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Save the Date    2010  1  2 3  5 The Season-PB 
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Black Tie International:
NYFEN- Event of the Year



The Film Industry Social Network
 and Charity
Event of the Year.

NY October 22, 2010


Lights…Camera…Exposure! The New York Film Exposure Network (NYFEN) to Screen “Broken Clouds”. A Highly Anticipated Short Film by Award Winning Filmmaker
 Yuri Alves, a 2007 Semi- Finalist in Steven Spielberg Produced TV Show “The Lot”.

                                                                                                               . The NY Film Exposure Network (NYFEN)
 to host its 2010 event finale on
 October 22nd at Room Service Lounge,
OPEN bar cocktail reception hour
35 East 21st Street NYC (6:45pm).

Over 213+ film industry insiders are scheduled to attend this event. The guest list includes; invited local celebs, film, fashion, finance, philanthropists and entertainment media professionals.

 What is so great about this event for industry supporters is that it empowers the independent film community and gives back to charity. Aside from showcasing the up-and-coming, this event will benefit Children of our Villages – a non-profit that contributes to the empowerment and education
of dis-advantaged children around the world
 affected by HIV/AIDS.

Through Children of Our Villages (COOV), these children are given the opportunity to create and share their stories with the rest of the world; which helps to improve their communities
 and quality of life.

He has been labeled the most promising filmmaker of the year.

Highlighting this event is the premier of “Broken Clouds”, a short film, written and directed by award winning filmmaker Yuri Alves. Alves was  a 2007 semi-finalist in Steven Spielberg produced “The Lot”. His films have also been Official Selections in Cannes Film Festival Short Corner. Yuri has won over 10 awards including; Wild Sound Toronto Film Festival – Best Cinematographer 2008, 24fps Film Festival – Most Promising Filmmaker, NY International Film & Video Festival – Best Feature Director.

Also to be highlighted among the NYFEN Featured 5 filmmaker showcase, is international award winning DP Piero Basso. His awards include; the prestigious TOFFIFEST Torum, La Cittadella del Corto and Empoli film festivals. In addition, he has also won (9) Best Short Film awards including; the Kodak Film Award for Best Italian Short Film. In addition, other featured talents in the showcase includes; an actor, film composer, editor
 and special effects.

NYFEN’s Lights…Camera…Exposure talent exhibit, will be immediately followed by
 Q & A session and press interviews with the selected talents.

 Hosting the show and Q & A session is Producer Miles Maker. Miles most recently produced ‘Spare Change”, a feature film which premiered this past summer
 at the HBO Latino Film Festival.


“This is the industry event for up-and-coming and aspiring hopefuls. It’s NYFEN’s last event of the year, so it is highly anticipated and expected to be well attended” says founder and creative director Amore Leighton Black. Guests will arrive to an open bar  cocktail reception hour, drink specials, a little mix and mingle with special invited guests, music and complimentary gift bags.

 Local press coverage of this event includes NYFEN’s media sponsor the NY Press. Additional event sponsors include For Talent, Production Hub, Digitize NY, and Isaiah Frazier Artistic Designs. Past spirit sponsors include
 IS Vodka and GIVEN Liqueur

For tickets, RSVP info and details please visit
Tickets for this event are $20 online.
To contact by email
Deadline to RSVP is 10/20.

The NY Film Exposure Network was founded in 2008 by aspiring actress and entrepreneur Amore Leighton Black. The concept behind NYFEN is to support the indie film community and support charities that educate and protect children. Based in NYC, NYFEN is a platform and resource of empowerment for independent filmmakers and entertainment professionals to connect collaborate and showcase their work. Its purpose is to spark collaborations and inspire the Indie film community, to produce original and entertaining content. Through a series of generously hosted and well attended events, selected members of NYFEN are given the opportunity to showcase their work.
 To find out more about NYFEN visit

About Children of Our Villages
Founded by actress and filmmaker Children of Our Villages was founded by filmmaker Erin Buckley is a non-profit organization which aims to empower disadvantaged youth in villages threatened by HIV/AIDS. Through life-skills and filmmaking workshops, these children will gain a stronger sense of identity and ownership by creating inspiring stories they want to share with the world. By giving their films a place in mainstream entertainment, we enrich our own learning, compassion, and enjoyment of our children everywhere. Our goal is to expand the programs with children across the globe. COOV aims to give all orphaned and at-risk youth a voice and a platform to create.
 To support or learn more about Children of Our Villages please visit

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