We are sad to announce that our beloved
pet icon Lucky Diamond - the inspiration behind Animal Fair
has passed away. Lucky’s life and her legacy of saving
the underdog will be celebrated and her mission continued.
She made me realize how lucky I am no matter what transpired
in my life. I’m beyond grateful for the outpouring of
generosity and support from friends and strangers who know
exactly how much Lucky meant to me and how she inspired me
every day. After witnessing Lucky’s brave fight with canine
cancer, I will increase awareness for animal cancer and help
bring permanent homes to the 5 million animals that are
still euthanized each year, in Lucky's honor.
This is Lucky’s incredible story and
Lucky’s barkstory has it that she was
on her way to the pound when Wendy was contacted by trainer
Bash Dibra, and expressed interest in adopting a small dog.
Bash visited later that day and presented Wendy with one
furry fluff ball of love named Chloe. When Chloe was
introduced to Wendy she started loudly yapping and running
in circles, causing canine chaos and putting on a show.
Wendy took one look at the spirited hound, rolled her eyes,
and sighed “Oh boy, aren’t I Lucky!” And in 1999, Lucky
Diamond was born.
Lucky had no idea exactly how lucky her
life would be! Wendy, was so inspired by her little Maltese
she started Animal Fair Media, fairness to animals.
Alongside Wendy, Lucky promoted animal rescue and help
endangered species globally. Together they created a media
mindshare where charity combined with celebrity raised
public awareness about animal rescue and the need for
adoption from shelters nationally and on the local level.
Lucky's relationship with Wendy grew into unconditional
love, loyalty, and a genuine bond that happens when people
and their pets live together and work together with mutual
respect and harmony.
In her constant quest to give back (and
get some treats in return), Lucky served as the Chair-Dog
for the Katrina Pet Memorial, Grand Marshall of Barkus, as
well as the American Cancer Society's Bark for Life and
hosted 1000's of fundraisers in her lifetime. She was the
only civilian dog admitted into the United Nations, and
inspired the White House Pet Correspondents Benefit, St
Pawtricks, Yappy Hour, Paws For Style, Howloween events, all
to promote animal rescue and welfare. The Humane Society of
New York has named a wing after Lucky! Check out
AnimalFair.com to take a memorable look at Lucky’s many
accomplishments and adventures!
Lucky was inducted to
Guinness Book of World Records as the most photographed
dog with celebrities of all time! Over 300 world-renown
A-list celebrities, politicians, athletes and entrepreneurs
of the 21st century have been photographed holding Lucky at
charity related events. The list of celebrities featured in
this one-of-a-kind Who Got Lucky? photo collection include:
Bill Clinton, Rosie O’Donnell, Dave Matthews, John Travolta,
Kanye West, Betty White, Barbara Walters, Sting, Cloris
Leachman, Kelly Ripa, Hugh Hefner, Jessica Biel, Kim
Kardashian, Sir Richard Branson, Cesar Milan, Buzz Aldrin
and many, many others.
Wendy and Lucky traveled the globe
finding new and inventive ways to help disenfranchised
animals. The dynamic duo graced Russia, Greece, and Mexico
searching for puppy love in all of its many breeds and
meaning. Eventually, Lucky inspired her to author a
collection of best-selling books including;How
to Understand Men Through Their Dogs , How
to Understand Women Through Their Cats , It's
a Dog's World: The Savvy Guide to Four-Legged Living,
and her new witty instructional title; How to Train Your
Boss to Roll Over. Chicken Soup for the Soul recruited Wendy
and Lucky to write the forwards for their pet series –
including What
I Learned from the Dog and
My Dog's Life
Lucky’s underdog journey wasn’t easy at
the start, but has certainly been a trail of love and
service the entire way. Lucky Diamond was a true New Yorker.
She rubbed snouts at the local park dog run during the day,
and attended charity events benefiting other animals by
night! Lucky has been Wendy’s muse and close canine
companion since the day they met. She inspired Wendy to
discover her true calling, helping animals in need. Lucky
has left her undeniable mark on the world!
We are still planning Lucky’s wedding
(although now celebration of Lucky) to bring awareness to
animal cancer and rescue,
the most expensive pet wedding in history (Guinness
World Record). We will celebrate the new dog that Wendy
adopts to live on Lucky’s legacy of saving the underdog. If
any shelters have a hypoallergenic dog ready for adoption,
please let us know. The wedding will be a tribute and
celebration of Lucky's life! So the search for the Groom
goes on. Proceeds and donations from the benefit will be
made in Lucky’s name and benefit The Humane Society of New
She was the sweetest, purest soul
and totally without prejudice. Lucky was truly one of a
kind, and there will never be another dog like her! We will
miss her dearly, and she will never be forgotten.
Honor Lucky’s life and service by
donating to The Humane Society of New York:
Morris Animal Foundation www.morrisanimalfoundation.org,