Ann Norton Sculpture Garden
is in good cheer and celebrating the
holiday spirit with the overwhelming success of the
Festival of Trees Gala held Friday night, December
3, drawing over 400 guests for its fourth annual
Guests ranging in age
from one to 100 traveled through the gardens and
viewed over 30 magnificently decorated trees
individually underwritten by various businesses,
civic groups and individuals
with a universal theme of Les
Artistes. In addition to the parade of trees
were musical and ballet performances from the
Florida Classical Ballet Theater, the West
Boca Raton High School Choir, Palm Beach
Atlantic University’s Stringendo School For Strings,
the BAK Middle School of the Arts Chorus, and
Palm Beach Atlantic University’s “Brass 5”
who provided glorious entertainment for the young
and the young at heart.
The Festival of Trees continued with
its community days throughout the weekend and will
begin daily starting this Wednesday, December 8
through Sunday, December 12 with evening
viewing from 5:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Evening tickets for adults are $15,
children $5, and children 3 and under free.
Mentionable tree favorites include:
The Palm Beach Illustrated tree inspired by
Louis Nelveson and created by the Festival of
Trees Design Chair, Joseph Pubillones
who assembled an eight-foot, three-dimensional tree,
Wayne Thiebaud for his noted confection in
art inspired tree which was a favorite for the
numerous children who attended the gala with
lollipops adoring the tree and its base, a
Picasso inspired tree, by Home Life Interiors
utilizing the abstract use of color and imagery
as well as the musical instruments depicted in many
of his works, and Erte who is an absolute
garden goddess in green and faux fur for Dr.
Howard and Joanne Lybolt as seen by their
designer, Austin Hancock. Additional
masterpiece mentions include: Garrigues Interiors
who designed two trees; the first, a
Henri Matisse inspired tree, utilizing bold
colors and large scale shapes topped with Matisse’s
famous Icarus from the Jazz series and a
Paul Gauguin tree covered with large palm
fronds, colorful flowers and seashells, designer
Chad Renfro with his interpretation of a
Warhol inspired tree for the Rodriquez
and Wickman Families of Wellington, and a
Vincent Van Gogh themed tree created by the 3rd
Grade Class at Rosarian Academy underwritten
by Mieke van Waveren & Family who is of this
year’s Co-Chairs.
“For the first time
we exceeded our goal of presenting 25 trees”, said
Cynthia Palmieri, Executive Director of the Ann
Norton Sculpture Garden. “With 32 trees this year,
we have an array of contemporary, traditional,
abstract, and pop art represented.”
representing the Festival of trees include: Rodger
Chew II, Kevin Clark, Joseph Cortez, Mona de Sayve,
Susan Fagan, Jack Fhillips, Jenny Garrigues, Austin
Hancock, Patrick Killian, Isolde Koester, Lauri
LaBow, Debora Maaale, Kevin Marnell, Jennifer Marsh,
Tom Mathieu, Stephen Mooney, Cynthia Palmieri,
Margaret Poetz, Chad Renfro, Allan Reyes, Angela
Reynolds, Scott Robertson, Saks Fifth Avenue Palm
Beach, Melody Smith, Catherine Stewart, Bruce Sutka,
Holly Taboada, Cynthia Thomas, Veronica Volani-Inza
and Design Chair, Joseph Pubillones.
The 2010
Chairpersons are Karyn Lamb and Mieke
Van Waveren, with David Miller serving as
Honorary Chairman. Committee members include:
Robin Azqueta, Diana Bell, Jeff Blakely, Jonathan
Cameron-Hayes, Joanne Colt, Chrissy Colton, Millie
Dayton, Aime Dunstan, Jenny Garrigues, Amy Guerrieri,
Austin Hancock, Margaret Horgan, Karyn Janssen,
Kelly Kirkpatrick, Brian Kirkpatrick, Dana
Krentschmar, Heléné Lorentzen, Denise McCann, David
Miller, Tara Nicoletti, Eileen and John Otto, Joseph
Pubillones, Analisa Ramos-Estaban, Chad Renfro,
Jennifer Rodriguez, True Rodriguez, Ashley and
Michael Ramos, Denise Silverman, Sandy Singer, Tracy
Smith, Linda Soper, Diana Speight, Tricia Taylor,
and Emmy Wolbach.
The event serves as the major fundraising event for
the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden and its Community
Enrichment Program with sponsors and underwriters
that include: The
Gentleman of the Garden, KOOL 105.5 FM, Palm
Beach Illustrated, The Palm Beach Post, Grey
Goose Vodka sponsored by Bacardi, U.S.A, Rock
Star Catering Company, Marky Caviar, The
Breakers Palm Beach, Whole Food Markets, Sushi
Jo, Opici Wines Company of Florida, Imishmail
Merritt Photography, Lydian Bank and Trust, and Tree
Towne Christmas Trees.
The Festival of Tree raises money to
support the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens and its
Community Enrichment Program. The Ann Norton
Sculpture Gardens’ Community Enrichment Program is
designed to provide cultural opportunities to all
populations, through innovative programming
incorporating the visual arts, environmental
awareness, and interpretive history of Ann Weaver
admissions apply during the Festival of Trees
Community Days. Tickets for the event can be
purchased at the door and go to support the Ann
Norton Sculpture Gardens.
For Groups Sales please call 561- 832-5328. To learn
more on how you can be part of this fundraising
event to support the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens
please call 561-832-5328 or email
To view the latest schedule of events at the garden,
please visit:
The Ann Norton
Sculpture Gardens, Inc. is a recognized 501 (c) (3)
operating foundation established in 1977 by the
prominent sculptor Ann Weaver Norton (1905-1982).
The gardens are conveniently located at 253
Barcelona Road, at the corner of Flagler Drive in
West Palm Beach, FL. The rare palm and sculpture
gardens, exhibition galleries and artist studio are
currently open
Wednesday-Sunday. 11- 4 p.m. |