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Black Tie International:
Day of
Reflection, Dialogue & Prayer for Peace & Justice in the
Rabbi Arthur
Schneier offers Pope Benedict XVI
best wishes in celebration of the 60-th anniversary of the
Pope’s ordination as a Priest:
Rabbi Arthur Schneier, President of the Appeal of
Conscience Foundation and senior rabbi at the Park East
Synagogue offers Pope Benedict XVI best wishes on the 60th
anniversary of his ordination as a priest.
Rabbi Schneier hosted the first ever visit by a Pope to a
synagogue in the United States, when
Pope Benedict XVI visited Park East synagogue on April 19,
2008. Rabbi Schneier has accepted the Pope’s invitation to
attend the Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer for Peace
and Justice in the World , in Assisi on October 27th.The
Gathering will mark the 25th Anniversary of the
historic meeting convened by Pope John Paul II in 1986 which
Rabbi Schneier attended.
Photo Courtesy of The Appeal of
Conscience of Foundation |
At Pope Benedict XVI
Rabbi Arthur Schneier to Join
World Religious Leaders
to attend the Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer
for Peace and Justice
in the World
****Gathering will mark 25th
Anniversary of historic meeting convened by Pope John
Paul II*****
Rabbi Arthur Schneier, President of
the Appeal of Conscience Foundation and senior rabbi at
the Park East Synagogue has announced that he will
attend the Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer for
Peace and Justice in the World at the invitation of
Pope Benedict XVI, in Assisi on October 27th.
The gathering will commemorate the
25th anniversary of the World Day of
Prayer for Peace convened by Pope John Paul II in
1986. Rabbi Arthur Schneier hosted the first ever
visit by a Pope to a synagogue in the United States,
when Pope Benedict XVI visited Park East synagogue on
April 18, 2008.
“In a
fractured world, at a time of polarization, division,
terrorism, and conflict, it is vital that
religious leaders of major faiths unite for peaceful
coexistence. We must inspire to put brakes on man’s
inhumanity to man and cultivate man’s humanity to man.
Religion must be part of the solution to the existential
problems facing mankind and not the source of division,”
said Rabbi Arthur Schneier. “In order for our
civilization to survive, we must embrace the covenant of
the rainbow: respect every color, every culture, and
every faith community. In diversity, we must blend
together to assure no further destruction of our
civilization. I thank Pope Benedict XVI for bringing us
together in jointly helping us to build a better world.”
Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF) ,
founded by Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965, has worked on
behalf of religious freedom and human rights throughout
the world. This interfaith coalition of business,
religious and foreign policy leaders promotes peace,
tolerance and ethnic conflict resolution. It also
provides a voice of conscience to protect minorities at
a time of increasing ethnic conflict in many regions of
the world The ACF has long held that "a crime committed
in the name of religion is the greatest crime against
religion". The struggle for human rights is ongoing and
tolerance can be achieved by encouraging open dialogue
and mutual understanding. The ACF is dedicated in
reaching this endeavor by rallying religious leaders
worldwide to take a stand, using their influence to halt
violence and terrorism.
Arthur Schneier has served as U.S. Alternate
Representative to the U.N. General Assembly and Chairman
of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's
Heritage Abroad. In 1998, he was one of three American
religious leaders appointed by President Clinton to
start the first dialogue on religious freedom with
President Jiang Zemin and other top Chinese leaders. In
2001, Rabbi Schneier initiated the Resolution for the
Protection of Religious Sites, adopted by the U.N.
General Assembly. In 2004 he served as a member of the
U.S. delegation to the Stockholm International Forum for
the Prevention of Genocide. In 2005 ,
he was appointed to the High-Level Group, Alliance of
Civilizations, by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, a
distinguished group whose goal is to bridge divisions
between societies exploited by extremists and among
societies in which prejudices, misconceptions and
polarizations threaten international stability and
peaceful relations. In 2008, UN Secretary General Ban-Ki
Moon, appointed Rabbi Arthur Schneier Ambassador to the
Alliance of Civilizations.
by Yeshiva University he is the recipient of eleven
honorary doctorates. Born in Vienna, Austria, March 20,
1930, Rabbi Schneier lived under Nazi occupation in
Budapest during World War II and arrived in the United
in 1947.
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