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Black Tie International:
Ad Council 2013 Public Service Award Dinner
Photos by:  Blacktiemagazine/GMK

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Marc Pritchard, Procter & Gamble Global Brand Building Officer and former Ad Council Board Chair; Debra L. Lee, CEO and Chairman, BET and Ad Council Board Chair; Seth Meyers, NBC Saturday Night Live;  Tim Armstrong, CEO and Chairman AOL, Inc. and Ad Council Annual Public Service Award Honoree, Nancy Armstrong; Ad Council President and CEO Peggy Conlon; Andrew Robertson, BBDO Worldwide Chairman and CEO.  Photo by: Marc Pritchard, Procter & Gamble Global Brand Building Officer and former Ad Council Board Chair; Debra L. Lee, CEO and Chairman, BET and Ad Council Board Chair; Seth Meyers, NBC Saturday Night Live;  Tim Armstrong, CEO and Chairman AOL, Inc. and Ad Council Annual Public Service Award Honoree, Nancy Armstrong; Ad Council President and CEO Peggy Conlon; Andrew Robertson, BBDO Worldwide Chairman and CEO.  photo by:  balcktiemagazine/GMK

Marc Pritchard, Procter & Gamble Global Brand Building Officer and former Ad Council Board Chair, Debra L. Lee, CEO and Chairman, BET and Ad Council Board Chair,
Seth Meyers, NBC Saturday Night Live, 
 Tim Armstrong, CEO and Chairman AOL, Inc. 

and Ad Council Annual Public Service Award Honoree
 Nancy Armstrong, 
Ad Council President and CEO, Peggy Conlon,
Andrew Robertson, BBDO Worldwide Chairman and CEO  

Seth Meyers
 Hosts Ad Council’s 60th Annual Public Service Award Dinner
 in Honor of
Tim Armstrong, Chairman and CEO, AOL

Dinner Raises $3.4 Million to Support Public Service Advertising

The Ad Council honored Tim Armstrong, Chairman and CEO of AOL, with its 60th Annual Public Service Award at the organization’s Annual Dinner held at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Head writer of NBC’s Saturday Night Live, and “Weekend Update” anchor Seth Meyers served as the evening’s Master of Ceremonies.

The annual dinner is the Ad Council’s largest fundraising event. This year, it has raised an historic $3.4 million to support the Ad Council’s public service programs.
 The Ad Council announced Gold, Silver and Bronze Bells for Creative Excellence for three volunteer advertising agencies that developed outstanding
public service advertising (PSA) campaign this past year.
The winning agencies were selected by the Ad Council’s Campaign Review Committee (CRC).

Attended by more than 1,300 prominent members of the media, advertising and corporate communities, the Annual Public Service Award Dinner serves as a tribute to the industries and individuals who support the Ad Council and its PSA campaigns.

The dinner was chaired by Debra L. Lee, the Chairman & CEO of BET Networks
and Chair of the Ad Council’s Board of Directors.

 Platinum sponsors include AOL and Time Warner Inc.
The Ad Council has been honoring corporate leaders for their commitment
 to public service since 1953.

Previous honorees include
Randall Stephenson, Indra Nooyi, Jeffrey Immelt, Dick Parsons, Bill Weldon,
 Ken Chenault, Bob Wright, Frank Bennack, Ted Turner, Katharine Graham,
 A.G. Lafley, Muhtar Kent and Brian Roberts.

Tim Armstrong has demonstrated a tremendous commitment to philanthropy — both through his personal engagement and corporate activities as Chairman & CEO of AOL. Armstrong has led important philanthropic efforts such as AOL’s annual Monster Help Day to inspire staff members to give back, as well as the 9/11 “National Day of Service and Remembrance.” With his leadership and direction, AOL has supported every Ad Council public service campaign since he became CEO in 2009, including Internet safety and digital literacy. AOL was also a founding partner of the bullying prevention campaign.

“We are very excited to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our dinner—honoring industry leaders for their contributions to public service,” said Peggy Conlon, President & CEO of the Ad Council. “This year we are thrilled to have Seth Meyers as our host to help honor Tim Armstrong for all he has done to support the use of media and technology as tools to benefit communities throughout the world.”

The Ad Council is a non-profit organization with a rich history of marshalling volunteer talent from the advertising and media industries to deliver critical messages to the American public. Having produced literally thousands of PSA campaigns addressing the most pressing social issues of the day, the Ad Council has effected, and continues to effect, tremendous positive change by raising awareness, inspiring action and saving lives. To learn more about the Ad Council and its campaigns,


Tim & Nancy Armstrong

Tim & Nancy Armstrong

Seth Meyers, NBC Saturday Night Live, Tim Armstrong, CEO and Chairman AOL and Ad Council Annual Public Service Award Honoree.  photo by:  blacktiemagazine/GMK

Seth Meyers, NBC Saturday Night Live, Tim Armstrong, CEO and Chairman AOL 
and Ad Council Annual Public Service Award Honoree

Debra L. Lee, CEO and Chairman, BET and Ad Council Board Chair, Keesha Wallace.  photo by:  balcktiemagazine/GMK

