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Black Tie International:
The Global Future Leaders Initiative:
"The Monkey King fighting Ox Monster"
global future leaders

Global Future Leaders Organization,
World Harmony Foundation
American Music Center,

Bring First Chinese Children Musical to Broadway

 Video & Photo provided by
 摄影摄像由MGM International Media 美高美传媒集团提供 ,特此鸣谢!

The Lunar New Year is the most important holiday for Chinese and many other Asian-Americans. Not only is it a celebration of Spring, but it is also an important opportunity for Asians to share their culture with their adopted communities, promoting Sino-U.S. cultural exchange. New York City’s Chinese female legislator Grace Meng has initiated a call for the Senate to pass a bill that would make the Lunar New Year a statutory holiday. The bill has already earned significant support, especially from the governors of California, New York, New Jersey. The Lunar New Year has already become a statutory holiday in these three states. It is important to continue to generate interest in this movement to have the Lunar New Year become a statutory holiday. The bill still needs to pass through the House of Representatives.


On February 25, 2018 at 3 pm, still in Lunar New Year holiday for Asian, in order to celebrate and promote this important piece of legislation, 100 years old former congressman & Chairman of Asia Affairs for the congress Hon. Lester Wolff, together with the kids from 6-13 years old & performers from China What Children’s Dream Academy of Shenzhen with USA students from Global Future Leader Organization, America National Music Center.   Together holding a musical production of “The Monkey King.” It is directed by What children's drama’s dream director Kewei Zhan. Original music has been composed and by American Professor Jingbo You. The World Harmony Foundation Chairman Frank Liu as the producing team, which has been held at the SHEEN CENTER LORETO THEATER in downtown broadway of NY.  The musical drama had started by training students from Shenzhen & New York So that Actors include Chinese and American students performing together.


The content of “Monkey King fighting Ox Monster” is based on one of the four famous Chinese masterpieces, "Journey to the West". The music combines Chinese and Western cultural elements such as Chinese Peking Opera and American Hip-Hop. In the combination of Beijing Opera and rock music, in the confrontation between "eating the monk" and "saving the monk", the Monkey king and the Ox monster and many other characters in their interactions combine traditional Chinese culture with American popular culture and show the charm of Chinese children's play.


The musical drama has won the support of Shenzhen Bao'an District government with  Cultural Development Special Fund in China. A recording has been made of the performance for the Shenzhen Children's Spring Festival. Coming to New York Broadway show is the first time performing in oversea.. The main creative producers of this musical drama has worked hard to make traditional Chinese culture vivid for overseas young people. Their hope is that the combination of the familiar and the foreign will work together to create an unforgettable performance.


In the cast, in addition to the three leading teachers, the other small performers are primary and junior high school students. The Tang monk's actor Shengyu Chen is only 13 years old. Sandy's actor Xinge Liu (Harmony Liu, American) was only 12 years old. The three little monsters Mofei Zhao, Bolly You, Xinyuan Liu (Eirene Liu, American) are only 6 years old. More worth mentioning is the Monkey King's Heart Shadow - Monkey actor Christian Downs is a native American student. He not only likes Chinese culture, but also trains Kong Fu. He becomes the biggest bright spot of the show in New York version performance.


Allowing children to play their own plays and let the children perform their own protagonists breaks the traditional situation that Chinese children's plays have always been "adults to children”. This performance gives full play to children’s own imagination and creativity. Under the guidance of the director, the children make their own style, change their lines themselves, and rehearse their own body movements. This fully demonstrates the substantial meaning of children's musical "Children's Creation" which create a new innovation of behavior education !


When the musical drama closing,  Together with performing troupe and kids, the 100 years old congressman Lester Wolff go up stage make a remark about the Iniciation of USA & UN Asian Week since there are African week, Jewish week, Spanish week and Italian Week in USA and UN, but none of the Asian week, Since Lester is the one create the Italian week,  He can continue get support for this iniciaitive with many congressman and senators who is his friends.  In this Lunar Year’s holiday to have this action is very significant ! They


Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important task of "making a good story of China." In the 19th NPC report, President Xi emphasized once again that we should make a good story of China, demonstrate a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China and raise the national cultural soft power. The performance of the New York Premiere of "The Monkey King fighting OX monster" is an important performance of Chinese children's play going abroad and going global. It is also a concrete practice of Chinese art practitioners to respond to the national call. With the mission of "spreading Chinese traditional culture", teachers and students of Shenzhen Watt Children's Theater Academy and all the actors in the center of the world will show the essence of Chinese traditional culture to overseas teenagers in New York.


This event is sponsored by the Global Future Leaders Organization. It is organized by the Shenzhen What Children's Theater Academy, the National Music Center, and the World Harmony Foundation. It is Co-sponsored by Children's Acting Academy, the New York Besay dancing School, and the New York Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Center.  At the End,  Global Future Leader organization planning to have two action in the future :  1) Continue to bring in Children Musical Drama to all USA states and all other countries and invite all congressman and senators to support this Asian Week Initiative to become a Legal Holiday in both USA and United Nations.


