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Black Tie International:
The 56th
International Debutante Ball
Twenty-Seven Girls
of Distinction
Take Their Bow
at the
56th International
Debutante Ball
December 29th, 2010
Photos by:
Drennon, Miss Talitha Piggott (England)
Princess Lucretia Oblensky |
Rosenthal, Gabriel Arrien, George Demeris |
Nora Luyo, Pompeyo Realuyo
Edward di Lamporecchio, Princess Lucretia Oblensky |
Sandra Chunn,
Samantha Frith, Richard Bright,
Alex Chunn, Peg Bright |
James Baehr,
Monique Giaancaspero, Peter Milligan,
Celeste Caskey, James O'Donnoll |
Giancaspero, Neel Patel, Celeste Caskey |
Piggott, Kathryn Drennon |
Hernandez, Olina Coats, Jackson Berg, Blaire Kernin |
Clagett |
Alexander J.
Morris, Joshua Fontanez, George Demeris,
Christopher Russ, Alexander Mullin |
Doran A.
Mullen, Peggy Bright, Ian Murray |
Drennon, Robin Drennon |
Alex Chunn |
Drennon,Gerard Mc Keon, Robin Drennon |
Twenty-seven young women of distinction from the
United States and abroad made their bow to society
at the 56 th
Anniversary of the International Debutante Ball and
dinner dance. The debutantes represented England,
Scotland, Sweden, and France and ten American
states.* Each debutante was accompanied by her own
escort in white tie and tails, and a military cadet
in dress uniform who carried the flag of the country
or state which she represents. The event took place
at the Waldorf=Astoria.
This year's Debutantes included:
Miss Talitha Piggott
whose great-great grandfather, Sir Francis Taylor
Piggott, was Chief Justice of Hong Kong and
Mauritius. Miss Piggott?s great grandfather,
Francis Gilderoy Piggott D.S.O. was Special Advisor
to Japanese Emperor Hirohito. Miss Piggott?s
grandfather General Francis Claude Piggott D.S.O.
was Director of British Military Intelligence.
Miss Gabriella Arrien
who is a great granddaughter of Prime Minister Dr.
Julio A. Guitiérrez. and a granddaughter of Prime
Minister and Acting President Dr. Mario R.
Guitiérrez of Bolivia. Representing
Miss Olivia Laine Tyson,
granddaughter of Donald J. Tyson, Chairman Emeritus
of Tyson Foods Inc. Representing
Miss Hadley Marie Nagel,
a student at Johns Hopkins University and Hodson
Trust Scholar. Miss Nagel has been called the
"Youngest Lobbyist on Capital Hill" for her crusade
for, and founding of,
Americans for Madison;
an organization urging congress to pass a bill that
calls for the federal government to fund a monument
in James Madison's honor. Also representing
- Miss
Grace Elisabeth Quick,
whose father, Mr. Peter Quick, is former President
of the American Stock Exchange. Representing
Katherine Anne Bontecou DuVal
whose grandfather was the late former Virginia
Senator Clive DuVal, II. Representing
Miss Meredith Bess Mosbacher,
granddaughter of the late Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr.,
who was Secretary of Commerce under President George
H.W. Bush. Meredith's father, Robert A. Mosbacher,
Jr., was President and CEO of Mosbacher Energy
Company. Other girls representing
Miss Claire Susan Crenshaw
of Austin who is the daughter of Mr. Ben Crenshaw,
the professional golfer who has won two Masters
Tournaments and in 2003 was inducted into the Golf
Hall of Fame, and
Miss Olivia Lauren Flores,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Flores who is
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of
Plains Exploration & Production Company.
The International Debutante Ball was founded in 1954
as a charity. The International Debutante Ball
Foundation supports numerous charities including
The Soldiers', Sailors', Marines', Coast Guard and
Airmen's Club,
a home away from home for the military and their
families. The Club
has a mission to promote the general welfare of
Servicemen and Servicewomen (and their families) of
the United States and its Allies and to maintain
clubhouses and/or other facilities. They also
proudly serve the N.Y.P.D., N.Y.F.D., and E.M.S.
personnel who, after 9/11, are likewise on the
"Front Lines. " We are hereby dedicated to support
our Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps,
Merchant Marine and Navy personnel and their
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