Ira and Ingeborg
Rennert hosted an evening of cocktails and
dinner to benefit the Southampton Hospital at
their Hamptons estate, Fairfield on
Thursday, June 4, 2009.
The evening, a
celebration of Southampton Hospital’s
Centennial, raised $80,000 to in support of the
Hospital’s new Wellness Institute, scheduled to
open in August.
Some of the guests
in attendance included:
Nina Rennert Davidson and Mitchell Davidson,
Geoffrey Bradfield, Southampton Hospital
President & CEO Robert Chaloner, John and Karen
Ferguson, former Mayor Rudolf Giuliani and
Judith Giuliani, Richard and Chris Hiegel, Patty
and George Kraus, Howard Lorber, Peter Haveles,
Harry Haveles, Remmel Dickinson, Jean Remmel
FitzSimmons, Tony and Maureen Leness, Dorothy
Lewis, Collete and Charles Russell, Sandra
McConnell, Julie Ratner, Joel and Yvette Mallah,
Andy Sabin, Sony Schotland, Dr. Martin Stone and
Nancy Stone, and Kenneth and Megan Wright.