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Photos by:

Dr. Tala Abu-Ghazaleh,
Chairman and Founder Tag-org,
Dr.Joan Clos, Executive Director Un-Habitat,
Hanif, Director, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
E. Mr. Martin Sajdik, President of ECOSOC ,
H.E. Ambassador Martin Sajdik, President ECOSOC,
Permanent Representative Austria to the United Nations. |
Partnerships Forum
“The role of partnerships in achieving the Post-2015
development agenda:
Making it happen”
Photos by: Blacktiemagazine/GMK |
Morning Session: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM:
Opening Welcoming remarks by H.E. Mr. Martin Sajdik,
President of the Economic and Social Council
Opening remarks by Mr. Jan Eliasson,
Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Opening
Keynote Address:
President William Jefferson Clinton, Founder of the Clinton
and 42nd President of the United States
*** 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM:
Special addresses by Ministers of Health from African
(via videoconference):
H.E. Dr. Bernice Dahn,
Minister-Designate for Health and Social Welfare, Liberia
H.E. Mr. Remy Lamah,
Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Guinea
H.E. Ms. Madina Rahman,
Deputy-Minister of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM:
Dialogue One
Partnerships in support of strengthening health systems:
Building resilience to Pandemics
Moderator: Professor Paul Farmer,
Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Community-Based
and Lessons from Haiti, Co-founder, Partners In Health,
and Chair, Harvard University Medical School
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM: Panel Discussion
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director,
US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Dr. Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti, Regional Director for Africa,
(via videoconference)
Mr. Gary M. Cohen, Executive VP and President of Global
Becton, Dickinson and Co.
Mr. Jeffrey Wright, Actor, and Founder, Ebola Survival Fund
Dr. Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health and Population, Harvard
11:45 AM– 12:55 PM: Interactive Dialogue
12:55 PM – 1:00 PM:
Concluding Thoughts:
Professor Paul Farmer *
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Lunch Break
Afternoon Session 3:00 PM – 3:05 PM:
Opening of the afternoon session by
H.E. Mr. Martin Sajdik, President of ECOSOC
3:05 PM – 5:15 PM: Dialogue 2
Partnerships for the Post-2015 Era:
Reality Check
Moderator: Ms. Brenda Killen, Deputy-Director,
Development Cooperation Directorate, OECD
3:05 PM – 4:00 PM: Panel Discussion
Ms. Carolyn Miles, President and CEO, Save the Children
Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director-General, CERN
Mr. G.S. Krishnan, Regional President, Novozymes, India
H.E. Ambassador Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota,
Permanent Mission of Brazil
to the United Nations, New York
Dr. Mercy Ahun, Special Representative for GAVI Eligible
GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM: Interactive Dialogue
5:15 PM – 5:45 PM:
Launch of the Global Network on Promoting
Digital Technologies for Sustainable Urbanization
Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director, UN-Habitat
Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh,
Chairman and Founder, Talal Abu-Gazaleh Organization
5:45 – 6:00 PM:
Closing Closing remarks by H.E. Mr. Martin Sajdik,
President of the Economic and Social Council
6:15 – 8:30 PM:
Reception in the Dag Hammarskjold Library Penthouse
(Sponsored by the Global Partnerships Forum) |
Ms. Carolyn
Miles, President and CEO, Save the Children,Professor
Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director-General, CERN ,Mr. G.S.
Krishnan, Regional President, Novozymes, India
H.E. Ambassador Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota, Permanent Mission of Brazil
to the United Nations, New York
Dr. Mercy Ahun, Special Representative for GAVI Eligible Countries, GAVI,
the Vaccine Alliance |
Atta, Director-Business Operations, TEKsystems,
Amir Dossal, Chairman, Global
Partnerships Forum |
Carolyn &
Mike Lackey, President, AIT Global,
Cassandra Campos, Account Manager, TEKSystems |
High- Level Luncheon
Digital Cities, the role of the Private Sector
Mr. David Post, Executive Manager, Global Smarter Cities,
Business, IBM,
Dr. Tala Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and Founder Tag-org,
Dr.Joan Clos, Executive Director Un-Habitat,
H.E. Ambassador Martin Sajdik, President ECOSCO,
Permanent Representative Austria to the United Nations.
Mike Lackey, President, AIT Global,
Atta, Director-Business Operations, TEKsystems |
Dr. Tala Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and Founder Tag-org,
H.E. Ambassador Martin Sajdik, President ECOSCO Permanent
Representative Austria to the United Nations.
