Black Tie International Magazine Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu |
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Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu
World Film Institute Presents Autumn Dialogues |
World Film Institute
Autumn Dialogues
Dr. Olympia
Gellini and the World Film Institute Guests
welcome Mrs. Ma Xiaoqiu.
on a Live Video Link with China |
A. Mrs. Ma Xiaoqiu,
Greeting and Thanking all the guests, live from China
Bobbie Chance
Dr. Olympia Gellini
Mrs. Ma. Xiaoqiu
Mehdi Zokei, Publisher International Javanan Weekly Magazine
Nitzia Chama, TV Reporter Univision Network |
Dr. Olympia
Nitzia Chama, TV Reporter Univision Network
Arnold Garcia
Dr. Olympia Gellini
Arthur Peng,Chinese Actor and host |
Karla Silva PR Hispanic
Dr. Olympia Gellini
Dr. Jeannie Yi |
Dr Olympia
Bobbie Chance
Arnold Garcia |
Mehdi Zokei,
Publisher International Javanan Weekly Magazine |
Sam Hoss,
Advisor Financial Advisor |
Mortaza Farzanh
Director of Photography |
Tabibnia President, Higher Connections |
Tabibnia President, Higher Connections
Dr. Olympia Gellin
Sam Hoss, Advisor Financial Advisor |
Alex Tallman,
Phil Paul
Dr. Olympia Gellini
Viviane Lee |
Arnold Garcia
Hollywood Shine on Digital Solutions
Dr. Olympia Gellini
Dr. Jeannie Yi |
World Film Institute launching Ceremony
for Ms Ma Xiaoqiu’s Book
From life to Right
Sam Hoss, Advisor Financial
Jeffrey Jackson, Actor and producer event
Axel Tallman, CEO Global Innovation
Phil Paul,Architectural
Viviane Lee
Bobbie Chance, Hollywood Actors show cases
Mehdi Zokei, Publisher,
International Javanan
Weekly Magazine
Karla Silva, PR Hispanicc Media
Ashkan Tabibnia, President
Higher Connections
Alex Ben Block, former Editors
of the Hollywood reporter
Second ;
Stella Lee
Nitzia Chama, TV Reporter Univision Network
and Despierta America TV Show
Third :
Arthur Peng, Chinese Actor and host
Dr. Jeannie Yi
Arnold Garcia, Hollywood founder at Shine on
Digital Solutions
Delores Carnshow, film director writer
Cary Harris, working at UCAL
Last on the ground
Kenta Rooks Music Producer |
Autumn Dialogues,
authored by Mrs. Ma Xiaoqiu,
Launched at the World famous Beverly Hills Hotel.
The launch was attended by Hollywood Royalty, Celebrities
and Philanthropists with major National and International
Media coverage.
Guests: |
Allan Alexander
former Mayor Beverly Hills
Alex Ben Block, former editors of the Hollywood Reporter
Dov Simens, Hollywood film school
Delores Carnshow, film director writer
Cary Harris, working at UCAL
Sam Hoss, Advisor Financial
Ashkan Tabibnia, President, Higher Conections
Axel Tallman, CEO Global Innovation Fund
Bobbie Chance. Hollywood Actors show cases
Jeffrey Jackson, Actor and producer event
Arthur Peng, Chinese Actor and host 20 Kanta Rooks Music Producer
Phil Paul, Architectural
Arnold Garcia, Founder at Shine on Digital Solutions
Mehdi Zokei,
Published International Javanan weekly magazine
Lissa Pacheco, owner of TV show
Ms Vivian Lee and
Miss Stella Lee
Jose Beltran, Event Producer
Karla Silva, PR Hispanicc Media
Mario Huitron, Founder - Sabor Nerwork
Manny Hinojosa, Tequila Cazadores Global Brand Ambassador
Teresa Barahona, President of the Southern California
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Mario Ramorez, Sabor Network TV Host & Producer
Nitzia Chama,TV Reporter
Univision Network and Despierta America TV Show |
World Film Institute
Ms Ma Xiaoqiu’s Book
“Autumn Dialogues” held in Los Angeles
By Arthur Peng
On November 22,
2020, The 2nd launching ceremony of Ms Ma Xiaoqiu’s “Autumn
Dialogues” (English Version) was held in the Universal
Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles. The event organizers are World
Film Institute and DYF Entertainment. Dr Olympia Gellini
founder and president of World Film Institute and Family FilmAwards), and Dr Jeannie Yi
(renowned writer, investor,
one of the translators and editors of “Autumn Dialogues” and
advisor of DYF Entertainment) co-hosted the special book
Dr Olympia Gellini
invited his close friends including directors, producers,
entrepreneurs, web celebrities and media to join the event.
