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Pearl Initiative: Corporate
Responsibility in the Arab World
Badr Jafar,
Co-Founder, Pearl Initiative
President, Crescent Petroleum |
Amir Dossal,
Co-Founder, Pearl Initiative.
Founder & Chairman, Global Partnerships Forum |
Roland Rich,
Officer-in-Charge, UN Office for Partnerships |
Basil Moftah,
Managing Director, Middle East, Africa and Russia, Thomson
Reuters |
Joseph Rizzo, UN
Global Relationship Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers |
Amir Dossal and
Hamid Jafar |
Badr Jafar, Amir
Dossal Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Jafar |
Najla Al Midfa,
Hamid Jafar and Imelda Dunlop, Executive Director, Pearl
Initative |
Zecki Dossal and
George Khalaf, Director, Middle East
and North Africa, Synergos |
Laura Clufo and Bawa
Jain, Secretary General, World Council of Religious Leaders
of The Millenium World Peace Summit |
Matthew E. B.
Brotmann, Esq., President/Founder, B4 Strategic Solutions,
LLC and Christopher Ruth, Managing Partner,
Northern Gulf Partners |
Joseph E. Murphy,
JD, CCEP, Director of Public Policy,
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics |
Debra I. Da Costa,
Vice President Marketing,
United Nations Federal Credit Union |
Karen Linehan Mroz,
President Middle East Children's Institute |
Joyce Brooks, Karen
Linehan Mroz,
Laura Clufo and Bawa
Jain |
Pearl Initiative
Roundtable Luncheon on
Corporate Accountability in the Arab World
Monday 24th September 2012
UN Delegates’ Dining Room, United Nations Headquarters,
New York
by: Joyce Brooks
Pearl Initiative,
PO Box 26666,
American University of Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates
Tel +971 6 515 4605 Fax +971 6 572 6000
Luncheon Report
Print Friendly PDF
Imelda Dunlop, Executive Director, Pearl Initiative
Fifty roundtable participants:
Business leaders from public sector and private companies,
state-owned enterprises and family firms
GCC government leaders
GCC and other UN Ambassadors
UN leaders
Heads of NGOs and Foundations
13.00 – 13.20
Welcome Badr Jafar, Co-Founder, Pearl Initiative
Amir Dossal, Co-Founder, Pearl Initiative
13.20 – 13.30
Opening Remarks Roland Rich, Officer-in-Charge,
UN Office for Partnerships
13.30 – 14.10
Sharing personal insight and experiences Basil Moftah,
Managing Director, Middle East,
Africa and Russia, Thomson Reuters
Joseph Rizzo, UN Global Relationship Partner,
PricewaterhouseCoopers (TBC)
14.10 – 14.30
A Vision for Corporate Accountability
Adel Abdellatif, Chief of the Regional Progamme
in the Arab world Division,
Regional Bureau for Arab States at UNDP
14.30 – 15.00
Discussion and Q&A All participants
The Pearl Initiative,
developed in collaboration with the United Nations Office
for Partnerships,is a GCC-based, private sector-led,
not-for-profit organisation set up to foster a culture of
transparency, accountability, good corporate governance and
best business practices in the Arab world. It is a growing
regional network of business leaders committed to driving
joint action and sharing knowledge and experience.
Pearl Initiative Progress Update
May 2012
Since mid-2011, the Pearl Initiative has been driving
tangible initiatives in areas such as anti-corruption, good
governance, ethics and integrity, integrated reporting and
corporate disclosure within the GCC.
There are three streams of activity:
1. Collaborative Action and Dialogue Forums
The Pearl Initiative catalyses joint collaborative action
between regional and global business leaders, international
institutions, government bodies, wider initiatives, and
cross-sector partnerships.
We launched a joint regional Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)
with the World Economic Forum
at the Middle East Summit in October 2011. We encourage
business leaders to sign the PACI Principles and
commit to countering bribery; reinforce and raise awareness
of the business case for action against corruption; and
provide a regional network through which organisations can
gain knowledge, benefit from mutual support and share
are working closely with UNDP to progress the regional
anti-corruption agenda and engage the private secto
r in the reform process
We held Roundtables on Corporate Good Practices in Anti-Bribery and
Corruption – in Qatar and Bahrain on
13th and 14th March 2012. More than a hundred and eighty
chief executives and senior finance, accounting, audit,
compliance, legal, and governance professionals, from
private and public companies and government institutions,
participated in the interactive roundtable sessions. The aim
was to share insights and learning
between organisations, and help improve policies and actions
to mitigate the risk of possible corruption within
Integrated Reporting
Our programme on Integrated Reporting is in collaboration
with HRH The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for
Sustainability (A4S) Project. We are holding
awareness-raising sessions around the region in order to
introduce the
concepts and benefits of integrated reporting. We are also
providing a regional network through which interested
organisations can gain knowledge, benefit from mutual
support and share experiences.
