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  Black Tie International Magazine  Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu
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Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu  Autumn Dialogues
Autumn Dialogues
Click Here to Purchase Autumn Dialogues from Amazon
Los angeles tribune

Billionaire Ma Xiaoqui
Authors New Book and Launches New Film Company



Question 1

How long have you been working on this book and why did you decide now was the time to finish it and share it with the world?


ANSWER: The book has taken only one month  to write, but it has been written in my heart over a dozen years. And there is also a philosophical question as to when any book is ever 'complete.' However, a time did come when I felt it was ready, especially given recent events in the world. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that philosophy and reflection are vital to happiness. That might be the one good thing to come of it. I hope I can contribute to that awakening.

答: 这本书真正动笔到出版,也就不到一个月的时间。但是,在此之前,它在我的心里已经酝酿了数十年。此外,这涉及一个哲学问题,那就是一本书什么时候才是真正地“完成”。不过,我觉得时机已经成熟,特别是联系到最近发生的世界大事。如果说新冠疫情大流行教会了我们什么,那就是哲学和自省对幸福至关重要。这可能是这场疫情带来的唯一的好事。我希望我能对这种觉醒有所贡献。

Question 2

You’ve accomplished a lot in your life.  What accomplishments are you personally most proud of and where does this book fall in that list?


ANSWER: The great lesson about success in life is that when you fail, you start again. If you fall, you get up. When my first businesses failed, I began again, from the beginning. That was an accomplishment that laid the foundations for all the others. Discovering the Tao and studying it intently was a key event that allowed me to put all the changes in my life into perspective. After more than half of my life Journey has been covered, what makes me happiest is that at any given moment to have an equal attitude toward all and be kind to all. I believe that in this world there is a united system that contains us all, big or small, humans and nature, without baseness and nobleness, correlating and depending on one other for growth and development. That’s the first. The second is everything can re-start again. Every inch of time is important . I went through many failures and defeats, I started again bravely and with ease. This is a big achievement. This achievement is foundation of all other achievements. 



Question 3

What do you want this book to do for you?


ANSWER: The book is an introduction to how I think, and why I approach business the way I do. From that, there may come a recognition of what we have achieved by applying the lessons of our ancestors in the present time. I’m very eager to exchange  views and ideas against the backdrop of the global cultural exchanges. This is only a “rock attracting jade” with my readers . Only communications and exchanges of ideas with the global readers can this book fulfill its mission. 

答: 这本书介绍了我是如何思考,如何以我的方式经商和生活的。从这当中,我们能认识到,通过在当代应用祖先传下来的智慧,我们已经取得了什么成就。我非常期待全世界的读者能够给我回应,跟我一起探讨关于哲学、商业、甚至美学等等方面的话题,在全球文化交流的大背景下,这本书只是抛砖引玉,唯有交流,才能完成它下半生的使命。

Question 4

What do you want this book to do for the world?


ANSWER: I would like people to see that history is a circle, and that literature is one of the greatest gifts our ancestors have handed down to us. We are reading our own future. I hope to show how in philosophical terms I approach the various enterprises in which I am engaged, and to share my view that the beauty this world contains does not recognize where countries begin and end. The insights of ancient China are as relevant today as they were when first formulated. I feel that people generally are experiencing a detachment, a lack of identity. We all come from somewhere.  


Question 5

With such a large market and so many connections in your homeland of China why did you want it in English and in the US?

中国图书市场很大, 您在那里人脉也很广, 为什么还出版英文?在美国出版?

ANSWER: First of all, there is the challenge of real translation, which means translating ideas and conceptions, not just words. That is a big challenge. Words mean nothing unless connected in a real way to people's experiences and desires. This book can be a testimony. It can create a sense of togetherness by showing the ways in which we think differently. The book brings up many subjects, for instance my upbringing, the Tao, and business affairs. The English edition is important because it shows that dreams can be translated, and that histories can be shared, directly from one culture to another.  


Question 6
What are a couple of the big lessons taught in the book…or what do you think people will most get out of the book?


ANSWER: People will perhaps view it as a book they return to again and again. A key lesson is Do Not Put Yourself above all others. We exist in the same global system and move together. Another is to value who we are by examining where and who we came from. We don't exist in a vacuum. I see that tracing ancestry is becoming more and more popular in the West, as it should be. There is the importance of hiring from inside your own company rather than assuming that talent from outside is the automatic solution. Another lesson is the value of craft, of learning a skill and taking great pride in it. I also touch on our relationship to animals, and how eating less meat is desirable.


