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International Magazine:Wellness - ANDRUS |
Wilson Terrero, Yonkers
City Council Majority Leader, 2nd District;
Bernard Pierorazio, Yonkers Superintendent; Lorelei Vargas,
Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Andrus Children’s
Center; Brian Farragher, COO of Andrus Children’s Center;
Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano; Jim Bostick, Executive Director of
the Nepperhan Community Center; Chuck Lesnick, Yonkers City
Council President; Nancy Ment, President and CEO of Andrus
Children’s Center
Photo by: Marcia Maxwell
ANDRUS Launches Yonkers Childhood Trauma Awareness
Campaign with New Report Finding
Two-Thirds of Yonkers Children May Experience Adversity
April 10, 2012; Yonkers, NY--Today ANDRUS is launching a
public education campaign to raise awareness in the
community about the effects of childhood adversity, along
with a White Paper showing at least 66% of Yonkers children
likely experienced at least one of ten forms of adversity
such as parental divorce, family substance use or physical
abuse. The multi-year effort seeks to educate teachers,
parents, social service providers, religious leaders and
first responders about how to recognize adversity in
children and ensure that effective protection and treatment
services are provided.
To increase awareness in Yonkers about the lasting effects
of adverse childhood experiences, ANDRUS has organized a
series of town hall-style meetings with high-level
stakeholders in the community, including school principals,
business leaders, social and human service providers, clergy
and other local leaders. Each meeting will feature a
60-minute presentation on the Adverse Childhood Experiences
(ACE) study and its applicability to the children and future
of Yonkers.
"The ACE Study points to a serious and potentially tragic
public health crisis for thousands of children in Yonkers
who have experienced sustained and "toxic" stress. According
to the study's findings, as many as 30,000 children in
Yonkers potentially live with the impacts of this level of
stress which could lead to poor health outcomes in the
future," said Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins. "Andrus'
commitment to address this crisis -- through education and
advocacy -- is commendable and important. I look forward to
partnering with them to help improve the lives of our
The new White Paper by ANDRUS, entitled The Public Health
Crisis Facing Yonkers Children, estimates that of the
45,600 children in Yonkers, 30,000 of them, by the age of
18, will likely experience some form of adversity, and 23%
of them will likely experience chronic adversity.
Other key findings of the report include that by age 18:
Approximately 11% of children
in Yonkers will experience physical abuse
An estimated 26% of children
in Yonkers will grow up in homes with substance abuse
An estimated 13% of children
in Yonkers will witness domestic violence
Approximately 22% of children
in Yonkers will be sexually abused
Approximately 3% of children
in Yonkers will have a parent who is imprisoned
"Community organizations like ANDRUS provide an immeasurable
service to the children and families of Yonkers," said Mayor
Spano. "It is vital that we counter childhood adversity with
awareness, education and guidance. ANDRUS is taking the
necessary step to ensure the well-being and future of our
children, and the City thanks them for their commitment."
Andrus research looked at the findings of the
groundbreaking ACE study, which found that children who
experience childhood maltreatment
are more likely to be at risk for poor health
outcomes. The report estimates the following:
Over 2,000 teenagers will
likely either become pregnant or father a child before age
About 2,000 girls and 1,000
boys will likely battle lifelong chronic depression
Almost 1,500 will likely
attempt suicide at some point in their lives
Over 1,000 will likely
struggle with adult alcoholism
Approximately 1,200 are likely
to have serious job problems, including difficulty holding a
job due to high absenteeism
Over 2,300 will likely be the
victim of a sexual assault or rape
Over 1,000 will likely suffer
from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Over 200 will likely use
intravenous drugs
"Understanding that how we treat children today will impact
our society tomorrow is very important to the overall
wellness and future of our City," said Nancy Ment, President
and CEO of ANDRUS. "ANDRUS is committed to working with our
many partners throughout Yonkers to raise awareness of this
issue, and we're honored to have the support of
Superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools Bernard P.
Pierorazio and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano as we launch this
important initiative."
# # #
Andrus nurtures social and emotional well-being in
children and their families by delivering a broad range of
vital services and by providing research, training and
innovative program models that promote standards of
excellence for professional performance in and beyond our
service community. With sites throughout Westchester
County, we reach 2,500 children and families each year from
the New York Metropolitan area. Andrus also operates the
Andrus Center for Learning and Innovation (ACLI) and The
Sanctuary Institute, which has provided training and
consultation to over 200 organizations worldwide in the use
of a trauma-sensitive model for treatment and organizational