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Black Tie International:
Asian American Inaugural Gala 2017 & Awards Ceremony
 Harmony Liu, Eirene Hope Liu, Jonathan Jaikaran, Adam Jaikaran,
Reciting   the Pledge of Allegiance,
 Harmony Liu, Eirene Hope Liu, Jonathan Jaikaran, Adam Jaikaran,
 Andrew Huang, Annika Huang .



Asian American Inaugural Gala 2017 & Awards Ceremony

Celebrated NRAA’s 30th Anniversary as a U.S. Asian Political “Voice”

NRAA Leaders Developing Future Strategy to Expand Chapters Across U.S.


The National Republican Asian Assembly (NRAA),

and other Asian and American business and community leaders gathered this past weekend to celebrate the progress of Asian Americans in the United States, to mark the launch of Chinese New Year and to celebrate the election of President Donald J. Trump as the 45th President.  Celebrating its 30th Anniversary, the NRAA held this event at the prestigious Park Hyatt Hotel located at 1201 24th Street N.W. Washington DC, 20037.

More than 400 individuals attended the event which included a VIP Reception, ethnic dance and music performances, awards for service to the Asian American community and a series of speeches from political and business leaders demonstrating commitment and support for the values and vision shared with the new Administration.

“We enjoyed a celebration of fun, honor, fellowship and increased commitment to a community and country that is as diverse as it is successful,"
Mr. Alfred H. Liu, A.I.A., NRAA's National Chairman,
 and a global businessman, statesman and architect. 

 He added, “Ambassadors, members of Congress, former Presidential appointees, and many others witnessed as we highlighted our history as Americans, and our path to developing a future that continues to Make America Great Again!”

Global Future Leader Organization (GFLO)
arranged a  special program to NRAA ‘s Gala Concert

Children stood center stage and  recited   the Pledge of Allegiance,
 the children were,
 Harmony Liu, Eirene Hope Liu, Jonathan Jaikaran, Adam Jaikaran,
 Andrew Huang, Annika Huang .


Harmony Liu, who is the peace ambassador of Global Future Leader Organization performing Chinese Harp and dance Latin with the outstanding young dancer Jason Dai and they were enthusiastically praised by all guests.


Harmony Liu has been very active in peace & charity social works for United Nations and US Congress since she was 8 years old. Harmony  talents include  painting & music to contribute charity for UN 70th’s , African Ebola, Syria Peace, Congress awards.  
This evening together with her young friends on the stage,  she initiative a campaign of “ Supporting New York Government’s College Tuition Free Bill to Expending to Nationwide,  this action got the support of congressman Edwards Royce who is the Chairman of Foreign Relation Committee & other VIP.

National NRAA Co-Chairman, KV Kumar, a close confidant to Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, renowned political leader and international business consultant noted,

 “We are extremely proud of the contributions and leadership which the Asian American community continues to make.”

 He said “We were blessed with support and participation from many businesses, individuals and organizations,” commented Dr. Kyo Paul Jhin, NRAA National Co-Chairman, and CEO of the eBook/eLibrary Initiative, where under his leadership schools in developing nations in Africa and South America have received Laptops, Tablet and Smart Phones. An appointee of the President’s Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Dr Jhin has served as a Member of the National Advisory Council on Adult Education; as the Director of Peace Corps’ Special Initiatives, and, as at the U.S. Department of Education., where he was the Director of Special Projects.


The leadership of these important organizations, along with significant contributions from NRAA’s  New York City Chapter enabled us to provide all our guests with an evening of happiness, cultural pride, fellowship and motivation to continue building our great organization.  The NYC Chapter recruiting support from World Harmony Foundation, Global Future Leader Organization, Congress Web TV station, American Int'l Chamber of Commerce, CCTV and the Minority Business Association.”

 Harmony Liu said:  From both the World & USA situation now we can see the conflict , We must aware that   
  “ American & This World Need Harmony !”  Sh


Asian Americans & Global Future Leader Organization
 Pray the New President with us can Make America Great Again!