Question 7
This book seems to be a part of a movement that has other parts to it.  I understand that you also wrote a song.  How does that correlate with the book? (born in pandemic time ) 


The movement is an increasing awareness of how the Tao can change life for the better. How it can contribute to your wealth, your sense of completeness, and your relationship with the world. That relationship exists on many levels: finance, beauty, art, where we live, etc. The song is connected to the book because it connects wisdom with young people and makes it accessible. Words come alive.


Question 8

What has surprised you more, all the views and attention of the song The Prayer or all the success of the book?

这首歌《惟愿》和这本书,受到如此大的关注, 这个现象最让你惊讶的是什么?

ANSWER:The view count for the song The Prayer is certainly inspiring! Any artist is happy when she shares a certain harmony with others, whether through music or words or painting.
Autumn Dialogues, after its coming to the Chinese world, has over 100,000 retweets and the song The Prayer had over 1 billion views. This is really inspirational! This means in the current global environment, there are 1 billion people who share the same rhythms with me, have the same care and concern of the common topics. This excites me! Be it music, literature, or painting, to share the thoughts and emotions with the others of the likeminded, it’s a great joy! My sincere gratitude to all! 

答: 《秋言物语》问世以来,全网收录链接近10万条,《惟愿》全网收听近10亿次,这样的数据,真的很鼓舞人心!这意味着当下在全球范围内,有数亿人跟我同频共振,关注和思考着共同的话题,我感到无比荣幸和激动。任何一位艺术家,无论是通过音乐、文字还是绘画,与他人分享自己的思想和情感时,都是快乐的。谢谢大家给我的鼓励!

Question 9

What’s next for you?

ANSWER: We are opening a new movie studio in Hollywood called
DYF Entertainment. We hope to attract talents from all over the world to create films that the entire family can watch and enjoy, which in turn create communication and harmony within the home. The Family Film Awards, born in 1996 in Hollywood, will be great again under my company’s management, and it will transform with innovation, vitality and glory! 

答:我们正在好莱坞创立一家新的电影制片公司,叫华宇中国DYF Entertainment。我们希望吸引来自世界各地的人才来创作能让全家人都能观看和分享的电影,从而促进家庭内部的交流与和谐。我们致力让1996年诞生在好莱坞的家庭电影奖,在华宇中国的领导下, 注入中国元素、活力和创新, 再次伟大! 

The Prayer,
Performed in English by
Rebbeca Holden & Josh Moreland

洛杉矶秋言物语新书发布会, 美国著名歌手翻唱马小秋抗疫歌曲 “惟愿 The Prayer”
Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu  Autumn Dialogues Hollywood Book Launch
Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu  World Film Institute Presents Autumn Dialogues
Mrs. Ma Xiaoqiu

Autumn Dialogues

My Story with Movies

On Reading
 The Significance of the Small
The Heart Sutra


秋言物语- 系列视频- 光与影 (解说词)

Autumn Dialogues- Video Series-My story with movies (Commentary)


马小秋是一位能著书立说、能歌善舞、作词作曲的中国女企业家。她是首位在联合国演讲《道德经智慧》的女性;新冠肺炎肆虐全球的3月份,马小球创作演唱的mv《惟愿》全网收听近10亿次,被誉为“全球抗疫第一歌”。在商界,她身兼香港上市公司中国鼎益丰(00612hk)董事会主席、美国“华宇中国”(DYF Entertainment)影视集团CEO、中国励世创响影业CEO,深圳十大杰出女企业家,美国“家庭电影奖”Family Film Awards主席。


Ms Ma Xiaoqiu is a writer, composer, singer and a successful business woman. She is the first Chinese woman to give a talk on the wisdom and force of the Tao Te Jing in the United Nations. Her song “The Prayer”, written in March, when the world was ravaged by the pandemic, was viewed over 1 billion times and was awarded “best song rallying against the pandemic ”. In the business world, Ms Ma Xiaoqiu is the Chairman of the Board of Hong Kong listed company: China Ding Yifeng (00612hk), CEO of DYF Entertainment (New York), CEO of Beijing Lishi Film Group (Beijing), Chairman of the Family Film Awards (Hollywood), and she was named in Top 10 Most Outstanding Business Women of Shenzhen.




Since the publication of Autumn Dialogues by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in January 2019, there are nearly 100,000 reviews and retweets on social media platforms about the book and the author.  Ma Xiaoqiu has become a popular name, a personal brand associated with the Chinese culture and its promotion nationwide.