Reported by Frank Liu (Anchor of East America for AMTV)   2/25/2018


2018年2月25日,由中国新晋儿童剧导演战克玮执导,旅美作曲家尤静波教授编剧、作曲,世界和谐基金会主席Frank Liu 与全球未来领袖组织理事长Nicole J. Edwards 女士担任美方监制的儿童音乐剧《孙悟空智斗牛魔王》在纽约小百老汇SHEEN CENTER LORETO 剧场成功公演。该剧由深圳沃特少儿戏剧学院学生担纲主演,美国华裔亚裔等本地学生共同协作。

本次活动由全球未来领袖组织主办,深圳沃特少儿戏剧学院、美国国家音乐中心和世界和谐基金会联合承办,Children's Acting Academy、纽约贝赛舞蹈学校和纽约少林寺武术功夫中心协办


该剧在中国曾获得深圳市宝安区文化发展专项基金的扶持,参加了深 圳少儿春晚的录制,同时也是深圳市南山区少儿戏剧展演季的获奖作品。

本场纽约百老汇公演是该剧走出中国,海外公演的第一场演出。该剧 的主创人员力图通过中美两国文化的碰撞,促使中国传统文化,更生 动、更鲜活的走进海外青少年世界,通过孩子们喜闻乐见的儿童剧的方式向美国华人子女广泛传播中国文化。

唐僧的扮演者陈圣予年仅13岁,沙僧的扮演者刘昕格(Harmony,美籍)年仅12岁,三位小妖的扮演者赵墨非(来自深圳)、 尤圣斯(Bolly You)与刘昕媛(Eirene Liu,美籍)来自美国均年仅6岁、更值得一提的是孙悟空的心影——猴大的扮演者Christian Downs是一名来自纽约大学NYU的大学生美籍亚裔混血,他不 仅爱好中国文化,还练就了一身猴拳好身手,成为本剧纽约公演版本 中最大的一个亮点,演土地公的美国学生12岁土地的扮演者张晨熙 (Cindy)、),演翻跟斗的二个小猴子林木兰(Connie Lin)、王辰磊(Amanda Wang)他们虽然只有短暂的4天时间内培训,但个个都表演的很出色。

让孩子们自己演自己的戏,让孩子们自己做主唱主角,此举打破了中 国儿童剧一贯以“大人演给孩子看”的传统局面,充分发挥了小演员 自身的想象力与创造力。在导演的引导下,孩子们自己做造型,自己 改台词,自己在排练中设计肢体动作,充分体现了儿童音乐剧“儿童创造”的实质性意义。

来自全球未来领袖组织的三位小大使Harmony Liu 刘昕格,Eirene Liu 刘昕媛, 尤圣斯(Bolly You)参加演出后感受收获特别大,他们说: 虽然我们放弃了本来该出去旅游的10天春假,但这次演出与培训, 增加了我们的情商与自信心的锻炼,更深刻的了解祖国文化,是一个非常好的实践教育,以后还要继续参加!  到场观看的家长与学生有几百位都非常兴奋,他们都表示支持这样的 公演,希望表演团再回到百老汇,愿意让孩子们都参加这样的演出培训与表演。

本次活动的另外一个风景线出现在结束闭幕时候,由中美建交功臣, 前美国国会亚洲事务委员会主席、国会网络电视台董事长上台与主办 方及演员们共同发起“弘扬多元文化,申办亚裔周”的行动”, 该举动在春节期间发起是非常有意义的,美国与联合国都已经有了非 裔周、犹太周、西班亚裔周,沃夫曾经帮助过意大利周,而目前发展 最快的亚洲在美国有很多人数的亚裔却没有,是不应该的,沃夫议员 表示,他将通过议会老关系,与亚裔朋友们一起推动申办。


本次活动也是讲好中国故事”的一个成功案例,展现真实、立体、全 面的中国,本次《孙悟空智斗牛魔王》纽约公演是中国儿童剧走出国 门,走向世界的一次重要展演,也是中国艺术从业者响应国家号召的 一次具体实践。深圳沃特少儿戏剧学院师生及全体演员与美国的主办 单位:全球未来领袖组织、世界和谐基金会、美国国家音乐中心,在 世界的中心——纽约,以“传播中华传统文化”为使命,向海外青少年展现了中华传统文化的精髓,将继续努力!

参加演出的美国孩子们对中国文化很着迷,来自纽约少林寺功夫中心的学生Christin Downs 学了猴拳,会翻跟斗,主创人员特地给他加戏,把他设计为孙悟空的心影,每当打斗出现,这个心影就会出现。 来自茹宝拉丁舞学校的Harmony Liu , 诚实的性格把沙曾憨厚表达的完整无缺, 来自bayside 舞蹈学校的Chen Xi Zhang 把土地婆演的很逼真、加上四个六岁学生Shengsi You 、Eirene Liu、Connie Lin , Amenda wang 把小妖演的演的活灵活现!

参加观摩的几百位家长与孩子们都很兴奋,他们都希望参与下一次演 出的机会,许多家长与来自哈佛大学早期教育的专家“美国大山”Don C Naggie 教授表示:这是一个非常美好的行为与情商教学成功案例,期待不远 的将来,中国有更多的音乐剧能像狮子王、猫、校园摇滚那样走进百老汇并长年固定的演下去!

本次活动得到了协办方少林寺功夫中心、Bayside  Dancing school、美国全美电视台、美高美传媒集团、美国国会网络电视台等协办单位的大力协助!


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Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders

Global Future Leaders

Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders
Global Future Leaders

Gerard Mc Keon and Joyce Brooks.  Photo by:  Rose Billings/

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