The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Champions for Change
Gala is the Foundation’s signature fundraising
event. Each year, awards are given to the
Foundation’s “Champions” – individuals or corporate
supporters committed to the Foundation’s goal of
changing behaviors and saving lives through skin
cancer education.
This year, the Foundation will honor Robert J.
Friedman, MD, Clinical Professor at NYU School
of Medicine, Department of Dermatology. dangerous
forms of skin cancer. He is passionate about skin
cancer education, and in fact was part of a group of
dermatologists at NYU that developed “the ABCDs of
melanoma,” which became a widely-recognized tool
used for early detection of the disease.
The 2018 Skin Cancer Foundation Media Award will
also be presented, honoring excellence in skin
cancer-related editorial coverage that furthers the
Foundation’s mission. The three finalists will be
recognized during the evening’s program, then the
winner will be announced.