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Family Film Awards - Istanbul, UNESCO 2021, City of
Family Film Awards
Istanbul, 2021
UNESCO 2021 City of Culture
A Special Thank You to all the people who
Made our DREAM happen
Dr Olympia Gellini
Founder and President of the
Family Film Awards
It is with a joyous heart and a prayer that I Thank all
those who have made our shared Dream Possible and I look
forward to Launching the Inaugural Family Awards, Istanbul
in 2021.
Mrs . Ma. Xiaoqiu, Thank you for all your support and your
great prayer to Unite the wisdom of the East and West.
Dr. Jeannie YI, for your vision and hard work.
Morteza Aghakhami, for your sponsorship and friendship.
A special and sincere Thank you to all the people in
Istanbul whose great efforts and support made the Family
Film Awards Istanbul in 2021 happen. Especially:
Ilyas Gakie,MP Rize, Senior Financial Advisor to the
Cihan Gawaski, Deputy Minister of Information of Turkey.
Syededsaed Esnaeilzadeharbi, Investor and Investment Affairs
Co-ordinatoor of Turkish_Iranian Presidential Relations,
Minoo Nasirifar, Investor and Consultant for NGPS Projects.
Omer Karadeli, Roton Ltd,
Karim Kabir, President/CEO, Sunray Energy Solutions,
German Ghanbari, CEO, Hazar itn.veihr Ltd.Ski,
Amirsalar Tabatabaei, Managing Director, DD.TV Global,
Gokalp Taurus, T.V.S
Istanbul, has always been the Gateway city for Europe and
The Silk Road and the great peace under Kublai Khan, lead to
a cross pollination of ideas and innovation, that
transformed the Worlds of navigation, medicine and
Today, we are increasingly isolated as people from our
family and friends and each other by the Corona Virus. It
is our belief that the Family Film Awards can help to heal
that isolation and allow us to experience the best of many
cultures. It is very much our hope that we can convene in
Istanbul and celebrate the UNESCO Capital of Culture in
2021. We welcome you to join us in Istanbul and to enjoy
it’s great beauty and tremendous history
I have always enjoyed reading and here are some interesting
facts and books on the History of the Silk Road.
Marco Polo, probably did not bring Pasta to Europe from
China, although it’s a good story. He did introduce
Europeans to the use of paper money and the Postal
Service. Indeed it was an unfortunate period of imprisonment
that led to II milione (‘The milione”), known in English as
the Travels of Marco Polo, the world’s first best
selling book
Although Marco Polo is often credited to be the first
European to reach China, his visit in 1264 to 1269 CE was
preceded by:
The Radhanites (medieval Jewish merchants) who travelled as
far as Tang dynasty China before 1000 CE.
Andrew of Longjumeau guide a French ambassador to the great
Kuyuk Khan in 1249-1251 CE.
The Flemish explorer William of Rubruck reached China
and Mongolia through Central Asia in about 1254 CE.
Travelling the silk road and heading East towards Europe,
at approximately the same time. Rabban Sawma as an
Ambassador for the Patriarch was carrying letters to the
kings of Byzantium, Italy , France and England.
“When he (
Rabban Swawma) reached Constantinople. He sent messengers
on to announce his arrival to the king, and he was
honourably entreated and suitably housed by the Basileus, i.e. Andronicus
II (1282-1328) Whether Andronicus II promised to help Argh6n
or not is not stated, but as soon as Sawma had eaten and
drunk he asked the king to depute some one to show him the
churches, and shrines, and tombs of the saints, and the
sainted relics. Having seen the principal churches and
relics he returned to the king and asked his permission to
continue his journey to the country of the Franks. The king
gave him gifts of gold and silver and dismissed him in
Ibn Battuta, was a Muslim Berber Moroccan scholar
and explorer who
also widely travelled the medieval world
Near the end of his life, he dictated an account of his
journeys, titled
“A Gift to Those Who Contemplate the Wonders of Cities
and the Marvels of Traveling”.
He travelled more than any other explorer in distance,
totaling around
km, surpassing Zheng He with about 50,000 km
and Marco
Polo with
12,000 km.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and
first lady Amina

Ilyas Gakie, MP, Rize
Senior Financial Advisor
to the Turkish President
Dr. Gellini on behalf of the President