Mike Lackey, President, AIT Global, |
Sarbuland Khan, Former Director, ECOSOC
Hanif, Director, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, |
Reception in the
Dag Hammarskjold Library Penthouse
(Sponsored by the
Global Partnerships Forum)
Ghislaine Maxwell, Founder, The TerraMar
Tas Dossal
Amir Dossal, Chairman, Global
Partnerships Forum |
Karen Newman,
ECOSCO, and Interorganizational Cooperation Branch, Dept. Of
Economic and Social Affairs, Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer,
Director-General, CERN ,
E. Mr. Martin Sajdik, President of ECOSOC
Dr. Tala Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and Founder Tag-org, |
Mike Lackey, President, AIT Global,
Ajit Yogasundram,
Senior Progamme Officer, ECOSOC |
Campos, Account Manager, TEKSystems
E. Mr. Martin Sajdik, President of ECOSOC
Aurora C. Aquino, Ambassador for the Humanities Program,
Sciarratta, Executive Director, Friendship Ambassadors
Foundation |
Amir Dossal, Chairman, Global
Partnerships Forum, Jessica Melore |
Amir Dossal, Chairman, Global
Partnerships Forum,
the Volunteers and Staff. |
Introductory Remarks at the High-Level Luncheon
“Digital Cities, the Role of the Private Sector”
related to the launch of
the Global Network
on Promoting Digital Technologies for Sustainable
by H.E. Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh, Chairman, Talal Abu Ghazaleh
( TAGorg) 28 May, 2015
Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates and Friends, It is my
proud privilege to join you, Your Excellency Martin Sajdik,
President of ECOSOC, Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of
UN-Habitat and Secretary General of Habitat III and our
distinguished speakers and guests, on this occasion to
launch a Global Network on Promoting Digital Technologies
for Sustainable Urbanization, inspired by the Economic and
Social Council 2014 Integration Segment. As co-convener of
the Global Network along with UN-Habitat, I am convinced
that this important initiative will be instrumental in
securing our common future.
are here to combat climate change, bring about cleaner air,
water and sanitation and create safer and healthier urban
spaces for our citizens.
The evidence is clear and the statistics speak for
themselves. Urbanization is a major and inexorable trend of
the 21st century. A majority of world’s people live in
cities today and in a few decades more than two thirds will
be city dwellers. Cities are the centers of human
civilization, creativity and wealth. Cities are also a major
source of the pollutants responsible for climate change.
It is in cities that the future of the world will be determined.
But, as my friend, Dr. Clos, likes to point out,
urbanization is not a force of nature. It is a man-made
phenomenon. We can determine what direction it should take
and what should be its outcomes. So, if we want to secure
our common future, we need to build smart and sustainable
cities. We need to have a clear, long-term vision. We need
compelling leadership to articulate and communicate this
vision. We need smart policy frameworks and evidence based
urban planning, and we need smart and sustainable
technologies and tools to implement it.
smart and sustainable urbanization can be realized only by
engaging citizens and the business sector in a genuine and
equal partnership with national and city governments. We
have learnt that business cannot succeed in failing cities.
Sustainable urbanization makes smart business sense. By now,
most business leaders have accepted this reality. Our
business models are increasingly based on the imperative of
sustainability and our corporate social responsibility
strives to support it.
is equally evident that city governments often do not have
the resources, the expertise and the technology solutions
that can help transform cities into sustainable urban hubs
of creativity and wealth. The business sector can be a
source of smart investments, and sustainable technologies
and tools, if the right enabling environment is in place.
The question is how to reconcile the perennial scarcity of
public resources with the imperative of sustainable
urbanization. One of the great paradoxes of our times is
that the world is awash with unprecedented wealth and, at
the same time, suffers from great unmet public needs. The
solution to this paradox, in my view, lies in what has come
to be known as ‘impact investing’ meaning sharing and
distribution of risks between public and private sectors,
through a partnership approach to devise smart solutions
that can leapfrog constraints and save money in the
long-run. This is already happening in many cities around
the world from Boston to Barcelona and from Seoul to Sao
Indeed, there are many success stories: Vancouver is known
for its green city images and for providing best livability
and quality of life; Stockholm for the world's safest roads
and walkability; Seoul for its accountability and
transparency; Singapore for its efficient and free transit
for early morning riders; and Copenhagen for is plans to
become a completely carbon-free city by 2025 by using wind
power, bio-fuel
and other renewable energy sources.
What is more, successful cities are revenue-generating and
self-sustaining enterprises. They are not a burden on the
public budgets. In my view, the Global Network on Promoting
Digital Technologies for Sustainable Urbanization should
serve as a spring-board for partnership-building, networking
and exchange of experience to learn from each other, build
trust, accumulate and share knowledge across the world among
city planners, business leaders, innovators and ordinary
citizens who
are the ultimate arbiters of our common future.
We are all in it together.
should be built as a network of networks, at minimal cost
yet with optimum global impact. It should bring together
national and city governments, businesses, technology
companies and innovators, other networks such as UCLG, CSU,
United Smart Cities, ANSIS, IGOs, NGOs and civil society.
can use such tools as an annual global forum, standards and
model-building, consulting assistance, disseminating best
practices and creating data banks and repositories of
knowledge and expertise.
Building on my experience of leading the UNICT Task Force,
the UNGAID and the Global Compact and many other UN
entities, I commit my support and the support of Talal Abu
Ghazaleh Organization to the success of this initiative.
closing, I would like to thank you all for the privilege
bestowed upon me by inviting me to CoConvene this important
initiative with Dr. Joan Clos and I invite all of us to the
first Global Forum on Digital Technologies for Sustainable
Urbanization, which I propose be convened in Dubai, the
smart city of the region, before the end of this year.
thank you. |
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