He said at his opening speech that this is a family event,
the guests include Latino, India, Chinese and guests from
other ethnic groups. This book launching event is different
from the 1st one held in Beverly Hills on Nov 21, 2020.
Hollywood is an international, multiple and diverse place.
Hollywood movies will lose 75% box without Indians, Chinese,
Latinos, Italian, and Middle Easter. It is honourary to have
Ms Ma’s book launched in such a special place, a
presidential suite in Universal Hilton Hotel near
Universal Studio.
Dr Gellini also
mentioned that the mayor of Los Angeles is very interested
in the event, he couldn’t make it due to schedule conflicts.
Mr Gerard Donovan (one of the
translators and editors of the book) attended the event.
Businessmen and investors Felizian (Philip) Paul, Ashkan
Tabibnia, Axel Tillmann etc were invited to the stage and
said a few words. The following VIPs are invited to
interview on the red carpet.
Bobbie Chances is a
senior film star and acting coach in Hollywood. She and her
husband Larry Bobbie founded Hollywood Actor's Showcase In
1990. A-List celebrities such as Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt,
Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore have graced the studio
with their presence, providing insight, business acumen and
appreciation of the craft. With an ever-changing group of
talent coming through the door from new up-and-comers to
soon to be famous celebrities including:
Giovanni Ribisi,
Stephen Dorff, Breckin Myer, Devon Aoki, Scarlett Johansson,
Drew Barrymore, Taryn Manning and more Hollywood Actors.
Bobbie gave her
warm congratulations to Ms Ma. She said Dr Gellini is
bringing something like a bridge, Family Film Awards is a
bridge which not just unites China, the United States, East
and West together but also the whole world. She said “I
haven’t met Ms Ma yet, but I know that everything she does
when I have heard about her comes out that she wants to make
everythings better for everyone.”
Arnold Garcia is the
founder, publisher and CEO of Shine on Hollywood Magazine.
Arnold’s early experience working in mental health
residential, outpatient, and emergency settings at Camarillo
State Hospital, California, personified the pain and
resilience of so many struggling to maintain emotional and
mental health. Arnold Garcia not only toured the world
performing top 10 hit dance music for which he was nominated
for a Grammy, but after a life-threatening illness and
recovery, founded Shine on Hollywood Magazine (SOHM) in
2012. Since its initial inception, the publication has
astounded mainstream media. SOHM garners over 26.6 million
hits annually, across 140 nations. SOHM became the fastest
growing publication while other magazines circulations
declined, and now is Top #3 on Google.
SOHM continues to
expand and is changing the Hollywood media framework from
gossip and division, to providing the inspirational and
positive stories of artists, philanthropists, entertainers,
fashionistas, non-profit leaders and more. In 2020, SOHM is
looking ever forward to increasing its influence as a
positive force in the entertainment and related business
industries under the guidance of Arnold Garcia. He is always
creating something new and always seeking ways to make the
world, his circumstance and yours, a better place to live.
At the book event,
Arnold Garcia said that Dr Gellini’s Family Film Awards
always bring something positive.He agreed upon Ms Ma’s point
of view on life, enterprise and moral. Recently many Chinese
and Indian celebrities have joined in Hollywood movies, this
tells us they have raised their global presence and
visibility. Ms Ma has joined and invested in the Family Film
Awards, this will lead the Family Film Awards to be more
successful and beloved by peoples from all over the world.
As the CEO of SOHM, Arnold Garcia said he would love to
cooperate with DYF Entertainment and try his best to give
publicity for Family Film Awards and Ms Ma’s book “Autumn
Dialogues” on his media.
Nitzia Chama is a
web celebrity. Inspirarte Latinos was founded by Nitzia
Chama, a native of Veracruz, Mexico. Nitzia has achieved a
successful career as a crossover talent in the Latino media
and in Hollywood as an actress. She has been the image and
spokesperson of renowned companies in several TV commercials
and campaigns. In theatre, she has participated in plays,
both English and Spanish.
Nitzia has made her
mission to inspire others and to tell the stories that
empower the Latino community.
Her greatest passion
is listening and giving life to the stories of her
community. She is an active participant in community events
with social causes that help improve the community.