If you like to know more about the Family
Film Awards and DYF Entertainment, please scan the qr code

Syededsaed Esnaeilzadeharbi, Investor and
Investment Affairs Consulant
of Turkish_Iranian Presidential Relations
Dr Gellini
Minoo Nasirifar, Investor and Consultant for NGPS Projects
Morteza Aghakhani,
Chairman of NGPS,

First nights Dinner in beautiful Istanbul

Cihan Gawaski, Mechanical Engineering Inc, GEOPOWER Service
Minister of Information of Turkey
Gawaski, Deputy Minister of Information of Turkey
Dr. Gellini welcomes
Morteza Aghakhani, Chairman of NGPS
as the main sponsor of the
Family Film Awards, Istanbul 2021
Omer Karadeli, Roton Ltd,
Ilyas Gakie, MP Rize,
Dr. Gellini
Karim Kabir, President/CEO, Sunray Energy Solutions,
German Ghanbari, CEO, Hazar itn.veihr Ltd.Ski,,
Minoo Nasirifar, Investor and Consultant for NGPS Projects,
Dr Gellini
Dr Gellini,
Amirsalar Tabatabaei, Managing Director, DD.TV Global,
Dr Gellini, Gokalp
Taurus, T.V. S |
the Date, Family Film Awards, February 25, 2021 |
24th Family Film Awards
February 25, 2021
Universal Hilton Hotel
at Universal Studios
Awards Show / Television Taping
Family Film
Telecast Host
Dean Cain
FFA 2020
Lifetime Achievement Award
Honoree Ann-Margaret
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Family Film Awards
The idea to
establish an organization that would truly celebrate and
unite the film world began when Dr. Olympia Gellini, at 17,
was a participant at the Berlin Film Festival. From there,
Dr. Olympia took part in and attended a multitude of
international film festivals, film markets and entertainment
industry events. The dedication and passion Dr. Olympia
demonstrated over the years distinguished him in the
international film community.
Dr. Olympia
efforts caught the attention of the renowned television
production company Dick Clark Productions (dcp), in 1994.
Dick Clark joined in Dr. Olympia ’s vision by agreeing to
produce television awards shows for the World Film Institute
(WFI), honoring the world entertainment community.
In 1995
Tichi Wilkerson Kassel, former owner, publisher and
editor-in-chief for The Hollywood Reporter and CEO of
Hollywood Reporter Industries (publisher of over 70
magazines annually) became acquainted with Dr. Olympia
through various international industry events and film
festivals. A generous patron of the arts, Tichi over the
years has promoted and recognized excellence in all areas of
the entertainment industry. She founded Women in Film, the
Hollywood Report Key Arts Awards and Marketing Concept
Awards, all of which benefit the entertainment and motion
pictures industry around the world. Tichi, became aware of
Dr. Olympia’s vision and discovered that they shared similar
interest and goals so she agreed to assist Dr. Olympia in
his life long quest. Dr. Olympia and Tichi established the
World Film Intitute as an official non-profit organization
to recognize outstanding achievements of the motion picture
industry. Tichi was made the World Film Institutes
President Emritus and Dr. Olympia Gellini, its Founder and
In October
1995, the WFI held its very own film festival, the “Best of
the Fest,” at Unviersal Studios, as part of the semi-annual
“Creativity in America Expostion.” At the Gala festival
dinner, the WFI honored Helen Harris for her work in the
development of “Theater Vision,” an innovative technology
designed to enhance motion picture experience for the
visually impaired.
In April
1996, WFI presented its first scholarship to UCLA’s School
of Cinema. At his Paramount Studios offices, WFI’s
Scholarship Committee co-Chairman, Howard Koch made the
presentation, generously accepted on the university’s behalf
by Dean Gil Cates.
In 1996
Atonio Gellini, Dick Clark Productions (dcb) and Direct TV/Primestar
produced the highly success Family Film Awards. This award
show was attended by celebrities such as Ron Howard, Tom
Hanks, Julia Roberts, and many more.
The 24th Family Film Awards will be taped for
television on February 25, 2021 at Universal Hilton Hotel at
Universal Studio.
This televeision
show will be aired once again globaly.
Mrs Ma. Xiaoqiu and DJF Entertainment
Relaunch the Family Film Awards Worldwide |
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