《秋言物语》是用日记和散文创作的关于作者的人生旅程,用81篇文章记载了作者如何将“道德经“作为生命的力量,用在企业文化和财富积累的打造上, 真实记载,感悟和实操娓娓道来,读来情真意切。英文版即将在20201115日,由全球最大书城亚马逊隆重推出。

Autumn Dialogues (autumn in Chinese reads “qiu”, a pun on Ma Xiaoqiu’s name-Xiaoqiu, little autumn ) is about Ma Xiaoqiu's life journey in a journal form. With 81 entries, this book records how the author takes "Tao Te Ching" or the Book of Virtue as her own life force, her corporate DNA and her guiding power of the wealth creation. It’s an intimate look into the life of this one of a kind lady written in flowing prose. The English version will be available on Amazon on Nov 15, 2020.



马小球有一个梦想,就是有一天能在国际上讲好她的中国故事,通过通俗易懂的语言,歌声和文字,特别是电影。 马小秋经常和同事、雇员、朋友、商业合作伙伴都提到过她一直有着一个电影梦。《秋言物语》第一篇, 她就曾回忆起儿时看坝坝电影的场景:“那时候,电影远远不如今天这样普及。电影院很少,影片远不及现在多。露天电影是让所有人期待与享受的娱乐方式。每次放电影,消息都会传得飞快。天还未黑,大家都早早地把晚饭吃了,搬着自家的小板凳去占取中心位置。我也常常搬着小凳子,背着小我五岁的妹妹,欢天喜地的坐在露天坝看电影。一台电影放映机,一个大喇叭,一块白荧幕,把幕单绑在树木或电线杆上。一切准备就绪,等放映机的光束照射上去,那荡气回肠的英雄赞歌﹑海誓山盟的儿女情长﹑韵味悠长的乡土故事就在那块四四方方的幕布上上演了。

Ma Xiaoqiu has a dream that one day she can tell her grassroots Chinese stories internationally through books, music and movies, through mediums that are understood by all.  Ma Xiaoqiu often mentions to those around her, be it friends or coworkers, that she has always had a dream about film making. In the first chapter of Autumn Dialogues, she recalls the scene of watching movies in a community square as a child: "At that time, movies were far less common than they are today. There were few movie theaters and there were fewer movies. Open air film theater- makeshift structures erected outdoors- attracted everyone. Every time a movie was to be shown, word spread fast. Before it was even dark, entire families had already had their diners; they gathered at the venue early, hoping to get a good view. I also often carried a small stool in one arm and my younger sister of five years in the other. There was a white screen tied at all four corners to trees or telegraph poles, nearby a projector and a loudspeaker had been set up. The projector sprang into life and sent a sharp light over the heads and the evening air onto the screen.  The magic of moving picture was more powerful than whatever circumstances I found myself in and I was transported to a world of heroes, people larger than life. On the silver screen, heroes did what heroes were supposed to do. And in the end, even after many setbacks, justice prevailed.

每个人都感受过文字的力量,无论是从一本好书,还是从经典电影的台词金句中;不少人也都有过围炉观影的奇妙感觉;一群观众凭住呼吸紧跟剧情,一心想知道接下来会发生什么?为主人公担忧,为剧情的涤荡起伏心跳。 当年轻的父母在睡前给宝宝们阅读精彩故事时,孩子们于是学会了什么叫图书的魔力-画面映入眼帘,走进心底脑海,直到在故事中入睡。睡前故事的语言和画面, 为孩子们的梦镜编织了一层保护纱和奇妙的追梦历程。这种美妙感觉从人类出现以来,随着故事代代相传。

Everyone knows the power of words, whether written in books or spoken on screens by an actor.  Many also felt the magical effect of compelling storytelling: hanging on every scene as the plot unfolds, anticipating what will happen next. We worry over the protagonist and are capitated by the plot. This love for a good story is instilled in us since we were young, listening to our parents lull us to sleep with bed time stories. We fall asleep with images inspired by those words and those images and stories accompany us in our dreams. This human nature  native to all of us has been passed on from generation to generation since the emergence of human beings.

优秀的电影能映照我们自身,让我们身临其境。那些面对逆境和苦难直面奋斗的故事,那些充满勇气去反抗不公正的故事...我们一遍又一遍地重温剧中那些熟悉和喜爱的难忘角色,并不是因为我们淡忘了故事情节,而是想要再次身临其境,去体验生命中重要的里程碑事件,就像一首反复聆听回味的歌曲... 这些电影作品真正经历了岁月的考验, 我们多少人曾经从年少时看过的电影中,学到了改变人生的一课?

