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Black Tie International:
International Women's Day Forum
How Women's Economic Empowerment Strengthens Business |
Yana Watson Kakar,
Partner, Dalberg Global Development Advisors
Elizabeth A. Vazquez, President, CEO and
WE Connect International
Coleman, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy,
Council on Foreign Relations |
Taryn Bird, U.S. Chamber BCLC global corporate citizen
Andrea Useem, Devek |
International Women's Day Forum
How Women's Economic
Empowerment Strengthens Business
Photos: Blacktiemagazine/GMK
Maria Coler, Alejandra Ruiz-Dana,
Alfonso Martinez-Fonts, Jr.,
Executive Vice President,
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation |
Afshan Khan,
Chief Executive Officer, Women for Women International,
Jennifer Lopez, Poptech |
Noa Gimelli, Exxon,
Erin Oglesby, & Elizabeth Cafferty, Womens Refugee
Commission |
Maria Coler, & Alejandra Ruiz-Dana, Black Tie International
Magazine |
Eva Pereira, Capital One,
Rebecca Mousseau, Corporate Relations
Director, US Chamber BCLC |
Carolyn Berkowitz,
Managing Vice President,
Community Affairs and President, Capital One Foundation,
Community Affairs, Capital One Financial
Corporation |
Claire Lyons, The Partnership Advisory, Samantha Taylor,
Reputation Dynamics, Julie Mc Bride, PSI |
Jack Wysocki, CSR Newswire, Emily Fowler, X Prize Foundation
U.S. Chamber and United Nations
Hosts International Women’s Day Forum
Focus on Economic Empowerment and Business
The U.S. Chamber’s Business Civic Leadership Center (BCLC) and the United
Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) convened an
International Women’s Day forum titled
How Women's Economic Empowerment Strengthens Business.
This one-day forum brought together leaders committed to the economic
empowerment of women. It will highlight the influential role
women play in the business sector and how companies and
their partners are working to catalyze the economic
empowerment of women in global markets.
Al Martinez Fonts, Executive Vice President,
United States Chamber of Commerce
Roland Rich, Executive Director, UN Office of Partnerships
Anna Maria Chávez, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts
Isobel Coleman, Council on Foreign Relations
Diana Daggett, America Region Director of Corporate Affairs,
Patricia Devereux, Group Head, Corporate Philanthropy and
Citizenship, MasterCard Worldwide
Marga C. Fripp, Founder & Chief Visionary, Empowered Women
Lisa Hall, President and CEO, Calvert Foundation
Brandee McHale, Chief Operating Officer, Citi Foundation
Nancy Ploeger, Executive Director, Manhattan Chamber of
Willa Shalit, President and Co-Founder, Maiden Nation
Sarah Thorn, Director, International, Walmart
Luis A. Ubiñas, President, Ford Foundation
The United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), serves as
a gateway for public-private partnerships with the UN
system, in furtherance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
and other key UN objectives. UNOP provides Partnership
Advisory Services and Outreach to a variety of entities,
including companies, foundations, government agencies, and
NGOs. UNOP also manages the UN Fund for International
Partnerships, established by the Secretary-General to serve
as the interface for the partnership between the UN system
and the UN Foundation, and the UN Democracy Fund,
established by the Secretary-General to support
democratization throughout the world. Visit
BCLC is a top resource and voice for good business. Its
network represents 125 companies committed to positively
impacting society. The organization’s research, ideas, and
programming embody business’ unique ability to achieve
positive outcomes for societal challenges. BCLC is a program
of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business
federation representing the interests of more than 3 million
businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as
state and local chambers and industry associations.
8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. |
Breakfast and Registration |
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m |
Opening Remarks
9:30 a.m. –10:00 a.m. |
- Teresa Segarra, Director, Charitable Initiatives, Ann Inc.
Keynote Remarks
- Alyse Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, Vital Voices (@AlyseNelson, @VitalVoices)
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
♀ Workforce Readiness and Closing the Global Skills Gap The global skills gap is stalling productivity and talent acquisition in markets around the globe. This panel will discuss how companies and their partners are working to close the global skills gap and increase opportunity for women and girls here in the Unites States and in international markets. Hosted by Intel
- Marga C. Fripp, Founder and Chief Visionary, Empowered Women International (@EmpowerWomenInt)
- Anna Maria Chávez, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts (@AnnaMariaChavez, @girlscouts)
- Carolyn Berkowitz, Managing Vice President, Community Affairs and President, Capital One Foundation, Community Affairs, Capital One Financial Corporation (@CapitalOne)
Moderator: Renee Wittemyer, Director of Social Impact, Corporate Responsibility Office, Intel Corporation (@reneewittemyer) |
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. |
Networking Break |
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Keynote Lunch (Sponsored by Intel) Introduction
- Nancy Ploeger, President, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce (@ManhattanCofC)
Premiere of documentary Girl Rising
- Diana Daggett, America Region Director of Corporate Affairs, Intel Corporation
1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. |
Networking Break |
1:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. |
The Future of Financial Inclusion for ♀ Women continue to lack access to basic financial products and services and thus are stymied in their ability to fully participate in the formal economy. This plenary panel will discuss best practices and lessons learned in sector of financial inclusion for women. Hosted by Citi Foundation
- Patricia Devereux, Senior Vice President, Corporate Philanthropy and Citizenship, MasterCard Worldwide (@MasterCardNews)
- Shannon Maynard, Vice President, Chief Talent and Knowledge Officer, Grameen Foundation (@GrameenFdn)
- Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO, Women’s World Banking (@MicrofinanceWWB)
- Lisa Hall, President and CEO, Calvert Foundation (@LisaGreenHall, @Calvert_fdn)
Moderator: Brandee McHale, Chief Operating Officer, Citi Foundation (@citi) |
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. |
Supplier Diversification and Building Capacity for ♀ to Enter Global Markets Women are a vital component of the global supply chain and many companies have made a concerted effort to source from more women-owned businesses. This panel will explore the challenges, best practices, and success stories of supplier diversification and how organizations are working to build the capacity of female entrepreneurs to enter global markets. Hosted by Walmart
- Willa Shalit, President and Co-Founder, Maiden Nation (@willashalit, @maidennation)
- Afshan Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Women for Women International (@AfshanKhan_WfWI, @womenforwomen)
- Peggy Clark, Vice President, Policy Programs, Director, Alliance for Artisan Enterprise, Aspen Institute (@pclarkaspen6, @AspenInstitute)
Moderator: Sarah Thorn, Senior Director, Federal Government Relations, Walmart (@walmart) |
3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. |
Networking Break |
4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. |
♀ Economic Empowerment: The Strategy Forward Companies have made great strides in empowering women economically. The question that remains is how can we increase and accelerate this advancement? This plenary panel will discuss trends and challenges and suggest concrete steps for how the private sector and its partners can empower more women to financial stability in the years to come.
Moderator: Isobel Coleman, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations (@Isobel_Coleman) |
5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. |
Closing Session
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