We held a workshop on Integrated Reporting in Dubai, in
collaboration with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce,
on 29th November 2011
We held a Roundtable on Integrated Reporting in Abu Dhabi on
14th February 2012, along with the
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and
the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group. More than fifty
CEOS, senior finance, accounting, compliance, sustainability
and governance professionals participated in the
interactive roundtable session – with the aim of
facilitating the sharing of insights and learning between
organisations with experience and interest in greater levels
of sustainability and financial reporting.
Good Governance
As part of our Good Governance Programme, we are leading a
series of tailored leadership roundtable sessions
focused on peer-to-peer exchange of knowledge, issues faced
and experiences.
We brought Peter Eigen, the Founder of Transparency
International to the region in December 2011 to
facilitate sessions in Dubai and Riyadh.
We held a CEO Summit on Ethical Leadership in Abu Dhabi on 1st May 2012,
under the patronage and in the
presence of His Excellency Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan,
Minister of Higher Education & Scientific
Research and Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of
Technology, UAE. Professor Muhammad Yunus (the so called
‘father of modern microfinance’, founder of the Grameen
Bank, and winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize) gave a
keynote address. Seventy business leaders engaged in a
wide-ranging roundtable discussion of emerging best practice
in business ethics, and ideas for how the Pearl Initiative
can continue to promote this
in a way that goes beyond words alone, but rather pursues
measurable, concrete deliverables for all stakeholders
2. Knowledge
The Pearl Initiative fosters greater understanding and
appreciation of the business case, issues and trends
with transparency and accountability through the generation
of new data, research, analysis and insight across the
GCC Family Firm Research
We are carrying out, in collaboration with a partner
consulting firm, the research and analysis to create the
first ever
report on governance and transparency practices in family
firms in the GCC. We aim to publish this report in December
“Beyond Compliance” GCC Good Practice Case Studies
A team of 5 MBA students from the University of Cambridge
Judge Business School, UK and the American University
of Sharjah, UAE carried out an intensive 4-week project on
good practice experiences within organisations in the
region, researching case study examples of “beyond
compliance” within GCC companies in the areas of:
Effective Board Processes
The implementation and embedding of Ethics and
Integrity-related policies – covering areas such as ethical
labour practices, anti-bribery & corruption, human rights,
supply chain, and responsible investing
- Integrated Reporting – the combination of financial,
environmental, social and governance reporting.
The student team presented their project findings to an
audience of 50 business leaders on 22nd April 2012, followed
by dinner. The full reports will be published by July 2012.
3. University Collaborations
University collaborations help build the capacity of future
leaders to make a difference in creating a culture of
transparency and accountability. The Pearl Initiative is
collaborating with the American University of Sharjah and
leading Universities across the region to forge greater
links with the private sector in teaching and research in
areas of
ethics, integrity, corporate governance and sustainability.
University Workshops
We are holding workshops in regional universities in which
private sector leaders help bring the ethics and integrity
topics to life with students though interactive discussion
on real-life scenarios and case studies
Curriculum Development
o From 2nd-5th March 2012, the American University of
Sharjah, along with the Pearl Initiative, hosted the TIRI
Arab Integrity Education Network. This is a network of
professors from Universities across the Arab world working
together to develop meaningful and empowering courses in
Arabic that help students build values, integrity and a
toolkit for implementation in future working life. This
meeting was a working group of 28
Professors coming together to develop a full-semester course
curriculum on ethics in Arabic.
The Founding Patron of the Pearl Initiative
His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohamad Al-Qasimi,
Member of the Supreme Council of UAE and Ruler of Sharjah.
The Board of Governors of the Pearl Initiative
Honorary Chairman – His Excellency Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al
Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education, UAE
Chairman - Hamid Dhiya Jafar, Cresent Group
Vice-Chairman - Abdulaziz H. Aljomaih, Aljomaih Group
Vice-Chairman – Riad Al Sadiq, Al Habtoor Leighton Group
Abdulla Mazrui, Mazrui Holdings
Arif Naqvi, Abraaj Capital
Amir Dossal, Global Partnerships Forum
Badr Jafar, Crescent Group
Fadi Ghandour, Aramex
Fahad Al Turki, ATCO Group
Helal Saeed Almarri, Dubai World Trade Centre
Jamal Fakhro, KPMG
Khalid Al-Rajhi, Rajhi Partners
Dr. Khalid Bin Thani Bin Abdulla Al-Thani,
Qatar International Islamic Bank
Rashad M. Al Zubair, Zubair Corporation
Samer Khoury, CCC
Varouj Nerguizian, Bank of Sharjah
Warwick Hunt, PWC | |
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