Rose Billings: Nightlife with Rose Billings
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Black Tie International:
Broadway Kids Care
Photos By:
Rose Billings/
Nightlife with Rose Billings
Broadway Kids Care
Cameron Colley, Laurissa Romain,
D'Andre Lee, Douglas Baldeo
and Graham Montgomery
Graham Montgomery and the Kid
Stars of Kinky Boots The Musical joined Broadway Kids Care's
Efforts to Collect Coats for Warm
Coats & Warm Hearts Drive to reach their goal of collecting
300 coats.
Hirschfeld Theatre
November 25, 2014

Cameron Colley, Laurissa Romain,
D'Andre Lee, Douglas Baldeo
and Graham Montgomery
Graham Montgomery and the Kid Stars of Kinky Boots The
Musical joined Broadway Kids Care's Efforts to Collect Coats
for Warm Coats & Warm
Hearts Drive to reach their goal of collecting 300 coats. |
Also in attendance, Broadway
Kids Care Coat Drive Spokesperson, Laurissa Romain (South
Pacific & Chris Rock's Film "Top Five") and Xavier High
School Senior, Mathew Ko. |
Boots started their Coat Drive November 20th and will
continue through November 30, 2014. |
Kids Care (BKC), the organization of theater kids for kids
(and others), has begun its annual coat drive on behalf of
'Warm Coats & Warm Hearts' Drive. The goal is to collect
more than three hundred coats and the organization is well
on its way and already has over 200 coats! |
really excited to be able to help with the coat drive this
year," said Matthew Ko, a student at Xavier High School in
New York City. Matthew is directing the coat drive for BKC
this year with the assistance of fellow students from the
local NYC high school. |
spokesperson for the Coat Drive,Laurissa Romain said "The
Winter Holidays can be a fun time of year for most people,
but then there are those who don't get to fully enjoy it for
a few reasons. The least we can do is collect coats to help
people stay warm. I'm so grateful that there is an
organization like Broadway Kids Care that brings young
performers together to do what they love while helping
others and making the world a better place." |
and Matthew are particularly enthusiastic about the success
for this year's event. During the first round of the coat
drive, which began on Monday, October 27, 2014, they
collected approximately 200 coats - and there are more
expected as the coat drive continues through December 1st,
2014. |
In the
spirit of Broadway giving, Kinky Boots the Musical joins
Matilda the Musical in the Broadway Kids Care effort. |
Kids Care, currently organized by Tammie Cumming, was
founded in 2007 by Kelly Gonda, President of Doheny, as a
way to bring together children from current and past
Broadway shows while allowing them the opportunity to
perform community service. |
its brief history, BKC's members have participated in a
variety of charitable works including: creating Halloween
and Easter baskets for the children of Freedom House NYC,
knitting scarves for the residents at the Lillian
Booth Actor's Home, making peace/friendship bracelets for
the troops in Iraq, creating hats for children undergoing
chemotherapy at the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital and
raising money for the UNICEF / Pampers One Pack=One Vaccine
Program, among other projects. |
For more
information about Broadway Kids Care, visit their website
at |
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