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Cedars-Sinai / COVID-19 Rapid Response
Even in the best of times, hundreds of
thousands of Angelenos struggle to pay rent, put dinner on
the table and take care of their health needs. Now, with
COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreading across the Los Angeles
region, Cedars-Sinai is
stepping up assistance for populations that are vulnerable
to the health and economic impacts of the virus.
Cedars-Sinai is contributing more than $2
million to programs that provide housing, food assistance
and access to healthcare for those in need during this
challenging time. The immediate funding infusion comes on
top of the $15
million Cedars-Sinai committed last year to
support safety-net organizations and the communities they
"In this time of crisis, while our doctors,
nurses and healthcare partners work around the clock to care
for our patients, we are also reaching out to the
surrounding Los Angeles community to help alleviate
suffering among our most vulnerable," said Thomas
M. Priselac, president and CEO of Cedars-Sinai.
Cedars-Sinai is giving $850,000 in grants to
support housing stability organizations, food access
programs and food banks that serve low-income, homebound
seniors, people experiencing homelessness and other groups
in need.
Among the groups
receiving grants is Project
Angel Food,
which will receive $150,000 to fund shelf-stable emergency
food packages to their clients. |
"Project Angel Food has continued to feed our
1,600 clients uninterrupted, and it’s only because of
generous partners like Cedars-Sinai," said Richard Richard
Ayoub, Executive Director of Project Angel Food." We have
incurred extra costs by sending more shelf-stable and
medically tailored meals to our clients and hired temporary
chefs and more drivers. With no near-end in sight of this
pandemic, the funding will help us weather through these
difficult times and keep us operating as an essential
service feeding those in need."
Other grantees include:
· Brilliant
a nonprofit that creates housing solutions for people
experiencing homelessness in partnership with government,
healthcare, service providers, landlords and
developers. Brilliant Corners will receive $125,000 to be
used in partnership with the Los Angeles County Department
of Health Services to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19
on the homeless population.
· United
Way of Greater Los Angeles will
receive $100,000 in support of its Pandemic Relief Fund.
· The
Mayor's Fund for L.A. will
receive $125,000 for emergency food assistance to people
experiencing homelessness in emergency shelters and to
seniors through the city Department of Aging.
· Jewish
Free Loan Association will
receive $250,000 to more easily provide free loans to those
facing housing insecurity by supporting the development of
an emergency loan guarantor fund.
Cedars-Sinai is giving $1 million to the Community
Clinic Association of Los Angeles County to
help community health centers serve patients safely in this
challenging time. The grant will drive clinics to launch or
expand telehealth programs that are critical for populations
that traditionally lack comprehensive access to healthcare
services. Community clinics will partner with telehealth
experts to serve an increasing number of patients through
new virtual technologies.
Cedars-Sinai has worked closely with
statewide and local funders as well as our community
partners to determine the highest priorities at this
time. The collaboration is a reflection of Cedars-Sinai's
deep ties to the Los Angeles community and its history of
assisting social service agencies, schools, community
clinics, senior centers and other organizations that serve
vulnerable populations.
"Los Angeles is in our DNA," Priselac said.
"That is why we stand ready to do our part to serve the
community in this time of need and going forward."
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