Karla Silva teamed
up with Nitzia Chama because She shared the same passion to
inspire through extraordinary stories. Karla is a
multi-passionate entrepreneur, whose expertise is to build
strategic alliances. She has worked in the music and
entertainment industry but now focuses in the development
and investment industry.
They both were
invited to this event to interview and report about
Ms Ma’s book and life stories.
The event organizers
have arranged to show the video about Ms Ma,
her business and her book to the participants.
The author, Madam Ma
Xiaoqiu is a successful entrepreneur, writer and
philanthropist. She is vice executive president of Shenzhen
Enterprise Federation. The book is about her life journey
from an ordinary woman to a respected-billionaire, with 81
entries, the book records how she takes “Tao Te Ching” (the
Book of Virtues) as her own life force, her corporate DNA
and her guiding power of wealth creation. Through the book,
she hopes to share with all the people and cultures around
the world about how her life and yours can improve and
increase in assets through the practice of following
principles in the Book of Virtues.
The Chinese version
was published in 2019 and it became a popular book in China.
The English version just came out on November 15, 2020 and
it’s selling through Amazon website book store.
The most exciting
part of this event is that Dr Jeannie Yi made an
international call to Ms Ma. The VIP
guests got chances to talk to Ms Ma through a TV video. They
congratulated Ms Ma for her new book and hope to see her in
Hollywood in the near future. Ms Ma is the founder and 1st
President of DYF Entertainment, she has also funded the 24th
Family Film Festival which will be held in Feb, 2020. This
festival will be a wonderful Chinese-American joint film
event in Hollywood! Believing and looking forward to it!
Guillermo Proano) |
How long have you been working on this book
and why did you decide now was the time to finish it and
share it with the world?
ANSWER: The book has taken only one month to
write, but it has been written in my heart over a dozen
years. And there is also a philosophical question as to when
any book is ever 'complete.' However, a time did come when I
felt it was ready, especially given recent events in the
world. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that
philosophy and reflection are vital to happiness. That might
be the one good thing to come of it. I hope I can contribute
to that awakening.
You’ve accomplished a lot in your life. What
accomplishments are you personally most proud of and where
does this book fall in that list?
ANSWER: The great lesson about success in
life is that when you fail, you start again. If you fall,
you get up. When my first businesses failed, I began again,
from the beginning. That was an accomplishment that laid the
foundations for all the others. Discovering the Tao and
studying it intently was a key event that allowed me to put
all the changes in my life into perspective. After more than
half of my life Journey has been covered, what makes me
happiest is that at any given moment to have an equal
attitude toward all and be kind to all. I believe that in
this world there is a united system that contains us all,
big or small, humans and nature, without baseness and
nobleness, correlating and depending on one other for growth
and development. That’s the first. The second is everything
can re-start again. Every inch of time is important . I went
through many failures and defeats, I started again bravely
and with ease. This is a big achievement. This achievement
is foundation of all other achievements.
What do you want this book to do for you?
ANSWER: The book is an introduction to how I think, and why
I approach business the way I do. From that, there may come
a recognition of what we have achieved by applying the
lessons of our ancestors in the present time. I’m very eager
to exchange views and ideas against the backdrop of the
global cultural exchanges. This is only a “rock attracting
jade” with my readers . Only communications and exchanges of
ideas with the global readers can this book fulfill its
What do you want this book to do for the world?
ANSWER: I would like people to see that
history is a circle, and that literature is one of the
greatest gifts our ancestors have handed down to us. We are
reading our own future. I hope to show how in philosophical
terms I approach the various enterprises in which I am
engaged, and to share my view that the beauty this world
contains does not recognize where countries begin and end.
The insights of ancient China are as relevant today as they
were when first formulated. I feel that people generally are
experiencing a detachment, a lack of identity. We all come
from somewhere.
With such a large market and so many connections in your
homeland of China why did you want it in English and in the
中国图书市场很大, 您在那里人脉也很广, 为什么还出版英文?在美国出版?
ANSWER: First of all, there is the challenge
of real translation, which means translating ideas and
conceptions, not just words. That is a big challenge. Words
mean nothing unless connected in a real way to people's
experiences and desires. This book can be a testimony. It
can create a sense of togetherness by showing the ways in
which we think differently. The book brings up many
subjects, for instance my upbringing, the Tao, and business
affairs. The English edition is important because it shows
that dreams can be translated, and that histories can be
shared, directly from one culture to another.
are a couple of the big lessons taught in the book…or what
do you think people will most get out of the book?
