Celebrity Philanthropy News
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Paley Center for Media’s 2014 Paley International Council
(IC) Summit
Angelina Jolie and Tom Brokaw share
the powerful story of Unbroken
at the Paley Center for Media’s IC Summit.
Photo by: Kristina Bumphrey
The Paley Center for Media’s 2014 Paley International
Council (IC) Summit concluded with a special keynote
conversation on November 21 between Academy Award® winner
Angelina Jolie and Tom Brokaw about Jolie’s experience
adapting the beloved book Unbroken: A World War II Story
of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption into
an epic drama for Universal Pictures, ahead of its December
25 release. |
The director explored how her deeply personal connection
with the subject of the book, the late Louis “Louie”
Zamperini, and the retelling of his remarkable story,
influenced her filmmaking approach. |
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