A good movie can draw us in and immerse us. Those stories of overcoming adversity and hardship, those stories that show courage in the face of injustice... we revisit those familiar characters and journeys over and over again, not because we have forgotten the storyline, but because we want to experience the catharsis and triumph again and again. These films have truly gone through the test of time, teaching us life lessons through characters, story plots  and fantastic scenes since we were young.


"What I remember most deeply are Sons and Daughters of Heroes, The Never-Ending Radio Wave, and The Shining Red Star. The films of that era planted the seeds of justice, selflessness and fearlessness in me. Now that I think about it, the movies of that era are very nostalgic to me... "

也曾一度,由于一些急功近利的影片泛滥,马小秋对豪华包装却空洞无味的所谓“大片”失去了兴趣,直到近年来,一部部制作精良,适应家庭观看的国产电影崛起,她又拾起了她丢失已久的电影梦。比如《芳华》 《无问西东》让她找回了儿时从电影获得的感觉:正义、善良、勇敢和无私。实际上,马小秋所青睐的这些电影,都是好莱坞“家庭电影“创始人盖里尼先生欣赏推崇的。 1996年, 家庭电影奖在时任总统克林顿和好莱坞传奇迪克.克拉克等好莱坞著名人士支持下,基尼里先生在环球影城举行了首届家庭电影奖颁奖典礼(放一段基尼里视频-家庭电影奖。最初那一段视频,突出基尼里。)

At one time, Ma Xiaoqiu lost interest in the so-called "blockbusters" when the luxurious packaging of the larger than life stories eclipsed all too completely everything else. In recent years, with the rise of well-made domestic family films, she picked up her long lost passion of movies. For example, Youth and Forever Young let her rediscover the feeling she got from the films of her childhood: justice, kindness, bravery and selflessness. As a matter of fact, Ma Xiaoqiu's favorite films are appreciated and respected by Mr. Gellini, founder of Hollywood’s Family Film Awarda. In 1996, with the support of then President Bill Clinton and Hollywood legend Dick Clark, Mr. Gellini hosted the first family film award ceremony in Universal Studios. (Play a keniery Video - family movie award. The first video)

汤姆汉克斯等一线影星均获得特别奖項。 汤姆汉克斯说: 家庭电影奖,顾名思义就是适合家庭成员一起观看的电影,以家庭为核心导向,区别于暴力、性等非家庭主题的暖心电影。“ (放一段视频汤姆汉克斯说话)

Among those to receive awards was Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks expressed what we all felt: Family Film awards, as the name suggests, awards movies a whole family can watch and enjoy together.

随着中国经济的崛起, 中国电影业空前兴旺,中国票房也直追好莱坞大片创造的全球奇迹。 2020年终于赶超美国票房,成为全球票房粮仓 Joe:展示中国票房2020年图片)。 正是在新冠疫情高峰期、 马小秋决定入股好莱坞“家庭电影奖“,并成为其最大股东,为中国电影入围好莱坞、在好莱坞获得话语权。 好莱坞传奇-家庭电影奖创始人奥林匹亚.盖里尼博士和马小秋有着一样的梦想和对文化的热爱。 家庭是连接人们的纽带,一家人就是要互相照看;左邻右舍就是要互相帮扶;在疫情期间,我们的家扩展到整个地球村,和而不同,以和为贵。 通过家庭电影奖的全球话语权和软实力,结合中国一带一路打造人类命运共同体这一大事,马小秋将在好莱坞家庭电影奖的基础上, 扩展以“家“文化为核心的影视娱乐,将几千年中国传统文化中关于家国情怀、教育理念、财富之道糅合一体。有国才有家。在中国人心目中,家与国是不可分割,息息相关的。修身齐家治国平天下,中国人永远将个人荣辱、家族前途与国家命运紧密联系起来,近年来叫好又叫座的电影《流浪地球》《战狼》《我和我的祖国》体现的无不是中国人的家国情怀,均符合家庭电影的核心价值。

With the rise of China's economy, so too has China’s box office - it has rocketed to become number one in 2020.  Ma Xiaoqiu decided to take a stake in Family Film Award and become its largest shareholder. Like Ma Xiaoqiu, Dr Olympia Geillini, a Hollywood legend, shares the same passion and dream for film and the love of culture. Family is the first connection people make. As a family, we should care for each other.  During the time of pandemic, our family has extended to our neighbors, both individually and globally. Harmony is most important to the Chinese. Where there is a country, there is a home. In the eyes of Chinese, home and country are inseparable. In recent years, the well-known films The Wandering Earth , Wolf Warriors and My People, My Country reflect the Chinese people's feelings of home and country, which are in line with the core values of family movies.

