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Black Tie
WNRC - Dr. Benjamin
Photos By:
Vincent Menza
Cathryn Lenihan, President of WNRC, Dr. Benjamin Carson,
Ronnie Perl, Event Chair |
On the sold out evening of Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Dr.
Benjamin Carson honored the Calvin Coolidge Library
Committee at New York's Woman's National Republican Club, by
coming to speak to us about his latest top ten Best Seller:
"One Nation:
What We Can All Do To Save America's Future."
Dr. Carson addresses his audience. |
As he walked into
the impressive Grand Ballroom of The WNRC, a Clubhouse that
is listed on the National Register of Historical
Places, over 300 people began to cheer before he even spoke
a word. We were also treated to meeting his lovely wife of
39 years, Candy, who he mentioned many times during his
talk. |
Dr. Ben Carson, with his
soft spoken words, shared his views of a common sense
approach to solving the United States societal woes and
political divisions. In his book , he tries to address
these divisions and how to bring American's back
together. He told the story about how-- " A PBS reporter
asked me," How come you don't talk more about race?" The
professor emeritus of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic
surgery and pediatrics at The Johns Hopkins Children's
Center who retired in June 2013, answered, " I said
because I am a neurosurgeon. When I open up a patient's
scull, I'm working on what makes him or her a human
being - not his skin."
He begins his book
by telling us how he gave a speech at the National Prayer
Breakfast in 2003. Standing a few feet from President Obama,
he warned his fellow citizens the dangers facing our country
and called for a return to principles that made
America great! |
He reminded us of
what each person can do - Get back to the days when people
had neighborhood meetings, town meetings - inviting everyone
to sit down and talk about what kind of a nation we want to
have and what we can do in order to get that . We must
encourage each other and recognize the consequences of not
doing that! The standing room audience was spellbound! |
At the end of his
talk, all who attended gave him a standing ovation
cheering the entire time. |
Standing Ovation |
Dr. Ben Carson, was
then asked many questions and did not hesitate to answer all
of them. He signed everyone's book, took pictures with them
and generously took a bit of time to answer their questions.
If anyone can help us bring America back to it's greatness,
it is Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr. MD. He is one in a
million and the
real deal!
Answering questions from the audience. |
Hon. Patti Page's book |
Dr. Ben Carson and Lauren Lawrence |
Richard Johnson and
Lauren Lawrence
The evening was truly wonderful,
inspirational and hopeful for all. |
To learn more about Dr. Carson please visit: |
To learn more about
WNRC. also known as the 3 West Club
Please visit:
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