全球未来领袖组织小大使刘昕格(Harmony Liu

全美亞裔共和黨盟 特邀参加新總統就職慶典音乐晚宴暨颁奖会



         就在全美各地都在慶祝美國第四十五位總統川普(Donald J. Trump) 宣誓就職,上任美國第五十八屆總統之後,全美共和黨亞裔 (NRAA) 也於次日在華府柏克海雅酒店 (Park Hyatt Hotel) 舉辦隆重晚宴,慶祝全美共和黨亞裔盟成立三十周年。


         眾院外交委員會主席艾德羅斯(Edward Royce) 向五百餘位參加慶祝晚宴的亞裔領袖們表示,在新總統川普新人新氣象的執政氛圍中,美國必將更有作為、更加偉大。主辦單位NRAA並在會中頒贈各類獎牌表彰各界杰出人士,包括給川普總統的女兒伊芬卡(Ivanka Trump) 的感恩獎;給新任交通部長的傑出華裔趙小蘭(Elaine Chao) 終身成就獎;給共和黨籍,來自加州39選區的國會議員艾德羅斯(Edward Royce) 杰出貢獻獎;給國會議員奧瑪雷地華根(Aumua Amata Radewagen) 特殊感恩獎;給國際領袖基金會(ILF)執行長華裔  



        出席晚宴貴賓有國會議員艾德羅斯,羅斯先生是一名成功的政治家,自1993開始被選任國會議員,並於2013出任眾院外交委員會主席;他特别重视教育,在活动中, 他在观赏刘昕格(Harmony Liu) 古筝与拉丁舞后,非常欣赏她并表示非常支持由Harmony Liu 发起的《“请所有家长与孩子们支持 纽约州政府确定的公立大学政府大学免学费行动》 并把该行动推广到全国!



         NRAA主席劉熙(Alfred H. Liu)表示:NRAA的使命是美國人民了解亞裔與共和黨有著相同的核心價值觀。這核心價值觀即是:自信自立、孝敬父母、維護家庭以及尊重傅統文化。


该活动的赞助机构有 (US Indian American Chamber of Commerce)、劉熙建築師事務所(AEPA Architects)、庫瑪公司(KV Kumar & Associates)、國際領袖基金會(ILF)、印裔友誼協會(IAFC)、希望置業公司(Hopeland Realty)、梅張會計師樓(Moy Cheung & Company)、長榮房地產權公司(Evergreen Properties & Settlement)、瓦克能源(Walker Energy)、克拉雷黛(Claridyne)園傳媒(Greencourt Media)、世界和諧基金會(World Harmony Foundation )、全球未來領袖組織(GFLO), 國會網絡電視台(Congress Web TV), 美國國際商會(American Int'l Chamber of Commerce)




全球未来领袖和谐促和平小大使刘昕格说, 从目前国际形势与美国两党还存在着冲突,因此可以看到:美国与世界都急需“Harmony 和谐” !!!


Harmony Liu, who is the peace ambassador of Global Future Leader Organization performing Chinese Harp and dance Latin with the outstanding young dancer Jason Dai
Harmony Liu, who is the peace ambassador of Global Future Leader Organization performing Chinese Harp and dance Latin with the outstanding young dancer Jason Dai
 Mr. Timbo,  the president Candidate of African Sanalinon interviewed by Congress Web TV
 Mr. Alpha Timbo, Presidential Candidate, Sierra Leone,
interviewed by Congress Web TV
Harmony Liu with outstanding dancer  Jason Dai and program sponsor Ms Kewa interviewed by CWTV
Harmony Liu with outstanding dancer  Jason Dai and program sponsor Ms Kewa interviewed by CWTV
 Harmony Liu, Eirene Hope Liu, and their proud parents
 Harmony Liu, Eirene Hope Liu, and their proud parents


joyce brooks, gerard mckeon.  photo by:  rose billings

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