这也是疫情后大洗牌的好莱坞和马小球创办的“华宇中国“影视集团面临海内外发展的难得机遇, 一个顺其自然的企业发展举措。“华宇中国”影视集团将吸纳有着全球和平梦想和家国情怀的影视人才, 在马小秋的领导下,金融和文化携手,产生更多的以家庭为主题的合拍电影。

This is also a rare opportunity for Hollywood and DYF Entertainment come together in the continuing fight against the epidemic. Under the leadership of Ma Xiaoqiu, finance and culture will join hands to create the synergy to propel co-production of many good family films through global talents.


后疫情时代:文化就是生产力- 用文化自信打造中国财富

原创 马小秋 太平洋财经 78


——记马小秋文化立业 道德治企的软实力创业之路
1日,中国疫情已经过去;74日,美国全面复工在即。过去半年,百年一遇的全球大流行病,让各国经济遭断崖式下跌,影视娱乐、社交活动一律取消,连今夏最火爆电影“No Time To Die  007: 无暇赴死” 也得“”一会儿,暂停上映。但是,福祸相倚,新冠肺炎也让人们更加珍惜养育我们的社会河床-我们的家和我们的社区,让我们在惊慌失措突然无助的瞬间,学会相互守望;学会个人与社会之间的共同陪伴 Alone Together。无论我们的肤色、语言、信仰有怎样的不同,我们在人类病毒的肆虐面前,心愿一样:好人一路平安。这-也许正是将人类命运绑在一起的共同价值观吧?

ma xiaoqiu
ma xiaoqiu

沃尔玛将其180个停车位改为Drive in 影院——回到50年代的汽车影院

ma xiaoqiu

北京枫花园汽车电影院 虽然股市跌了、影院关门了、迪士尼也推迟开园好几次,但是,香港上市公司董事局主席马小秋女士,六个月的中美抗疫,她没有停过,在中国捐物资,在纽约捐歌声。去年春节期间,马小秋女士出了一本书,是她10年来打造公司和财富的心得体会,书名叫《秋言物语》。秋- 可能是取其作者马小秋名字中的“”字;也可能是马小秋女士在百忙之后宁静的秋夜,写下的与心灵挚友的“秋夜对话”;也有可能是过往20多年的商业模式:创业-成功-失败-再创业-再成功-再失败-这个循环往复的过程中,她的醒悟?书中用散文和对话记载了她怎样突然悟到原来企业和个人,如果要能做到真正意义上的成功,一定得是文化的成功。没有文化的自信,何以见得能有可持续发展的企业的成功?她开始研读中国哲学,中国历史和中国传统文化中道家、佛家和孔孟之道,虽然有时得囫囵吞枣 《易经》 《道德经》《心经》, 虽然也似懂非懂《清净经》和《论语》,但马小秋不放弃。她视这些书籍为每天的良师益友和同路人。慢慢地, 她悟出一个企业要长存,必须要拥有一个坚实的文化理念,这个文化理念就是企业的DNA:文化立业,道德治企。这就要求中国鼎益丰坚守道德底线, 要求公司的一切投资,要以巴菲特为标准,走商业长期路线,绝不做短期投机。辅以中国天人合一和不变应万变的哲理,渐渐地,马小秋的文化自信开始转换为生产力。鼎益丰的资产开始上扬。10年如一日。也许,这就是一个国家的文化自信,浓缩在一个企业发展的过程中?也许,《秋言物语》要讲述的,正是一个文化就是生产力 的道理和实操经验?


由社会科学文献出版社出版的马小秋总裁散文集《秋言物语》美国一位畅销书作家看到了部分《秋言物语》的英文描述,这些描述让他很震撼。于是他决定向世界讲一个中国崛起、文化自信的故事- 用美得令人惊叹、没有瑕疵的英语翻译《秋言物语》。
对,你也许猜到这位畅销书作家的小说《林中枪声》(英文:Julius Winsome 即将拍成好莱坞大片。扮演主角的演员正是丹尼尔. 克雷格!扮演007 超级国际间谍演烦了,换个莎士比亚学者的林中复仇之旅,不也很精彩?!
《秋言物语》 摘选一

《我的光影故事》作者:马小秋译者:杰拉德·多诺万 Gerald Donavan




Gerard Mc Keon and Joyce Brooks.  Photo by:  Rose Billings/

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