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Sara Herbert-Galloway's Birthday Celebration
![Sara Herbert-Galloway, Barry Klarberg, Alana Galloway and Justin Galloway](sara_birthday_sara_barry_alana_justin.jpg) |
Herbert-Galloway's Birthday Celebration at
NY Yankee Stadium
"A Home Run"
Sara Herbert-Galloway,
Barry Klarberg, Alana and Justin Galloway |
Photos by: Rose Billings |
not every day that a person has a birthday party at
Yankee Stadium. "Happy Birthday Sara" was displayed on
the scoreboard. Many of Sara's social friends had never
been to the new Yankee Stadium or a baseball game so a
birthday party there was a real experience for a lot of
people, what fun! Her fiance, Barry Klarberg, NY Yankee
partner said he wanted to do something unique, so he
decided on lunch at the upscale NY Yankee Steak House in
the stadium and a baseball game for all of us. Lunch
was delicious, the weather was great, the guests were
amongst the who's who and the Yankees won. What a
perfect day. This was not just any game, as the Yankee's
are battling to get into the finals and versed The Tampa
Bay Rays.
was ecstatic and joked with friends that the belated
birthday party was her "ballmitzvah", teasing Barry that
she should have worn a "ball" gown. He joked back that
she was a "ball" buster. They had us all laughing when
he presented her with a NY Yankee team shirt # 29 plus
(in lieu of a fur) and she asked if she'd made the team.
What a fun couple!
Cook captivated the crowd, singing 'Happy Birthday to
Sara' . After
hearing his voice, I understand why he sang for the
Prince of Wales and 3 US presidents and now he has sang
for our dear Sara.
Some of
the guests in attendance were Norma Abbene 'Deputy
Counsel to Mayor Bloomberg' and her husband Vincent,
Robin Cofer and Dominique D'Alleva, Anne Bezemat and
Bill Cohen, Amy Treitel, Errol Rappaport, Jan and
Michael Planit, Liz Derringer, Liz Lewis and Alan
Donenfeld, The Luce Foundation's Jim Luce and John Lee,
Donnetta Campbell 'the Barnyard Group', Libby Locke,
Melissa and Todd Thomson, Lee Fryd, Cassandra
Seidenfeld-Lyster and Robert Lyster, Katlean De Monchy
and David Post, Society in Focus' Tom Fitzgerald, Times
Square Gossips James Edstrom, Rose and Donald Billings.
Of course Sara's lovely children Justin and Alana were
there to support their mom along with Barry's boys Matt
and Ryan.
don't know how Barry managed to pull off the party
with such short notice. He said he just planned it
over the past week or so, inviting people he knew
through Sara, since many people were busy or
traveling over the summer.
was great to be a part of it. Everyone was filled
with love for Sara who gives us all so much love in
![Libby Locke, Sara Herbert-Galloway, Cassandra Seinfeld](sara_birthday_libby_sara_cassandra.jpg) |
![Todd and Melissa Thompson, Errol Rappaport, Sara Herbert-Galloway, Thomas Cook](sara_birthday_todd_melissa_errol_sara_thomas.jpg) |
Libby Locke, Sara Herbert-Galloway,
Cassandra Seinfeld
Todd and Melissa Thomson, Errol Rappaport,
Sara Herbert-Galloway, Thomas Cook
![Katlean De Monchy, David Post](sara_birthday_katlean_david.jpg) |
![Alan Donenfeld and wife Liz Lewis](sara_birthday_alan_liz.jpg) |
Katlean De Monchy & David Post |
Alan Donenfeld and wife
Liz Lewis
![Front: Jan and Michael Planit Back: Amy Treitel, Anne Bezemat Cohen, Bill Cohen](sara_birthday_jan_michael_amy_anne_bill.jpg) |
![Alana Galloway and Ethan Thomson](sara_birthday_alana_ethan.jpg) |
Front: Jan and Michael Planit Back: Amy
Treitel, Anne Bezemat Cohen, Bill Cohen
Alana Galloway and
Ethan Thomson
![Sara Herbert-Galloway and News 12's Frank Recchia](sara_birthday_sara_frank.jpg) |
![John Lee and Jim Luce](sara_birthday_john_jim.jpg) |
Sara Herbert-Galloway and
News 12's Frank Recchia |
John Lee and Jim Luce |
![](sara_birthday_sara.jpg) |
Happy Birthday Sara!!!!
Love and Hugs,
Joyce & Gerard |
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