Debra L. Lee, CEO and Chairman, BET and Ad Council Board Chair, Keesha Wallace

Marc Pritchard, Procter & Gamble Global Brand Building Officer and former Ad Council Board Chair, Andrew Robertson, BBDO Worldwide Chairman and CEO  .  photo by:  blacktiemagazine/GMK

Marc Pritchard, Procter & Gamble Global Brand Building Officer and former Ad Council Board Chair, Andrew Robertson, BBDO Worldwide Chairman and CEO  

ad council dinner


Dana Vielmetti, Corinn Reinhard, Christina Kiernan.  photo by:  blacktiemagazine/GMK

Dana Vielmetti, Corinn Reinhard, Christina Kiernan

Ernesto Loperena, Executive Directo, New York Council on Adoptable Children, Inc, Melissa Otero, Leo Kay, Rachel Pratt

Ernesto Loperena, Executive Directo, New York Council on Adoptable Children, Inc, Melissa Otero, Leo Kay, Rachel Pratt

Douglas Flores, COO, GLSEN, Daryl Presgrave, Director of Communications, GLSEN, Kathy Ledesma,

Douglas Flores, COO, GLSEN, Daryl Presgrave, Director of Communications, GLSEN, Kathy Ledesma, 


ad coucil dinner

Until next time....


kbs + Honored with the Ad Council’s Annual Top Creative Award for

Financial Literacy Campaign


Y&R and Deutsch, Inc. also win awards

at Ad Council’s 60th Annual Public Service Award Dinner


Helping young adults take control of their finances and add saving to their lifestyle was the focus of the Ad Council and The American Institute of CPA’s (AICPA) Financial Literacy campaign created pro bono by New York-based advertising agency kbs+.  Last night the campaign earned kbs+ the Ad Council’s top creative award of the year – the Gold Bell for Creative Excellence. Susan Credle, Leo Burnett U.S.A. Chief Creative Officer, and Cindy Gallop, Chairs of the Ad Council’s Campaign Review Committee (CRC), presented the award at the Ad Council’s 60th Annual Public Service Award Dinner. Silver and Bronze Bells were also awarded to Deutsch, Inc. and Y&R for their work on the Emergency Preparedness and Supporting Minority Education campaigns, respectively.


The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Bell winners were chosen from all of the PSA campaigns created by the Ad Council’s volunteer agencies that launched this past year. Through a comprehensive review process, the bell winners were selected by the Ad Council’s CRC, comprised of top creative and planning talent from the nation’s leading advertising agencies. The committee is responsible for review and approval of campaigns' strategic and creative direction and they help to ensure the Ad Council's standard of excellence. In addition to Susan Credle and Cindy Gallop, CRC Chairs include Rob Feakins, President, Chief Creative Officer of Publicis Kaplan Thaler, and Nick Law, Global Chief Creative Officer of R/GA.


“This past year our volunteer advertising agencies created innovative and compelling advertising, which has engaged our audiences and ultimately created significant change on behalf of over 50 social issues ,” said Peggy Conlon, president & CEO of the Ad Council. “We congratulate the creative teams at kbs+, Y&R and Deutsch, Inc. for their well-deserved awards. We are extremely proud and honored to share their inspiring work with our audiences.”


The winning Financial Literacy PSAs by kbs+ demonstrate the significance of starting to save money earlier in life and the impact that saving can have on future plans and success.  The PSAs direct audiences to, where they can find helpful tips and information on planning finances and setting saving goals.


“We are grateful for our association with the Ad Council and AICPA – affording us the opportunity to help tackle important social issues like improving financial literacy,” said Lori Senecal, Chairman and CEO, kbs+. “Opportunities like this align directly with our value system of ‘Doing Things That Matter.’ To create ideas that inspire new positive behaviors and make a real difference to many, is truly an honor. This is why we look forward to supporting the extraordinary work of the Ad Council each and every year.”


Previous award winners of the Ad Council Gold Bell include Leo Burnett for the Emergency Preparedness Ready campaign, ArnoldNYC for the Think Before You Speak campaign, Merkley + Partners for the Online Sexual Exploitation campaign, Kirshenbaum bond + partners (now kbs+) for the Adoption from Foster Care campaign and Kaplan Thaler Group for the Underage Drinking Prevention campaign.


The Bronze Bell was awarded to Y&R for their work on the Supporting Minority Education campaign. The new campaign features the tagline “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste But a Wonderful Thing to Invest In” and tells the stories of real students who have benefited from the United Negro College Fund, presenting their future education as an investment in society as a whole. Y&R has been the pro bono agency on the campaign for more than 40 years. Deutsch, Inc. received the Silver Bell for their work on the Ready Kids campaign, in collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The creative work speaks primarily to parents, encouraging them to have the difficult conversation with their children about emergency preparedness in a way that is smart, playful and ultimately motivates families to action and make a plan.


The Ad Council
The Ad Council is a private, non-profit organization with a 70-year history of marshaling volunteer talent from the advertising and media industries to deliver critical messages to the American public. Having produced literally thousands of PSA campaigns addressing the most pressing social issues of the day, the Ad Council has affected, and continues to effect, tremendous positive change by raising awareness, inspiring action and saving lives. To learn more about the Ad Council and its campaigns, visit

For more information, please visit
You can also visit
or follow the Ad Council on Twitter 



joyce brooks, gerard mckeon.  photo by:  rose billings

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