The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN
Trust Fund) is a testimony to the global consciousness that
violence against women and girls is neither inevitable nor
acceptable. The UN Trust Fund is a leading global
grant-making mechanism exclusively dedicated to addressing
violence against women and girls in all its forms. It
supports effective initiatives that demonstrate that
violence against women and girls can be systematically
addressed, reduced and, with persistence, eliminated.
Since its creation, the United Nations Trust Fund to End
Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) has awarded USD 95
million to 368 initiatives in 132 countries and territories.
The UN Trust Fund currently supports 77 programmes in 70
countries with a value of USD 55.5 million.
Established by UN General Assembly resolution
50/166 in
1996 and administered by UN Women on behalf of the UN
system, the UN Trust Fund works with non-governmental
organizations, governments and UN country teams to:
Prevent violence against women and girls by
empowering groups especially at risk of violence, including
adolescent girls and indigenous or ethnic minority women,
and engaging strategic groups such as youth, men and boys,
and traditional and faith-based leaders in prevention
Expand the access of women and girl survivors of violence to
services including
legal assistance, psychosocial counseling, health care, and
building the capacity of service providers to respond
effectively to the needs of women and girls affected by
Strengthen the implementation of laws, policies and
action plans on violence against women and girls through
data collection and analysis, building capacities of service
providers and strengthening institutions to become more
effective, transparent and accountable in addressing
violence against women.
By supporting actions where they matter most, the UN Trust
Fund is uniquely placed to meet the most urgent needs of
women and girls and their communities. The programmes
supported by the UN Trust Fund also contribute directly to
the advancement of the goals of the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE
to End Violence against Women campaign
on the ground. For financial and programme information,
visit the UN Trust Fund’s online
grants management system.
The UN Trust Fund grants are awarded annually through an
open, transparent process that ensures quality programming
and rigor in the selection of grantees. The grant-making
process is highly competitive. For instructions on how to
apply, please consult the Application
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