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Black Tie International:
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Leadership Gifts Event


Former Ambassador Michael Oren

Former Ambassador Michael Oren
to Keynote Leadership Gifts Event
for Premier Donors of Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County


A night of celebration, inspiration and illumination is in store for premier donors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County at a new event this season. They’ll gather for the Leadership Gifts Event at 6:00 pm on Thursday, December 4, 2014, at St. Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton. Following a luxurious cocktail reception, they’ll enjoy an elegant dinner and a keynote presentation by Michael Oren, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States.


“With this most special of evenings, we’re thrilled to pay highest tribute to three groups of our Federation’s most distinguished local contributors to the well-being and security of our Jewish family,” said Toby Cooperman, who is co-chairing the night with her husband, Leon, and with Myrna and Norman Ricken.


The Federation’s Ketubah Society Hall of Fame will be on proud display at the event, celebrating donor families who have contributed $1 million or more cumulatively to the Federation’s 35 Annual Campaigns for Human Needs. Led by the Sandler Family, the largest donors in the history of this Federation’s Annual Campaigns, the 43 member families will welcome two more this year: Freyda and Edward Burns, and Eleanor and (of blessed memory) Irving Jaffe.


Also celebrated will be the generous members of the Prime Minister’s Council, whose gift to this year’s Annual Campaign is $100,000 or higher, and the King David Society, whose members contribute $25,000 annually.


“We’re delighted to offer these champions of our community such an exclusive opportunity to hear a pre-eminent speaker, Michael Oren, on a topic most timely and closest to our hearts: Israel and the Middle East,” said Norman Ricken.


“It is a privilege and a pleasure to give at this level,” said Rani Garfinkle, Chair of Federation’s Prime Minister’s Council. “And, as someone able to do so, it is also a responsibility. If we are able to lead, it is up to us to set an example for our peers and the next generation. While my late husband, Sandy, came from a philanthropic family, my family did not have such resources – but my mother was a ‘doer’ of good deeds; at the end of the day, we reached the same conclusion: it’s essential for us to give back as we can.”


“With recent Annual Campaigns increasing, more donors coming forward, and endowments on the rise – as well as vital needs – the generation that built this growing Jewish community has given us a call to action to take our work to the next level,” said Larry Feldman, Federation’s King David Society Chair. “The possibilities are tremendous for us - all together - to build an even stronger community that will meet even more critical needs and build even more Jewish knowledge, identity and pride among our neighbors and around the world.”


The evening’s $150 couvert includes valet parking. Cocktail attire is requested, and dietary laws will be observed. For more information about the Leadership Gifts Event and other Major Gifts opportunities at the Federation, please contact Ida Novack at  561.852.3342 or


The Federation’s Major Gifts Program is generously sponsored by Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC; Proskauer; and Steinberg Global Asset Management, Ltd. The Boca Raton Observer is the Leadership Gift Event’s Exclusive Magazine Sponsor.






Michael B. Oren served as Israel’s Ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013. He currently holds the Abba Eban Chair in International Diplomacy at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, and is Ambassador-in-Residence at the Atlantic Council.


Educated at Princeton and Columbia, Ambassador Oren has been a visiting professor at Yale, Harvard, and Georgetown, and was a Distinguished Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem. An expert in Middle East History, Ambassador Oren’s last two books, Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East from 1776 to the Present and Six Days of War, were New York Times bestsellers.


Born in the United States, Ambassador Oren made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) and enlisted as a paratrooper in the Israel Defense Forces, seeing action in the Lebanon War. As an officer, Ambassador Oren served as a liaison to the U.S. Sixth Fleet during the Gulf War, and was an IDF Spokesman during the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead.

Ambassador Oren and his wife, Sally, have three children.



joyce brooks, gerard mckeon.  photo by:  rose billings

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