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Black Tie International:
The Center for
Security Policy: Keeper of The Flame Award

Representative Howard P. “BUCK” McKeon
, Frank J.
Gaffney, Jr |
On Tuesday, October 4th 2011,
the Center for Security Policy
presented U.S. Representative
Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
in the 112th Congress
the Keeper of the Flame Award.
Photos: Blacktiemagazine/GMK
General James F. Amos, Bonnie Amos,
Frank & Marisol Gaffney. |
Admiral James A. "Ace" Lyons & Renee Lyons,
Bruce & Barbara Winston |
General James F. Amos, Marcela Kazimir,
Marine Cpl. Miroslav "Mike" Kazimir,
Bonnie Amos, Rep. Howard P. Buck McKeon |
Bill Gertz, Debra Gertz, Gen. James F. Amos |
Patricia McKeon, Rep. Howard P. Buck McKeon, Lisa Palazzo,
Rep. Steven McCarty Palazzo |
Cpl. Britt Burness, General James F. Amos, |
Frank J. Gaffney, Rep. Allen West, Ken Timmerman, Marcela
and Marine Cpl. Miroslav "Mike" Kazimi |
Rep. Howard P. Buck McKeon and
Justin Constantine USMC (Ret.) |
George F. Gilder, E.Miles Prentice III, Katie Prentice |
Jennifer London, Dr. J. Phillip Jack London,Roxane Gatling
Gov. Jim Gilmore, Elaine Donnelly |
Robert Lawrence, Barbara Winston, Frank J. Gaffney |
Frank J. Gaffney, Sergeant Major of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Micheal P. Barrett, Senator Jim DeMin |
Joyce Brooks,
Howard P. “BUCK”
McKeon |
Bonnie Amos, Robert C. Lawrence |
On Tuesday, October 4th 2011, the Center for
Security Policy
presented U.S. Representative
the Keeper of the Flame Award.
Rep. McKeon embodies the Center for Security
Policy’s ideals. He champions a strong national
defense, he fights to strengthen our military
and he invests in a force postured to meet the
challenges of the 21st century. Representative
McKeon was selected by his peers to serve as
Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
in the 112th Congress
Previously, as Armed Services Committee Ranking Member, Representative
McKeon worked to provide the necessary resources
for America’s sons and daughters in Afghanistan
and Iraq. He also led efforts to keep terrorist
detainees off of U.S. soil, boost funding for
missile defense, and restore the tradition of
passing defense authorization bills devoid of
controversial social items.
Three-term Senator from
Arizona Jon Kyl joined the Center for Security
Policy in honoring Congressman Buck McKeon with
the 2011 Keeper of the Flame award.
Sen. Kyl himself is a 1994 recipient of the
award and a longtime supporter of the Center's
work. Rep. Allen West (R-FL) also saluted
Congressman McKeon in in a moving benediction to
close the evening ,
about the "flame" that is America's national
The Keeper of the Flame Award was
inaugurated in 1990 by the Center for Security
Policy to bestow recognition on those
individuals who devote their public careers to
the propagation of democracy and the respect for
individual rights throughout the world. The
Award both acknowledges the past contributions
of its recipients and reminds others who share
their commitment to freedom of the work yet to
be done.
Each year the Center for Security Policy selects
one individual who has done the most for our
nation's security to join the distinguished
ranks of past awardees who include: General
Peter Pace, Ronald Reagan, Donald Rumsfeld,
James Schlesinger, Caspar Weinberger, General
Richard Myers, Sen. Jim Inholf, Sen. John Kyl
and Paul Wolfowitz.
The event brings together an extraordinary array
of senior Executive Branch officials (military
and civilian), leading members of Congress,
diplomats, captains of industry and top
journalists for a relatively intimate and
extremely memorable black-tie dinner and
The Center for Security
Policy is a non-profit,
non-partisan national
security organization that
specializes in identifying
policies, actions, and
resource needs that are
vital to American security
and then ensures that such
issues are the subject of
both focused, principled
examination and effective
action by recognized policy
experts, appropriate
officials, opinion leaders,
and the general public.
The Center was founded in
1988 and has worked to great
effect since then in the
establishment of successful
national security policies
through the use of all
elements of national power –
diplomatic, informational,
military, and economic
The philosophy of "Peace
through Strength" is not a
slogan for military might
but a belief that America's
national power must be
preserved and properly used
for it holds a unique global
role in maintaining peace
and stability.
Mission of the
Center for Security
To identify
challenges and
opportunities likely
to affect American
security, broadly
defined, and to act
promptly and
creatively to ensure
that they are the
subject of focused
national examination
and effective
action. |
Today's national security
threats compel us to ensure
we are strong and prepared.
We as a nation must also
work to undermine the
ideological foundations of
totalitarianism and Islamist
extremism with at least as
much skill, discipline and
tenacity as President Reagan
employed against Communism
to prevail in the Cold War.
The role of the Center for
Security Policy is to help
our government, countrymen
and other freedom-loving
nations conceptualize,
conduct and succeed on this
front. The Center's
dedicated staff, associates
and advisors constitute the
Special Forces in this war
of ideas – equipped with the
experience, imagination,
expertise, agility and drive
not just to advance
strategies for victory, but
to get them adopted and
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