ANSWER: People will perhaps view it as a book
they return to again and again. A key lesson is Do Not Put
Yourself above all others. We exist in the same global
system and move together. Another is to value who we are by
examining where and who we came from. We don't exist in a
vacuum. I see that tracing ancestry is becoming more and
more popular in the West, as it should be. There is the
importance of hiring from inside your own company rather
than assuming that talent from outside is the automatic
solution. Another lesson is the value of craft, of learning
a skill and taking great pride in it. I also touch on our
relationship to animals, and how eating less meat is
This book seems to be a part of a movement
that has other parts to it. I understand that you also
wrote a song. How does that correlate with the book? (born
in pandemic time )
The movement is an increasing awareness of
how the Tao can change life for the better. How it can
contribute to your wealth, your sense of completeness, and
your relationship with the world. That relationship exists
on many levels: finance, beauty, art, where we live, etc.
The song is connected to the book because it connects wisdom
with young people and makes it accessible. Words come alive.
What has surprised you more, all the views
and attention of the song The Prayer or all the success of
the book?
这首歌《惟愿》和这本书,受到如此大的关注, 这个现象最让你惊讶的是什么?
view count for the song The Prayer is certainly inspiring!
Any artist is happy when she shares a certain harmony with
others, whether through music or words or painting.Autumn
Dialogues, after its coming to the Chinese world, has over
100,000 retweets and the song The Prayer had over 1 billion
views. This is really inspirational! This means in the
current global environment, there are 1 billion people who
share the same rhythms with me, have the same care and
concern of the common topics. This excites me! Be it music,
literature, or painting, to share the thoughts and emotions
with the others of the likeminded, it’s a great joy! My
sincere gratitude to all!
ANSWER: We are opening a new movie studio in
Hollywood called DYF Entertainment. We hope to attract
talents from all over the world to create films that the
entire family can watch and enjoy, which in turn create
communication and harmony within the home. The Family Film
Awards, born in 1996 in Hollywood, will be great again under
my company’s management, and it will transform with
innovation, vitality and glory!
注入中国元素、活力和创新, 再次伟大! |
1st launching Ceremony
of Ms Ma Xiaoqiu’s Book |
Click Here to Purchase Autumn Dialogues from Amazon |
Mrs. Ma Xiaoqiu |
Autumn Dialogues
My Story with Movies
On Reading
Significance of the Small
The Heart
Autumn Dialogues-
Video Series-My story with movies (Commentary)
Film Awards主席。
Ms Ma Xiaoqiu is a writer, composer, singer
and a successful business woman. She is the first Chinese
woman to give a talk on the wisdom and force of the Tao Te
Jing in the United Nations. Her song “The Prayer”, written
in March, when the world was ravaged by the pandemic, was
viewed over 1 billion times and was awarded “best song
rallying against the pandemic ”. In the business world, Ms
Ma Xiaoqiu is the Chairman of the Board of Hong Kong listed
company: China Ding Yifeng (00612hk), CEO of DYF
Entertainment (New York), CEO of Beijing Lishi Film Group
(Beijing), Chairman of the Family Film Awards (Hollywood),
and she was named in Top 10 Most Outstanding Business Women
of Shenzhen.
Since the publication of Autumn Dialogues
by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in January 2019, there
are nearly 100,000 reviews and retweets on social media
platforms about the book and the author. Ma Xiaoqiu has
become a popular name, a personal brand associated with the
Chinese culture and its promotion nationwide.
Autumn Dialogues (autumn in Chinese reads “qiu”,
a pun on Ma Xiaoqiu’s name-Xiaoqiu, little autumn )
is about Ma Xiaoqiu's life journey in a
journal form. With 81 entries, this book records how the
author takes "Tao Te Ching" or the Book of Virtue as her own
life force, her corporate DNA and her guiding power of the
wealth creation. It’s an intimate look into the life of this
one of a kind lady written in flowing prose. The English
version will be available on Amazon on Nov 15, 2020.
Ma Xiaoqiu has a dream that one day she can
tell her grassroots Chinese stories internationally
through books, music and movies, through
mediums that are understood by all. Ma Xiaoqiu often
mentions to those around her, be it friends or coworkers,
that she has always had a dream about film making. In the
first chapter of Autumn Dialogues, she recalls the
scene of watching movies in a community square as a child:
"At that time, movies were far less common than they are
today. There were few movie theaters and there were fewer
movies. Open air film theater- makeshift structures erected
outdoors- attracted everyone. Every time a movie was to be
shown, word spread fast. Before it was even dark, entire
families had already had their diners; they gathered at the
venue early, hoping to get a good view. I also often carried
a small stool in one arm and my younger sister of five years
in the other. There was a white screen tied at all four
corners to trees or telegraph poles, nearby a projector and
a loudspeaker had been set up. The projector sprang into
life and sent a sharp light over the heads and the evening
air onto the screen. The magic of moving picture was more
powerful than whatever circumstances I found myself in and I
was transported to a world of heroes, people larger than
life. On the silver screen, heroes did what heroes were
supposed to do. And in the end, even after many setbacks,
justice prevailed.
