Gaetana Enders
The Hon. and Mrs. Andrew Eristoff
Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir P. Fekula
Mr. Alan Z. Feuer
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Figlar
Princess Eugenia Gagarin
and the Marquis of Santa Lucia
Prince Vladimir Galitzine
Mrs. Cyril Geacintov
Prince Juri Gelovani
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markoff George
Mr. and Mrs. Sergei Givotovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hills
Mr. Larry Hokanson
Dr. and Mrs. Andrei Holodny
Mrs. Elena Shemetoff Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Janke
Mrs. Natalya Kasyanova
General and Mrs. Milos Knorr
Mr. Adam Nicholas Krotov
Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Kowalenko
Mr. Eric Alexander Kuzmuk
Mr. Joseph Mattia
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mesniaeff
Mr. Igor Miklashewsky
Miss Priscilla McOstrich
Prince George Mkheidze
Mrs. Lucy Puig Neis
Mr. Alexandr Neratoff
Mr. Thomas Nugent
Prince Sergei Ourusoff
Princess Alexis N. Obolensky
Princess Lucretia Obolensky
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oudolski
Mr. and Mrs. Konstantin Pio-Ulsky
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Pogogeff
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pouschine
Mr. Paul Romano
Augustin J. San Filippo, Esq.
Prince and Princess Constantine
Mr. Michael C. Siller
Mr. Andrei Tiajoloff
Alan R. Vogeler, Jr., Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wadkovsky
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ross Whitaker
H.S.H Princess Elena N. Wolkonsky
H.S.H Prince Oleg A. Wolkonsky
Count and Countess Alexander
Junior Committee
Mrs. Natalia Kolodzei -Miller
Mr. Nicholas B. A. Nichols
Miss Maria Baibakova
Miss Dominique de Beckendorff
Miss Svetlana Bucharina
Mr. Anthony Lindley Champalimaud
Miss Alisa Chestone
Mrs. Natalia Duncan
Princess Cyril Galitzine
Prince Gregorii Galitzine
Miss Anastasia Gouliaeva
Miss Natalia Ingnatovicz
Mr. and Mrs. Vladislav Kalyuzhny
Mr. and Mrs. Dmitri Konon
Mr Mark Miller
Miss Elizabeth M. Miheyev
Mr. Mikos Papagapitos
H.S.H. Princess Catherine Adair
Miss Randie Rosen
Miss Tatiana Sarandinaki
Miss Luba Shandora-Shekter
Mr. Serge P. Shohov
Mr. and Mrs. David Smart
Count Alexis Stenbock-Fermor
Miss Tatyana Zakharova
Executive Secretary
Princess Elizabeth Galitzinee
Tickets are available at discount at:
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