Everyone knows the power of words, whether
written in books or spoken on screens by an actor. Many
also felt the magical effect of compelling storytelling:
hanging on every scene as the plot unfolds, anticipating
what will happen next. We worry over the protagonist and are
capitated by the plot. This love for a good story is
instilled in us since we were young, listening to our
parents lull us to sleep with bed time stories. We fall
asleep with images inspired by those words and those images
and stories accompany us in our dreams. This human nature
native to all of us has been passed on from generation to
generation since the emergence of human beings.
A good movie can draw us in and immerse us.
Those stories of overcoming adversity and hardship, those
stories that show courage in the face of injustice... we
revisit those familiar characters and journeys over and over
again, not because we have forgotten the storyline, but
because we want to experience the catharsis and triumph
again and again. These films have truly gone through the
test of time, teaching us life lessons through characters,
story plots and fantastic scenes since we were young.
"What I remember most deeply are Sons and
Daughters of Heroes, The Never-Ending Radio Wave,
and The Shining Red Star. The films of that era
planted the seeds of justice, selflessness and fearlessness
in me. Now that I think about it, the movies of that era are
very nostalgic to me... "
At one time, Ma Xiaoqiu lost interest in the
so-called "blockbusters" when the luxurious packaging of the
larger than life stories eclipsed all too completely
everything else. In recent years, with the rise of well-made
domestic family films, she picked up her long lost passion
of movies. For example, Youth and Forever Young
let her rediscover the feeling she got from the films of her
childhood: justice, kindness, bravery and selflessness. As a
matter of fact, Ma Xiaoqiu's favorite films are appreciated
and respected by Mr. Gellini, founder of Hollywood’s Family
Film Awarda. In 1996, with the support of then President
Bill Clinton and Hollywood legend Dick Clark, Mr. Gellini
hosted the first family film award ceremony in Universal
Studios. (Play a keniery Video - family movie award. The
first video)
Among those to receive awards was Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks expressed what we all felt: Family Film awards, as
the name suggests, awards movies a whole family can watch
and enjoy together.
中国电影业空前兴旺,中国票房也直追好莱坞大片创造的全球奇迹。 2020年终于赶超美国票房,成为全球票房粮仓
With the rise of China's economy, so too has
China’s box office - it has rocketed to become number one in
2020. Ma Xiaoqiu decided to take a stake in Family Film
Award and become its largest shareholder. Like Ma Xiaoqiu,
Dr Olympia Geillini, a Hollywood legend, shares the same
passion and dream for film and the love of culture. Family
is the first connection people make. As a family, we should
care for each other. During the time of pandemic, our
family has extended to our neighbors, both individually and
globally. Harmony is most important to the Chinese. Where
there is a country, there is a home. In the eyes of Chinese,
home and country are inseparable. In recent years, the
well-known films The Wandering
Earth , Wolf Warriors and My People, My Country
reflect the Chinese people's feelings of home and country,
which are in line with the core values of family movies.
This is also a rare opportunity for Hollywood
and DYF Entertainment come together in the continuing fight
against the epidemic. Under the leadership of Ma Xiaoqiu,
finance and culture will join hands to create the synergy to
propel co-production of many good family films through
global talents.
原创 马小秋 太平洋财经 7月8日 |
Time To Die 007:
Alone Together。无论我们的肤色、语言、信仰有怎样的不同,我们在人类病毒的肆虐面前,心愿一样:好人一路平安。这-也许正是将人类命运绑在一起的共同价值观吧?
影院——回到50年代的汽车影院 |
北京枫花园汽车电影院 虽然股市跌了、影院关门了、迪士尼也推迟开园好几次,但是,香港上市公司董事局主席马小秋女士,六个月的中美抗疫,她没有停过,在中国捐物资,在纽约捐歌声。去年春节期间,马小秋女士出了一本书,是她10年来打造公司和财富的心得体会,书名叫《秋言物语》。秋-
Gerald Donavan
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